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Everything posted by bigjigjim

  1. I might bring my oldest two down and make a day trip out of it... Won't be able to camp. Baby will be right around a month old at this point. But it's only about a 30 minute drive?
  2. Decent smallie/crappie population?
  3. I'm new to Springfield and have about 3 hours tomorrow morning to get out for the first time this year. I'm taking the kids with me which is of no concern. (They outfish me sometimes) The only problem is that I have not had much time to explore since we've moved hereand I have no idea where to even begin. I want to find a river I can access from shore with the boys since they don't have waders. Just a point in the right direction would be awesome! Maybe the name of a smallie flow that is fishable and with in 20 minutes or less of Kansas Expressway and 44?
  4. What are you asking?
  5. Less than fmv? Nearly $3k an acre? Slow down turbo, Schwagstock stopped years ago, you didn't hear?
  6. That is my point. All to often MDC will not attempt to verify reports, and when they finally do come out they deny the majority of them. I previously spoke of one instance with in the last decade that I know first hand, where MDC said the carcass was not in fact a Mtn. Lion, yet they took immediate possession and would not release it back to the Farmer that killed it. Not to mention the whole ordeal was swept under the rug after the legal action they threatened was squashed. Phone calls not returned, no record of the gw coming out, and nothing was everpublicized tomy knowledge. like it never happened... I've also caught a glimpse of what I was certain to be a mountain Lion near Onodaga atop the bluffs of the courtouise(sp) this was just a glimpse, but it would have made for a huge bobcat! I have heard similar stories of MDC complete denial of iron clad evidence more than once across the state. Just because one or two every 5-10 years is publicized doesn't mean it's not happening. I think gen pop would freak out if MDC or any authority were to confirm regular presence of these predators. It would have a negative affect on more than one level. So I'm not saying that denial is right or wrong, just that is there.
  7. I say buy in bulk, remove the current manufactures badging, replace with your own and begin wholesaling to sporting stores and tackle shops!♤
  8. Al, I'm not disagreeing with you. It would be near impossible to miss a significant Wolf population. And yes archived newspaper are more often humorous than accurate. However they do go to show that claims or sightings have been happening for a long time and seem to stay consistent with claims and sightings of today. That being said it is hard to argue that proven Wolf sightings in Missouri are simply an anomaly. As I stated before, there is most certainly at least a migrating population... Should mdc establish an open season and issue public warnings to hide your new borns? No, but they need to admit that the presence is more than the occasional stray.
  9. That's good to know! Thank you. I intend on finding and thoroughly studying the regs prior to wetting any line. Do you know if there are topo maps of water depths anywhere?
  10. I'm not picky. It depends on the time of year. Winter months usually walleye and muskie, spring and fall a toss up between crappie and bass, heat of the summer I like running limb lines, and catfishing. I'm not limited on gear for the most part so I definitely consider myself a pursuer of all, master of none. But I ain't gonna starve
  11. First of all I want to apologize for the multiple posing last night. I'm not to found of Tapatalk in the short time I've used it. Like I said before, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don't believe in Sasquatch, Chupacabra The Grass Man, or that aliens visited ancient civilizations. But I have been blessed with thousands of hours of recreation in this state... Not to say that I don't still have a lot to learn and experience, my ears are still wet as far as I'm concerned. But over the years I've spent alot of time listening to old timers and sitting around a fire with some true "frontiersman". Pair that with my own experiences and research and it is hard not come to this conclusion. The wolves have been plentiful in Missouri for a long time, long before my time... I searched one archive and this is what I found in Less than 2 minutes. A significant amount of archives exist to support my thoughts. Find an archive anywhere in the state and you will come up with consistent claims dating back before the turn of last century until present.
  12. Nevermind, I realized that this was a Springfield lake report, not Fellows. I digress.
  13. Forgive my ignorance please. I am new to Fellows Lake, I had the understanding that there was a 40hp max... Is this a typo or am I mistaken and need to adjust my search for a compatible boat?
  14. I would agree that you are most likely relying on it too much. I went on a walleye charter on Lake Erie last spring that had some pretty advanced electronics combined with a captain that was very familiar with it and the waters. I appreciated the resource being he was able to keep us on eyesand not sheep's head all day, but I would feel guilty utilizing that advantage on a regular basis. I currently run a late 80's early 90's Eagle on bow and stern, shows me depth, structure, temp and if I hold my mouth just right I can determine if I'm on a school of something that's alive or someone's old Christmas tree. Figuring out what that something is and what it's hungry for is half the fun. Then again life's priorities make it difficult to justify the purchase of an under water voyeur cam. I also have an old hummingbird lcd that I modified to fit in a tackle box with small 12 volt battery for use on the ice... Don't think I'll be using that too often in the Ozarks?
  15. I have felt for many years that MDC has had an active "conspiracy" surrounding the population of wolves and big cats in the state. Starting back in 2003 my old man was living in Beaufort Mo on some land that was tucked back in a holler. He swore till his death bed that he had 5-8 wolves that passed through his land on a near daily basis for about five months a year. He attempted to inform MDC, they blew him off. He took molds of multiple sets of tracks on the same path to the local conservation office, they insinuated it was a hoaks. He passed away as a result of lifestyle choices in 2006 and shortly after his passing I read an article of a pack passing through Franklin County from the northern Rocky Mtns. While handling his estate I met several locals who confirmed his stories and said that for years a group of wolves would seem to settle in the area for several of the colder months but no sign of them come the warmer season. The one man claimed as many as 10+ some years. Another old timer spoke of shooting one that was running the area with a group of 6 or 7 in the late 80's. He said he notified the game warden who claimed it to be a freakishly large yote but oddly insisted on taking possession of the carcass immediately and would not allow him to take the hide from his harvest. After hearing it from multiple people I felt bad for always passing Pops off as a "Squatch Hunter". I shared this info with family members out of semo who also claimed periods of time over the years when much larger and darker than usual "Yotes" were around. I believe that there is a migratory population existent in the back woods, more so than eager youth passing through as MDC claims. I also have seen first hand trail cam pics back in 2003_4ish of 3 Lion cubs and a large female in Crawford County. (around the same time frame that Bourbon PD Treed that bear and shot it out of the tree along side Hwy 44) The camera had pics of this cat family on it every couple days for about 5 months. It was really cool to watch them grow. It would take photos of the cubs playing and wrestling in front of the feeder while mom was typically not top far away. The deer population around this particular area seemed to be real skittish and seldom frequented the feeders put out in front of the cam. We experienced found several deer carcasses that year that had been mutilated and disassembled. MDC was notified and presented with the pictures. One of the neighbors about a half mile down the road operated a hatchery and kept finding large cat tracks along his pond banks. He also notified MDC and was told that he was mistaken even tho he offered multiple eye witness accounts. MDC swore he was full of bs until he contacted them to come fish the body of a mature male Lion out of his hatchery pond. They threatened charges but stood down upon threat from his legal Council. We never seen sign of the cats again after that and it had been speculated that MDC captured and removed the the cubs and female for relocation to a more suitable territory. Never found documentation on the Crawford County incident, however I did see the trail cam pics and dead male myself. I spent some time searching this evening for the article on the Beaufort claims but had no success while operating on my phone. I feel that there are consistent migratory populations to say the least. If not a small breeding population of both. I am not typically a conspiracy theorist but in my experience I think MDC feels that it is not a threat currently and that acknowledging the re population of these predators through the media would cause much more panic from the general than is warranted, therefor they down play the reality for the sake of conservation? IDK? Just a conspiracy theory? As far as the man who "mistakenly" harvested one, I feel he may be a comparable character to the South Park hunting brothers. "It's coming right at us!" Is not justifiable means for poaching. Especially something that naturally making a comeback... ide almost rather read of an Elk mistaken for a mulie during primitive arms week!
  16. I have felt for many years that MDC has had an active "conspiracy" surrounding the population of wolves and big cats in the state. Starting back in 2003 my old man was living in Beaufort Mo on some land that was tucked back in a holler. He swore till his death bed that he had 5-8 wolves that passed through his land on a near daily basis for about five months a year. He attempted to inform MDC, they blew him off. He took molds of multiple sets of tracks on the same path to the local conservation office, they insinuated it was a hoaks. He passed away as a result of lifestyle choices in 2006 and shortly after his passing I read an article of a pack passing through Franklin County from the northern Rocky Mtns. While handling his estate I met several locals who confirmed his stories and said that for years a group of wolves would seem to settle in the area for several of the colder months but no sign of them come the warmer season. The one man claimed as many as 10+ some years. Another old timer spoke of shooting one that was running the area with a group of 6 or 7 in the late 80's. He said he notified the game warden who claimed it to be a freakishly large yote but oddly insisted on taking possession of the carcass immediately and would not allow him to take the hide from his harvest. After hearing it from multiple people I felt bad for always passing Pops off as a "Squatch Hunter". I shared this info with family members out of semo who also claimed periods of time over the years when much larger and darker than usual "Yotes" were around. I believe that there is a migratory population existent in the back woods, more so than eager youth passing through as MDC claims. I also have seen first hand trail cam pics back in 2003_4ish of 3 Lion cubs and a large female in Crawford County. (around the same time frame that Bourbon PD Treed that bear and shot it out of the tree along side Hwy 44) The camera had pics of this cat family on it every couple days for about 5 months. It was really cool to watch them grow. It would take photos of the cubs playing and wrestling in front of the feeder while mom was typically not top far away. The deer population around this particular area seemed to be real skittish and seldom frequented the feeders put out in front of the cam. We experienced found several deer carcasses that year that had been mutilated and disassembled. MDC was notified and presented with the pictures. One of the neighbors about a half mile down the road operated a hatchery and kept finding large cat tracks along his pond banks. He also notified MDC and was told that he was mistaken even tho he offered multiple eye witness accounts. MDC swore he was full of bs until he contacted them to come fish the body of a mature male Lion out of his hatchery pond. They threatened charges but stood down upon threat from his legal Council. We never seen sign of the cats again after that and it had been speculated that MDC captured and removed the the cubs and female for relocation to a more suitable territory. Never found documentation on the Crawford County incident, however I did see the trail cam pics and dead male myself. I spent some time searching this evening for the article on the Beaufort claims but had no success while operating on my phone. I feel that there are consistent migratory populations to say the least. If not a small breeding population of both. I am not typically a conspiracy theorist but in my experience I think MDC feels that it is not a threat currently and that acknowledging the re population of these predators through the media would cause much more panic from the general than is warranted, therefor they down play the reality for the sake of conservation? IDK? Just a conspiracy theory? As far as the man who "mistakenly" harvested one, I feel he may be a comparable character to the South Park hunting brothers. "It's coming right at us!" Is not justifiable means for poaching. Especially something that naturally making a comeback... ide almost rather read of an Elk mistaken for a mulie during primitive arms week!
  17. I have felt for many years that MDC has had an active "conspiracy" surrounding the population of wolves and big cats in the state. Starting back in 2003 my old man was living in Beaufort Mo on some land that was tucked back in a holler. He swore till his death bed that he had 5-8 wolves that passed through his land on a near daily basis for about five months a year. He attempted to inform MDC, they blew him off. He took molds of multiple sets of tracks on the same path to the local conservation office, they insinuated it was a hoaks. He passed away as a result of lifestyle choices in 2006 and shortly after his passing I read an article of a pack passing through Franklin County from the northern Rocky Mtns. While handling his estate I met several locals who confirmed his stories and said that for years a group of wolves would seem to settle in the area for several of the colder months but no sign of them come the warmer season. The one man claimed as many as 10+ some years. Another old timer spoke of shooting one that was running the area with a group of 6 or 7 in the late 80's. He said he notified the game warden who claimed it to be a freakishly large yote but oddly insisted on taking possession of the carcass immediately and would not allow him to take the hide from his harvest. After hearing it from multiple people I felt bad for always passing Pops off as a "Squatch Hunter". I shared this info with family members out of semo who also claimed periods of time over the years when much larger and darker than usual "Yotes" were around. I believe that there is a migratory population existent in the back woods, more so than eager youth passing through as MDC claims. I also have seen first hand trail cam pics back in 2003_4ish of 3 Lion cubs and a large female in Crawford County. (around the same time frame that Bourbon PD Treed that bear and shot it out of the tree along side Hwy 44) The camera had pics of this cat family on it every couple days for about 5 months. It was really cool to watch them grow. It would take photos of the cubs playing and wrestling in front of the feeder while mom was typically not top far away. The deer population around this particular area seemed to be real skittish and seldom frequented the feeders put out in front of the cam. We experienced found several deer carcasses that year that had been mutilated and disassembled. MDC was notified and presented with the pictures. One of the neighbors about a half mile down the road operated a hatchery and kept finding large cat tracks along his pond banks. He also notified MDC and was told that he was mistaken even tho he offered multiple eye witness accounts. MDC swore he was full of bs until he contacted them to come fish the body of a mature male Lion out of his hatchery pond. They threatened charges but stood down upon threat from his legal Council. We never seen sign of the cats again after that and it had been speculated that MDC captured and removed the the cubs and female for relocation to a more suitable territory. Never found documentation on the Crawford County incident, however I did see the trail cam pics and dead male myself. I spent some time searching this evening for the article on the Beaufort claims but had no success while operating on my phone. I feel that there are consistent migratory populations to say the least. If not a small breeding population of both. I am not typically a conspiracy theorist but in my experience I think MDC feels that it is not a threat currently and that acknowledging the re population of these predators through the media would cause much more panic from the general than is warranted, therefor they down play the reality for the sake of conservation? IDK? Just a conspiracy theory? As far as the man who "mistakenly" harvested one, I feel he may be a comparable character to the South Park hunting brothers. "It's coming right at us!" Is not justifiable means for poaching. Especially something that naturally making a comeback... ide almost rather read of an Elk mistaken for a mulie during primitive arms week!
  18. I've never fished Fellows but plan to often now that I'm living less than 5 minutes away. I'm definitely going to be doing a bit of exploring trying to learn the lake. Any advice, inside info, or open seats would be appreciated. I do have a boat but it has a 50 horse and is in the process of getting a new floor, any open seats will be paid forward by mid summer. Disclosure: I am not asking for your secret spot or honey hole. Feel free to pm any info that you're not willing to share openly. I literally have no knowledge of this body other than location.
  19. They use it up north too. I was never a fan, but have seen great success early season before the water warms. Follow the ledges and keep it slow. I lost a local tourney last year to a drift guy that filled his bag on a real tough day of hail and bitter winds where the rest of us came in early due to lack of action and discomfort.
  20. I moved out of state for a job about 6 years ago and hated it until I joined the local fishing forum and started to meet some great guys. Spent alot of time on the water, and got involved in the community. Now I'm back home in MO, as I get settled into the new place I figured one of the first things I should do is find the local fishing forum and meet some like minded outdoorsman. I would not say I'm new to the Ozarks because my family always has and still does spend nearly every spare moment taking advantage of all the This great state has to offer, but I have never "lived" down here. I'm chomping at the bit to get back on the water. I often found myself comparing the fisheries up there to the Ozarks and telling tales of back home, boasting of our beautiful stream systems, hunting opportunities, conservation efforts and the bountiful results. Half way complaining that my experiences up there were subpar to şay the least. Of course I would hear more often than not, "Pics or it didn't happen." I can't wait to get unpacked and settled. Hopefully I can find some spare time between smallie trips so I can get the boat put back together and drop it in one of the puddles down here. So good to meet yall...
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