I say I have to agree with Smalliebigs... I floated Cedar Creek to the U road bridge with a friend yesterday and overall I would have to agree that the area must be getting pounded in recent years. Im a catch and release only guy, caught a good amount of fish, but the majority were smaller fish, only a handful of 14 inch fish and one 15 inch fish in that stretch of the river between the two of us. With it being better than average habitat (in my opinion) for SM bass in that stretch of the Big River, I was somewhat confused as to the numbers of SM bass, specifically larger fish. Now I obviously cannot catch only "big fish," however, I feel like the area must be getting ran through pretty hard to not give up any more than what we ran into. To add to it, the spotted bass population was pretty strong through that stretch as well, which also adds fuel to the fire for those smaller SMbass to get big. I understand its tough either way to enforce better regs on a stretch of river such as that and many others in Missouri with the amount of manpower the MDC has, however without doing anything, the SM bass in the BIg river and other streams throughout Missouri will continue to suffer unfortunately. I can only hope the MDC takes two steps back and really looks and listens to what the anglers such as the many of us on this forum (and are out there experiencing first hand) have to say about the current state of SM bass in many of our Missouri streams...
"it cannot always be great, but it can always be better"