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Everything posted by bburns

  1. My grandparents had a lake house 1/4 mile up the road from the marina, on the bluff side thankfully. I spent most of my summers there from 1977-1992 until we moved to the lake ourselves. Thanks for posting.
  2. My son caught this cat over the weekend on an ultralight while fishing for bluegill with a worm. Got the fight on video and had a blast watching him battle it. It made 4 hard runs and I was shocked the line didn't break, we inspected it afterward and it was badly frayed, one more run and it would have been done. My daughter also caught a nice flathead off the dock with a worm. Pretty rare occurrence in our fishing experience.
  3. Had to laugh at the ad at the top of this thread about dock damage. Sorry to get off topic.
  4. Piney, I'm not sure.
  5. http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/tabular/htm/tabrock.htm
  6. A buddy of mine caught a smallmouth this weekend with a quarter-sized hole in its belly and its intestines were visible. Like yours it was otherwise healthy and gave a good fight. I'm curious to know what these were caused by. This was in Little Cow Creek.
  7. About a 30 minute drive.
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