What if there was a way that boat dock owners (fisherman and ski enthusiasts) could safely store all their equipment on their dock when they were ready to leave it without fear of having it stolen or vandalized. I am talking about fishing tackle, electronics, ski's, etc., the stuff that isn't tied down to their boat. I am curious to hear what everyone would first think of that capability and second what they would expect to pay or feel that it was worth paying for. My partner and I have a plan being drawn up as I speak of a way to know that your equipment will be there when you return to use it. Without going into much detail at this point, we are still waiting on some attorney work and things before we announce anything yet but, being dock owners ourselves we know that this problem isn't going away anytime soon and feel we can help resolve it. As I stated earlier I would be curious what how everyone would embrace that idea and what price people would be willing to pay to have that insurance.