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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by McManus

  1. Interesting. What trout are native to the coldwater streams in the American West? How many--which of those streams--now are primarily hatchery trout? Other than brown trout, what trout were primarily stocked in the United States?
  2. Unbelievable! Where's the private landing strip?
  3. PC, I can not think of a better place to put things in perspective--than a few days standing in the water waving a stick (as John Geirach said). Please tell my old friends, the Millers hi--at Weavers. Don
  4. www.warmfly.com You'll enjoy it.
  5. McManus

    "gut" Fly

    I think Bob Gaston's Fly Shop is closed.
  6. Why doesn't Missouri have an equivelent? Why don't the trout parks have a kids only area? Does Missouri have kids only fishing areas any place in the state?
  7. Tim, how'd you do at Bennett?
  8. As a nonresident; I always thought your fee was a modest cost to visit your little part of heaven.
  9. Thank you! I come here to discuss fishing--not politics!
  10. If there's doubt in your mind about fish. Walk the trail from the Hatchery to the Spring. You can really see down into the water from the trail.
  11. www.missouritrout.com/weavers click on fishing reports
  12. Cricket, You know how to find me. McManus
  13. Perfect! Four answers--four different vises. I tie with one, of the above--but would be happy with the Peak, Dynaking or the Renzetti. I've had the opportunity to use these and find them all to be excellent vises.
  14. Thank you, Phil McManus
  15. MSAMATT, Any thought that Chuck will add the smallmouth fisheries in southwest MO--with an updated book? Please say yes.
  16. Feller, by the name of Phil Lilley has a fly shop. If you tell him what you're fishing for, he'll guide you with flies to tie, materials, and the proper equipment. You're just beginning a terrific passtime.
  17. There wasn't any information on the Chrsyler CEO who agreed to work for a buck a year. Are these guys going to corporate "jetpool" on their next trip to Washington? Are they going to buy Super Bowl ads to tell us about their plight? There's a difference from helping someone--anyone--who has a plan--these guys just showed up figuring that the taxpayers had to help them. Is there any money for small business "bailouts"?
  18. I'd like to just have a fishing board. I'm certain there are politcal boards for discussion.
  19. Dale Williams (from Weavers Tackle Shop) and Mike Runyon (from Sand Springs Resort) guide on the Niangua.
  20. Yep, needs a blasting cap.
  21. Goodness, when was THE MOVIE, 1992? Surely if those people are still fly fishing, they've joined a club, been to a class or read a book or two. I do agree, good manners should be posted; for rookies to read-to avoid embarrassment; and so you and I can just point; or ask Mr./Ms Rude, to please read the Rules of Etiquette posted at stream side. I think that's a great idea, and should make confrontations rare, therefore making it easier for park employees.
  22. The fertilizer Atlas made was nitrocarbonitrate fertilizer. It can be an explosivel
  23. Is this a conservation issue? Let's talk about clean water.
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