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Everything posted by breeves2245

  1. Thanks, I'll work on getting those uploaded to my Helix. Leaving today to spend a couple of days camping/fishing at Prairie Creek, so I'll have time to figure it out.
  2. Really appreciate the feedback. I'll just concentrate in the Prairie Creek area. A 17' aluminum bass boats and recreational boats don't play well together. So if Grand is full of those, that will defintely get me to Beaver. Plus the few YouTubes I watched on Grand makes me appreciate the beauty of Beaver.
  3. Yes, Avoca Hollow. Sometimes I forget to get out my trusty Hot Spots map of Beaver. Of course once I got it out I had to dive in for more detail. The legend indicates fish locators are marked. Any idea what those are made of? Wondering if they are still intact. I have the latest map, but I think the version is several years old.
  4. Hit Prairie Creek this morning. Do ya'll call it the right fork or east fork? Anyway, fished the fork to the right. Caught about 8 or so, but nothing over a 1lb. Throwing a topwater popper, DT6 Crank and 3.5 Keitech. All on the popper close to the bank. Need to find bigger fish next time. But it's hard for a bank beater to quit throwing that topwater when I'm getting hits!
  5. Don't hear much from anyone fishing the Clifty areas. Is that because it's more difficult to get to (Rocky Branch Marina) coming for the Bentonville/Rogers area?
  6. I knew I could count on Quillback to respond after over 70 views with no response! Thanks. I guess I'll keep it local and just learn the Prairie Creek area.
  7. Upgrading my 16' bass boat/utility boat to a proper bass boat - A Lund 1775 Renegade. Plan on hitting Beaver more often is one reason to get a larger boat. Question - since both are almost the same driving distance, which lake do you think I'd have better luck with Grand or Beaver? If I want to spend time getting familiar with one of the other, might as well concentrate on the more productive lake. Talking bass fishing mostly.
  8. I get overwhelmed with big lakes. Coming from a topwater bass fishing background on small reservoirs, I feel a bit defeated when I show up at Beaver. Maybe just focusing on one smaller area of the lake is a good way for me to attack Beaver. Yes, the drive is much less hectic and I'm all about lowering human contact when possible. Although it may not have as much "entertaining" boat launch techniques to see as Prairie Creek. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. I got camping reservations at Prairie Creek for next Sun-Tue. Going to fish that area. But you got me thinking about Indian Creek too. Think I'll make reservations at the campgrounds there very soon. I take the small travel trailer and then come back to the house to get my boat. Gotta ask. Since it's not much difference drive time wise to Indian Creek vs Prairie Creek, why do you prefer Indian Creek mostly? I am just assuming you do based on posts. Appreciate the fishing updates. It keeps me motivated!
  10. What pound test you throw in that clear water? My bass fishing background is from the Houston area. So one foot of clear water is pretty clear. I'll never forget the first time I launched at Indian Creek. I could see the boat ramp down to 15' or more. Almost wanted to hook back up and go home.
  11. Had to take a look at the AFGC site. I see where I can download Beaver Lake fish attractors to my Humminbird. This should be a fun project. Surely it will work perfectly on the first try!
  12. I went online to "fishinghotspots" to see if my old map had been revised. It appears to look identical to my map. The online map says it is a revised 2007 version. Question - it has a lot of info about the different fishing points of interest, do ya'll feel it is worth much? Is there a more recent map available? Maybe one that shows fish attractors sunk? As I'm typing this I'm think maybe AGFC has such a map. https://www.fishinghotspots.com/e1/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=287&idcategory=
  13. I'm going to have to get some Medicare advice from you next year!
  14. You're right, I might need to revise my plan!
  15. Reserved a campsite by Parker's Bottom for tomorrow evening. Figure I'd do some river fishing and the next morning make the long 13 min drive over to the Indian Creek boat launch. See if I can scare up a stripper or two before the sun gets up. First time trying this with the new rig, but if it works out like I think, I'll do it on a regular basis. I'll hook up my 16' Crestliner. Should be nice to fish either the river or lake without the hour drive. Camp site cost $20.
  16. Great suggestions. Thanks for the feedback. I'll copy paste all the comments into Word for future reference.
  17. My house in Bella Vista is scheduled to sell next month. I'll be relocating to my rental in Fayetteville for up to a year while my new house in Bella Vista is being built. Currently when I go to Beaver, I launch out of Prairie Creek. Where would ya'll advise to launch coming out of the west side of Fayetteville? In past years I have used Hickory Creek and recently tried Twin Bridges. Wouldn't be too excited about using Twin Bridges on a regular basis. I like secure areas with a dock to tie up the boat after launched. Also, any suggestions on other lakes like Bob Kidd, Lake Sequoyah, etc? Thanks.
  18. Thanks for the detailed info. It's really helpful for someone like me that has done much exploring around Beaver.
  19. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. If I change up and start heading to Indian Creek, you think Quillback will be ok with me fishing his creek?
  20. I'm a simple man. I like chunking tiny/baby torpedoes, crazy shad, poppers, spooks, buzz baits, etc for top water bass. I've tried to adapt to these highland lakes around here but the fact of the matter is I just don't care much for using my electronics to determine if the fish are holding in 15 or 30 FOW. Figure out how long I need to let the Ned rig drop before retrieving. I just want to ease out at first light, throw my preferred assortment for three to four hours and get back to the house. Just retired so I got the time now. Think I'll concentrate on heading to south Arkansas, maybe East Texas. But for the times I want to just stay local, where on Beaver is my best choice for top water? I usually launch at Prairie Creek and hit Bear/Deer island. Had some success the last few years but figure there are better areas. Any advice is appreciated.
  21. I guess since I got retired last week of March, I'll be contributing some on this board. "Got retired" is another way of saying laid off. Oh well, was going to retire this time next year, so close enough. My curiosity got the best of me, had to make a run to Twin Bridges yesterday. Just an exploratory trip since this was my first time. Got there about 1:00 pm. About 15 boats out, many were kayaks. Not the best launch, but I've used worse. Not knowing where to go or what to throw I beat the banks and out 15 feet or so with the Ned and a blue/silver Flicker Shad. Even threw a Mepps spinner. Beats me how this place is on fire and I get blanked after three hours of chunking those lures. Maybe the switch from SW to NW wind, I don't know. And I hear whites are either off/on sometimes. Didn't see any other boats catching either. I liked that part of the river, easy to fish with plenty of brush to target. Didn't go all the way up to the War Eagle arm. I'll fish it again sometime. One question - I know there is a White River forum, does this post belong there?
  22. I was reading my AGFC email this morning. I sure would rather launch at Prairie Creek than trying to figure out how to get way down to the south end to 45 or Twin Bridges. We get much of a white bass run further up here as opposed to down south? A time for White Bass White Bass fishing is on fire in tributaries of Beaver Lake! White Bass can be found in good numbers in the upper White River (above Highway 45 or Twin Bridges Access), and on War Eagle Creek by War Eagle Mill on Beaver Lake. Don’t forget that the smaller tributaries can have a White Bass run as well (Prairie and Indian creeks). Did you know that White Bass spawn on larger rip-rap by the dam? We have observed White Bass actively spawning in this area of the lake! The White Bass population in Beaver Lake continues to provide great fishing opportunities and there is no creel or length limit on White Bass in the lake.
  23. I just got to ask because I see most of your posts about Indian Creek. Do you fish that area of Beaver exclusively? Always wondered about it and figured I'd just up and ask!
  24. Just wanted to get out of the house so I head over the Rayburn about 4:30 to chunk it around some. Threw a Bomber Fat A crawdad color. First fish, real nice sized crappie. Second one, nice sized blue gill, third a channel cat and the fourth a small bass. All on the crank, go figure.
  25. Quillback, all your Indian Creek posts got me lathered up to give it try. Went over last weekend. Ok overall, caught several LM but no size. Did have on goodun' get off. I tell you, that clear water just zaps my confidence. Feel much better down south around the Hwy 12 bridge. Plus PC marina or Hwy 12 launch is about a 28 minute drive from southeast BV. So I'll leave you to your domain up there and just be satisfied to read your posts.
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