I already know MY thoughts are much different on this topic than most of you. But wanted to say a few things as I have seen quite a few posts about how the fishing pressure is way too heavy for the lake.
Back in the early 90's I fished Beaver Lake exclusively. Myself and many other complained and bitched and griped about how crowded the lake was with boaters and fishermen, LOL And now 20 years later we are still doing the same. LOL What I have found through experiences from coast to coast and from the gulf to Canada is this: The complaints are the SAME where ever you go. Its always about the fishing pressure on a certain lake.
With that being said, I personally feel its NOT the pressure but the fishermen themselves wanting to blame their failure to catch fish on something other than themselves. All lakes fluctuate every year, with one year great fishing the next year not so great fishing. WHY? My guess would be that the fisherman happen to be fishing a certain lure at a certain time and the fish were THERE. Next year they were fishing the same way and the fish changed. You can go to the same log year after year and catch bass off the same log, but you might have to change baits, presentation, time of days etc etc etc. Bass are creatures of habit, once you learn the habits........
They say only 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. If this is true and I tend to agree with it, then fishing pressure is NOT the issue. The skills of the fisherman is the issue. Some people in this forum can go out everyday and load the boat with fish, WHY? My guess? They put the time in to be able to understand the fish and its movements etc. Some on this forum may only be able to catch fish in the summer, others only in winter.
I did not put this out here for arguments or anything like that. I was just voicing my opinion regarding the fishing pressure excuse that I have seen being thrown around. I would like to hear folks chime in with their thoughts though. I don't know about other members but it is always great to hear adn learn things. Even at my age I learn something new everyday!!
And Thanks for having a place to discuss things. I certainly appreciate it!!!!!!!!!