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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by McManus

  1. Thank you! I remember camping there one cold December weekend 1986 with Troop 631. The Scouts took an historic hike of south St. Louis. Don
  2. My schedule's pretty rigid. I have a scheduled trip to Bennett for the 13th through the 16th. I'll let you know how I did fishing a flood.
  3. Kids Fishing Day is exciting---but when is the MO Dept. of Conservation/DNR going to step up and find locations, like Dry Run Creek?
  4. From mid November until mid February, you can fish the entire park catch and release. It's all ours---four months a year.
  5. Don't you love a sport that has so very few "rules"? When you do break the rules incorrectly;;;;only the fish "throw a flag". Instead of 15 yards---you've experimented and learned a lesson.
  6. Bob will be here Saturday February 23. Please go to: www.HOAFF.org click on outing schedule then click on details. This will be a super program!
  7. www.hoaff.org We meet at 79th and Mission Rd. in the Community of Christ Church.
  8. I'm among about a dozen guys who get together on Wednesday evenings. During the winter we tie flies--and watch a little basketball, while tying. Ordinarily there are 4 to 6 to 8 of us. Sometimes we agree by email to tie a particular fly. If one of us is off to a trip to Colorado, or Alaska; we spend weeks tying flies for his trip. During the summer, we fish at local ponds, and smoke a few cigars. In the summer, our wives and kids sometimes join us. I think you'll have a great time.
  9. And the big question is will KU and MU expel so much emotional energy---they'll be unable to play well, next Saturday.
  10. MIZZOU--RAH!
  11. John's "Fishing the White River" Seminar was terrific! He was the only tier who gave me a fly (soft hackle green butt) with aDOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK guarantee---and I caught fish on that fly. It was my first conclave, and I had a great time.
  12. Way Back in The Hills by James C. Hefley. This is a great book about growing up in Newton County, Arkansas.
  13. May I offer a hearty second, to your vote for William Tappley's Brady Coyne mysteries. It is with great sadness that I report having checked out each and everyone; and have no more to read.
  14. I appear to be purple. I wasn't too fond of the extreme right or extreme left choices for answers.
  15. Thanks, Phil.
  16. Phil's picture is on page 251.
  17. Thank you, very much!
  18. I noticed last night that Phil Lilley is in one of the pictures.
  19. I bought this last fall and while I'm not a seasoned fishing traveler in MO and AR; this looks good to me. Has anyone else taken a look at this book?
  20. Promise Mountain is near Eureka Springs, AR. Thanks
  21. This is a family outting. I'll only get a bit of time. My daughter made reservations at a place called Promise Mountain. Any ideas, please.
  22. There'll be 6 adults and 3 girls under the age of 3. Grandpa wants to fish. The gals want to go to Eureka Springs. Being just a little cheap. I'd just as soon fish in Missouri and avoid an extra license for 6 adults. We're hoping to go down on Friday July 20 and come home to KC on Sunday July 22. Where would you stay, and how far am I from fishing and Eureka Springs? Thanks, for the help!
  23. So what are they going to do about it? I wade in the stream---sometimes I fall---I wade around damp all day in those waders---is this OK?
  24. Lem was a geologist. Although at one point he chucked it and owned Sand Spring Restaurant for a little over a year. However, as he told the story, he realized after a year down there that his wife and daughters didn't enjoy living down there like he did. They moved back to Independence, MO.
  25. Lem Hutton, who died just recently; used to help Wanda at the shop on Saturdays. Lem only fished Renegades! He took my kids from the spring to the whistle bridge one day. He showed them how to fish that fly every way possible. He was unbelievable with it! Great memories, and great people. Some of the kindest and most sharing fishermen I've met have been at Bennett and on the Niangua.
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