I will begin by saying that my fishing trips probably aren't an accurate way to judge how the fishing actually is, because I am still learning... a lot.
Anyways, today I headed down to Taneycomo to see if I could trick some hungry trout. It was actually only my 4th time ever trout fishing. I got there when they were still running a lot of water, so I sat in the car for a while. After the water slowed down the fishing was great. For the longest time I was pretty much alone. I only fished down below the boat ramp, and I caught 10 trout total. Two of them were caught on a San Juan Worm in fairly shallow water, while the others were all caught on various sizes of olive wooly buggers.
The olive wooly buggers seemed to be the key to success, and a few other gentlemen were down there really tearing them up. I was still fishing the San Juan Worm when the first guy showed up and was getting bites every time on the olive wooly. Since I am a beginner, I naturally just started doing what he was doing, which resulted in me learning a new technique was well as catching a lot more fish in a short amount of time.
Most of the fish were small, and naturally the biggest ones I saw were hanging out by my feet for a free lunch... Trout are lazy jerks.
I did manage to get a few meaty ones, but they all put up a good fight. I still go home happy even if I only catch two, because that means I did something right at least twice!