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Everything posted by trythisonemv

  1. Thanks. How far of a walk is that?
  2. I live in mt Vernon and it rained steady all night and morning! Drove over turn back and it looked like it was up high so good luck this weekend guys. Hope little sac got a good drink too. I will be up there next Monday . More rain Thursday so I'm gambling on the warmth from Monday pulling them up some then the rain and more warmth bringing them to taylor/Orleans area. I can't haul my canoe by myself so I'm limited
  3. Hopefully I an chomping at the bit to get my fly rod down there.
  4. Looks like the little sac isn't gonna come up enough again.
  5. Snakes already? Man they didn't even get a good nap lol
  6. Anyone know if you can still get down there next to the cemetery or do you have to walk all the way from the park area?
  7. Two years ago it got up high and I slayed them but last year I didn't catch but a few
  8. Still low. Dang it well we're expected to get .5 to 1in of rain today and that much or more tonight so maybe we will see it rise.
  9. Greenfield would be sons creek or turn back I haven't heard of anything up there yet accept river was really low last week
  10. I have a big canoe in good shape I'm thinking of trading for a kayak because my new truck is too small to haul canoe. Pm if you have interest in such a trade
  11. With this nice warming trend and rains we should see white and walleyes up the river to the old iron bridge very soon. Anyone caught anything down there?
  12. No whites? Bummer
  13. I know where Taylor is. I have never been to Aldrich though. Farthest I've been is the old bridge where you walk over the river on planks. Ty
  14. How far is Aldrich on the river from taylor?
  15. Lol with these temps were going to see them pop by the end of March!
  16. Yeah that floral carbon line is the best lol
  17. Awesome day!
  18. Amazing creek day! I got a strong urge to get down there soon. I still haven't broken ten inches down there and I know this is the right weather yo do it in. Nice photos chris
  19. Wish people would put some back!
  20. Taylor bridge on the little sac usually has a good run but last year didn't get enough rain!
  21. I just wanted to get a dialogue going on the white run this spring to get all the opinions on when and where it'll start! I usually hit Taylor but thinking James is going to start first this year! Anyone?
  22. I'm going to wait until the next week the days are supposed to be in the 60s for the next two weeks! This will bring them in
  23. Evaluate ecology I think is a smart decision. Just my two cents
  24. Guys think of it as this ... when people go and buy fishing stuff and spend money in fishing communities it is pretty much paying for the taxes. So it's Like getting a return on your investment in those taxes. We need to study water ecosystem impacts and if we can get people involved its even better. Five hundred to stimulate economy and
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