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Fishn' Addict

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Everything posted by Fishn' Addict

  1. Headed to Viola for a few days tomorrow. Is there any good Crappie fishing around that area this time of year? Any recommendations for bass are also appreciated! Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Must have been doing something wrong, went to Orleans this evening for about 3 hours and only caught one.
  3. Put in at Bridgeport, pretty slow day overall but found them on the bank in one cove. 14 keepers and about 6 shorts.
  4. A decision you'll never regret, putting God first always pays off. Not to mention, depending on what time your service starts and travel distances if you really got the itch to go you can put in at daylight and get a couple hours in and still be at church on time, I don't because I got litle kids to help momma get ready for church but I know guys at my church that do some times. God Bless.
  5. Looking to put some budget friendly electronics on the boat and I was wondering if anyone on here has used this or knows anything about it. I found it online, but could only find 1 review on it so any input anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Another member on here has offered me a good deal on good used hummingbird units and just weighing my options. Thanks
  6. Launched at cc this morning and fished for a few hours. Water still had lots of debris low visibility. Caught 13 bass only 1 keeper and two short walleye. All fish caught on the Ned. Threw several other baits with no success, tough day but had a great time.
  7. Sorry I couldn't resist, got on to check some fishing reports and found myself reading all the drama lol. Overall I love this forum and I really appreciate everyone sharing their knowledge and results but some of these conversations would be better suited for my new breakthrough social media site I created, it's a combination of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, it's called YouTwitFace, feel free to join. Good luck to everyone fishing, I'm going to try my luck this Thursday and I'll post results if I do any good.
  8. Haven't been there in about 3 weeks but I'm going tomorrow I'll reply again after I go and let you know.
  9. Thanks everyone for the replies I really appreciate it. I ended up getting some strike king zero worms and cutting them down and I found some off brand mushroom jig heads 1/16 and gave it a try. Here were my results from my first ned experience: Fished the rig for about 3 hours and caught 17 bass only one was a keeper. I missed tons of fish and there seems to be a learning curve for setting the hook or maybe it's just me. I will definitely be trying it out tomorrow again. I'm camping near shell knob and was told jug n plug had a good selection so I'm going to check there in the morning, if not I'll just keep fishing what I got and order some online when I get back home.
  10. Anyone know if there is anywhere around that has these in stock. I'm heading to table rock for a few days tomorrow and I wanted to try the rig out. Stopped by bass pro this evening only to find them sold out of the zman baits and shroomz jig heads. Thanks in advance.
  11. Ranger Dave at this time of year the males are usually darker in color than the females and that's how you can distinquish them just by looking, I'm usually pretty good at doing so but I know for sure when I cut them open by the two long white sacs the males have on the inside.
  12. Had my license and live well checked last two times in a row when I pulled out at cc, can't remember last time before that I had been checked.
  13. yes I definitely plan on getting out after this rain comes through. good luck to you too.
  14. Aggressor I'm definitely no expert and still learning alot about crappie fishing. I didn't do a very good job of laying the Crappie out for the picture and you can easily see those two females on the top but there are a couple more females on the bottom and they were not carrying eggs.
  15. Put in at CC this morning and fished toward turnback. Picked up 9 keeper Crappie on chunk rock bank in 8-12 fow. 5 of the 9 were females, 3 were spawned out and 2 were carrying eggs ready to go anytime. It looks to me like they are getting busy but not on the banks.... curious to know if anybody else thinks so too.
  16. Put on at cc this morning. Caught tons of small males in 6-10 fow, fished deeper hoping to find the bif females with no luck. Ended up with 7 keepers all caught right on the bank along with a bonus walleye and white bass.
  17. The access road is gravel but the ramp itself is concrete.
  18. Sac River Jim I had a great time it's always nice to get out on the lake no matter what and you can't catch em' everytime but we'll get on them next time! Thanks for taking me along.
  19. This is a small bass tournament that we are hosting to raise money for our local youth ministry. 2-4 person teams. $100/team entry fee. You fish in any lake, pond, river, or stream you want and bring your teams 4 biggest bass to the weigh in at 6pm. The weigh in will be at Freedom Christian Center, 17044 Hwy 39 Aurora, MO and dinner will be provided. The winning team will receive a $400 cash prize. There will be a conservation agent on hand with an official scale for the weigh in. You can start fishing at 1st light on April 25 and all fish must be brought to the weigh in alive. You can call or text 417-737-1780 to register or ask questions. Once registered I will mail/email you a packet with all information, entry fee must be paid prior to day of tournament. This is our second year hosting this tournament, last year we had 7 teams but everyone had a blast and it went really well. Thanks.
  20. Sac River Jim I'm heading to Stockton tomorrow afternoon with 8 year old daughter. Any suggestions on where to launch and fish I'd like to get her into some whites. Thanks.
  21. Winning team had a 13.5lb weigh in, biggest bass only 4lbs. Yeah all fish came from private farm ponds and went back into one.
  22. Just wanted to give an update on our fundraiser. It was a great success everybody involved had a great time and we were able to raise some money for the youth. We had a conservation agent on hand with an official scale for weigh in and the best part is that every bass was alive and well at weigh in, we had a stock tank ready for quick transport afterwards and released them unharmed. This was our first one and based on results we will be doing this atleast annually.
  23. Freedom Christian Center is located halfway between Mount Vernon and Aurora on hwy 39 and no the fish caught that day won't be dinner.... the idea is to bring live fish to the weigh in and if you don't want to filet your fish we will have a safe way to transport them to be released.
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