Had a few hours and decided to fish a little this evening. I didn't want to drive very far, so I chose to go to the closest access to my home. Fished the Crenshaw Access using various jigs, grubs, spinners, and cranks. Finally, when I was really considering packing it up, I caught a baby bass. I figured, I'd try one last thing before calling it a night, and put a plastic worm on a jig head. On the drop, the strike seemed magnificent, but probably because I was not expecting what I got. After a few leaps out of the water and decent fight, I was able to land my biggest fish out of this area......ever. I've attached a photo below. Because I believe this site is great, and the forums are informative, I'll share what I did. Black, Lucky Strike 4" plastic worm, on a 1/16 ounce jig head. I was using 6# test, my BPS Graphite Series Rod, and Shimano spinning reel. Handle on the rod is 12" to give you something to size it up against.
Here's a photo, and yes, this fish lives to fight another day! Good luck!