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  1. Sir ? I'm sure you are aware of my post asking to purchase a Lure Duplicator, I'm letting you know it was posted with the most respect of this site and with our deepest regards to civility, a few of your members here are out of control at best, they are making false wildly accusations and accusing a genuine person of things that are untrue. You need to be aware of this at best and I would appreciate your help in repairing the truth. Thank you Rich Henderson Please review our thread, and post it back up as we think there may be a unit we desire in this area coming up for sale, also we would appreciate your assistance in policing your members.

    Thank you 

    1. SoInBassman


      Admin I asked for your help restoring our post looking to purchase a lure duplicator, but you restored an old post where I had some reels for sale, ? I'm not sure why but that is not the post I asked about. Those reels were my sons and were sold quit some time ago? Thank you for your help in this matter.

    2. SoInBassman


      Thank you, we are trying to buy an old lure duplicator and heard there may be one coming up for sale in the Ozark's area? Just trying to be proactive and see if we can locate this old machine. Thanks again Rich

  2. grizwilson no offense except your comparison to our post count? why would you make that statement? If you read this post you would see the facts, did you just decide to jump in and get a quick case of the dumba** or do you have another motive? post counts mean nothing, especially when they are as ridiculous as some here. If I were the Moderator or site manager a bunch of you guys would be gone, because this is not tollorated in the real world, nor should it be here? I'm wondering why you posted your stupid remark? care to share it with the rest of us? I'm sure you have a good explanation.
  3. Old plug you my friend and a few others, are why the American Indian feared the white man, you give the true meaning of he speak it with a split tongue, falsely and without regard to the truth?
  4. falsely accusing someone is a serious offense! Those reels were purchased and it's really none of your business! I suggest you keep you nose, mouth & conspiracy's to yourself. oldplug, you are what's wrong with the country today! I came on here asking a legitimate question, we are looking to purchase a real piece of equipment, we are paying cash with money we earned the hard way, is that not enough, yet you have to spew your rhetoric because we are trying to succeed? why. Are you that miserable that you have to doubt everyone, ? if so I'm sorry that's what your life has come to or you will be remembered by. I have been building custom crankbaits by hand, ( my own design ) thank you since 2010, they have been very successful, and have a huge following. I do not have to explain myself to you, nor do I care to ever sell you a lure, so please do not comment any further on my situation, your opinion is not needed or appreciated. Honestly your post are sickening and repulsive. I have tried to keep this civil yet you keep making statements that are untrue, you have no idea of what you speak of yet you keep posting stupid replies, I would suggest you keep you opinion's to yourself. That goes to everyone that does not know what the heck they are talking about. With that said, we are looking for a lure duplicator, and there may be one in the Ozarks area that may be for sale? if anyone knows of such item, please contact us and we would be happy to talk to you or the seller. Thank you and have a great day. Rich
  5. You are right, if this forum is worth it's grain of salt it will ban you for life, best of luck in your future. They cannot go on with members like yourself!
  6. fishinwrench, I hope you are joking? based on your post and demands I would never do business with you, nor would I recommend anyone else doing business you, but I wish you well. The way we do business is the old fashion way, our word, hand shake and our commitment that has stood the test of time, I hope you are able to live up to our standards. I wish you nothing but the best, but we have to honor our commitment to our customers and vendors and will not waiver in that commitment. I'm going to gracefully bow out as a threat to you or this forum and wish nothing but the best for you, I hope you take this as a token and make the best of it. Regards Rich Henderson
  7. You call it what you want? I call BS on your position? maybe it's a stand off? the members can read and, and make their own decisions? I posted we are looking for a Lure Duplicator, and we still are,? as far as all the BS, That's up to you and whomever wants it to be. This post was never meant to be about anything else? you and the other members here made it that way, any way you slice it or twist it We still are looking for a Lure Duplicator, and if you or anyone you know has one for sale, please let us know, we have cash in hand and would be willing to arrange pick up for the right unit. I know this unit is several thousands of dollars and maybe sentimental but we are dedicated and willing to pay a fair or above market value price. please accept our oppology for playing along with this forum as we thought it was a place of honor and respect for ALL fisherman and followers. I'm sorry for the conduct that has taken place here, I HAVE NO USE FOR THIS CONDUCT. Mr. Rich Henderson Thank you
  8. You are a genius!
  9. I'm SORRY He is only involved in the purchase of the equipment. as it's several, several, thousands of dollars$ You are free to speak your mind gracefully? but you have missed the point! ask away?
  10. Sounds like you and your buddy are worried about another builder? Let me say this!, if for an instance I was concerned or challenged by an outsider, I would focus on my own stuff to make sure it was the best product available, and if it was I would not be worried about any outsider? this leads to believe your products leave more to be desired
  11. Johnsfolly, do you know of a duplicator for sale? if not State your case and if not why are you posting or getting involved in something you have no business with?
  12. No Olive branch, or carp on line the line just a bunch of BS. You guys are horrible at stating your case. Is that the best you can do? Simply put we are asking if there is anyone who has knowledge of a duplicator to let us know? Simple as that, do not add your BS, This forum is full of enough of that. t
  13. Ok, for the fourth and final time! Lures, how do I have to spell it out L. U. R. E. S. fishinwrench, you should be able to understand this? can we not make it any simpler than that. If you don't understand Mr. Rich will be avialable Monday and you can speak with him?, it's pretty simple, really he wants what he wants and will buy it or have it made, I don't how else to put it?
  14. Your kidding right? or are you now the local expert! How have you established there are no Duplicators available? I MUST HAVE MISSED SOMETYHING, Please let the rest of us know? as you seem to be the expert on the subject State your case we are listening?
  15. Any of what? your kidding right? at least I hope so.
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