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Rob P

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Rob P

  1. Too windy to sit still and fish a jig last weekend so we casted cranks and trolled. At times it was 10-20mph, in backs of coves it was swirling and would eventually find us. Caught a lot of short bass and some nice keepers. Shallow flooded brush we focused more towards dusk and caught a lot of short bass. During the high sun we trolled and caught bigger bass 25-30feet deep. It seemed they were in no mood to swim up so we had to be sure to have baits exactly were the fish were suspended. Water temps were 78 and 76 by weekend with cooler night temps. To me that was still post summer pattern with fish holding >25fow. If wind died down for better boat control I would try jigs on deeper points. Great weekend of fishing!
  2. Its been slow 2 weeks ago we caught bass trolling crank baits in 25-35fow. Small bass but still active. We started using clip weights to get the baits deep and it has produced.
  3. 684 as of this morning. 688 doesn't seem that far away.
  4. where was the link that described 688 by the 4th? It was interesting to read about Table rock height/discharge with the lower white river levels and when BS can start dumping water. Thanks.
  5. 688 is predicted? Wow 677 last weekend, but it went up about 4 feet since then. Lotsa debris near Oakland. heading down this weekend.. We'll try to get out, maybe troll some for the walleye. Maybe just do yard work. Campground ramp was open, but no where to park. Had to back a long way down around the curve. The area along the causeway is open to launch, but its loose material and no pavement. Also no where to park.
  6. I've taken a number of classes on installing my own solar system. The economics are not there for me to do it myself. Now that net-metering has taken over all 50 states, there is no more profit for the home owner. Its a credit that's rolled over each month, and the credit expires at 1-year. Payoff includes upfront costs, maintenance and upgrading. Depending on what you want to supply, 25-50-100% grid, payback can be 15-25 years. That might or doesn't include long term maintenance. Watching technology, systems are being upgraded all the time, plus wind technology is improving. New today will be 10% less efficient tomorrow thanks to science. One of the basics we covered in classes was about maximizing your property before doing any type of alternative energy system. Caulk everything, redo windows, weatherstrip doors, add insulation, power strips to shut off appliances, unplug everything to remove ghost usage. Run a ceiling fan more vs the house AC, upgrade to an electronic thermostat. Doing minor things can save you ~25% before you do anything related to a system. Many think it will add to your house value. New buyers might like the savings, but hate the maintenance. Unless the EV system is in great shape, its like buying a house with an old pool.. Tax credits for a system are useful, if you have a contractor do all the work. Do it your selfer might not get the credits, since a licensed company didn't sell you the hardware or do the labor. Check your state laws before doing anything. I'm not saying its bad, I'm saying its not for everyone. It all depends on your lifestyle and current usage.
  7. RPS where can I find the article? I've been using line counter reel and snap on 2oz weights to get down to 25fow. I can use all the help I can get to improve my catching. I did use leadcore but my kids complained about their arms hurting reeling in all the time! It does seem depth precision for 20-25fow is a must for bait control and getting the rods to bounce with fish. Thanks. .
  8. This past week we had some good fish on shallow cranks on the flooded points and in the back of coves. Xrap and husky jerk with a fast retrieve caught everything plus 2 gar. Topwater was hit and miss so we switched to a ~1-2ft shallow diver and the bass turned on.
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