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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Fished a tournament this weekend. Crankbait up shallow. Spinnerbait up shallow with the wind. Shakeup head and jig.
  2. With the forecast for all the rain will they start pulling water early?
  3. Ended up having to work Friday. So going to try this Friday any thoughts on water clarity closer to the dam this week.
  4. Has anyone had any luck lately? Was gonna head that way Friday just wondering what the water temp.was and if the water had cleaned up.thanks.
  5. Emailed Al just to find out and his words said something had crashed the site and he didn't know when it would be back up.
  6. Do you know how many hours are on the unit?
  7. Sent you a message.
  8. I have a place at whiteside, its a great site to leave your camper. I have been there 2 years and have some buddies that have been there 7 years. That's were I will be this weekend.
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