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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. You got it... kinda. Changed the name. Best I can do. We have too many forums as it is. But it's a good add. Thanks
  2. After the Little St. Francis and Big River enter in, the river forms... What should this say? Not sure I got this description...
  3. Denny- rainbows don't go to the ocean and steelhead do. Think that's it. Rolan- no new places except the flyouts we'll do from Kodiak. They'll be day trips.
  4. http://lilleystacklestore.com
  5. It won't be much different than what it's doing each morning right now. Wading will be tough but not impossible.
  6. If he's catching a lot of trout, he has to be getting rid of them or he'll have a possession issue. That's something agents will look into.
  7. Check the regs, Cricket.
  8. Can't cull outside of sanctioned bass tournaments. You can keep fishing anyplace BUT Trout Parks- you can not keep fishing after keeping a limit of trout.
  9. Taneycomo is 20 inches and one of four trout per day. If he's taking that many big trout out, there won't be many left soon. He's fishing himself out of a good time- literally. He could be using sculpin for bait or another live or cut bait no one else is using. Could be using something illegal like trout parts. Bottom line is that if he's this out front of his catch, I would think the agents there would be watching him pretty close so that he is stay within the law. If he's been doing this for quite a while, I bet he's legal. Don't know the shop or shop owner but if it was me, I'd make darn sure he's catching them legal if he's bringing them in the shop showing them off. I'd watch him myself. But that's just me.
  10. "Decent" subject to your definition. Conditions should be far from what we've been seeing. The fishing part depends on the fisherman.
  11. The people at Empire just informed us that they will be drawing down the lake to build the boards back at Powersite. The Corp will be running water, though, to keep the upper end watered during this time. They'll start drawing it down Friday late and through the night the water will be completely off. Saturday am they will start running water- about one unit. This means that Taneycomo's level and generation schedule will be back to normal after the weekend. Expect some down water after the boards are back up.
  12. We are catching some walleye lately. Seems we do after a major water event like we had in May. Catch them mainly by accident.
  13. Hello All, We are going to start evaluating the growth and survival of rainbow trout fingerlings (3-4”) in the Beaver and Norfork Tailwaters. During our previous growth and mortality study (conducted on Beaver Tailwater from July 2009 through December 2010), we observed low annual survival rates (1-4% annually) of catchable size (11-inches) rainbow trout. As a follow up to that study, we would like to evaluate the success (in terms of growth and survival rates) of McConaughy fingerlings (which are a more “wild” strain) and domestic strain fingerlings. In order to do this evaluation, we’ll be marking about 24,000 fingerlings (12,000 of each strain) for Beaver Tailwater and 20,000 fingerlings (10,000 of each strain) for Norfork Tailwater. Each strain will be given a freeze brand in a different location, which will help us distinguish the strains from one another when we collect them during electrofishing samples in the rivers. As soon as we finish marking the fingerling rainbow trout, we will be marking about 67,000 cutthroat trout fingerlings that will be stocked in the Norfork Tailwater and Spring River. We are scheduled to start marking these fish at the Norfork National Fish Hatchery on Tuesday July 26th. We will mark every weekday after that until we finish, which will likely take us through August 5th. We usually start around 8:00 am and mark until 2:30 or 3:00 pm. We will need several volunteers each day to help us get through all the fish. Please let me know whether you will be able to help and what day(s) you will be available. If you can only help part of a day, that would be great as well. For those of you who have helped us before, we will not be fin clipping any of these fish. The majority of work will be running the freeze branders and helping get fish from the raceways. I look forward to hearing from you all. Thanks! Christy Christy Kitterman Trout Management Biologist E-mail: clkitterman@agfc.state.ar.us | P: (870) 424-5924 | M: (870) 404-0477 Arkansas Game and Fish Commission 201 East 5th St. | Mountain Home, AR | 72653 O: (877) 425-7577 | F: (870) 425-6596 www.agfc.com Gassville AR, 72635 870-404-8845
  14. What town did you grow up in? My home town is Parsons. Jeremy Hunt does fly tying lessons- here in Branson. He'll start up again this fall I guess. Watch for his announcements.
  15. You're in good company...
  16. Bill and I leave again for our annual trip up north- to Alaska. I leave on 7/24 for a week at Naknek River Camp - King Salmon, AK - to see how my cabin has faired. I haven't been back there for a couple of years now. It's an in between time - rainbows will be good and some pinks will be running but it's too late for fresh sockeye and too early for silvers. But I'll get to spend some time with my buddy Jim Johnson. May be float a river... do some exploring. Then I'll meet up with Bill on Kodiak Island. We will host 2 groups of men for a week each. We're staying at Olds River Inn just off the Olds River. Pinks will be in full swing - fish on every cast using spinners and spoons. We'll do some deep sea fishing for halibut, rockfish and ling cod and we'll also fly them out to a river that hopefully will have a fresh run of silvers. We'll have internet and should be able to keep up with things back home as well as sending pics back for you all to drool over. Not talking about the fish... talking about the mild temperatures!!! King Salmon- low to mid 50's and 40's at night. It'll be a big shocker for sure! Kodiak should be 60's daytime. Looking forward to spending time with my buddy Bill and enjoying some Alaska-time!
  17. I'm planing on doing a new map but not until the lake level is back to normal... which means the boards have to be back up on Powersite. Then we'll be able to tell what the normal level will be. The channel is basically the same except it's deeper in spots and narrower in others.
  18. Just goes to show they're still a ton of big crappie in Table Rock. Thanks for posting!
  19. Hey- I have that CD with pics. Mine turned out ok and I knew Ricky had taken a couple of pics so I ran him down and now I have his pics for you too. The CD will be in the office with your name on it. Thanks for bringing it by the dock!
  20. Not sure what happened. It's an old post. Could have had something happen in the last upgrade. Not sure how it affects the blog itself. You might try deleting the post and reposting it or posing another entry.
  21. <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/7-16-brown2-500.jpg" width="500" height="205"></p> <p>Not much has changed since my last fishing report.&nbsp; Generation is generally the same with the exception that Table Rock Lake has dropped to 919.3 feet with is just a little more than 4 feet above power pool.&nbsp; The Corp is generating 1-3 units, starting slow in the mornings but by 2 pm they’ve increased outflow to 3 units, bringing Taneycomo up to 709 feet which is pretty good flow.&nbsp; You can see past flow patterns online at this link - <a href="http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17240">http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17240</a>.</p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/7-16-jig-350.jpg" width="300" height="294" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right">The best bite of the day is early and late in the day… but wait a minute!&nbsp; It’s 9 am Saturday morning and someone just called me to the dock to see a “huge brown”.&nbsp; Tom Bowman and Fred Bershauer were working the bluff bank below Fall Creek throwing a 3/32nd oz sculpin/peach jig with an orange head and Tom hooked a big fish!&nbsp; Had trouble getting the fish to the surface and when they did, seeing how big it was, did they panic?&nbsp; Nope.&nbsp; Although it had a couple more fast and hard runs in him, they landed the 17.46 pound brown trout in short order, got it in the live well and headed to Lilleys’ dock.</p> <p>This is the same bank, the same area I’ve been saying is holding some big rainbows and browns.&nbsp; It’s the same bank I caught a 6 pound brown a couple of weeks ago on an olive jig.</p> <p>Tom and Fred were pretty excited.&nbsp; They posed for a few pictures, we weighed it and then it was back in the lake to grow some more.</p> <p>And I was worried about how I was going to write a fishing report when conditions and fishing patterns hadn’t changed in a couple of weeks.&nbsp; I don’t like to write on the same techniques, colors and areas each report because it actually gets boring reading the same things every time but Tom’s fish has added some excitement to this one!</p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/7-14-brown-500.jpg" width="500" height="409"></p> <p>We had another brown trout caught and brought to the dock this week.&nbsp; Carol Fessender of Palmyra, MO caught a 6-pound brown just up from our dock while drifting a night crawler on the bottom.</p> <p>Water temp is hovering around 54-55 degrees and water is stained.&nbsp; If you’re wanting to get out and wade, the island at Lookout is a good place.&nbsp; There’s quite a few riffles and holes where trout are holding.&nbsp; Linc Hunt has been going up and fishing the riffle at the top of the island and finding fish there taking zebra midges, san juan worms and scuds.&nbsp; It’s fast and not that deep but the fish are there.</p> <p>I haven’t tried it but it’s on my list this coming week to get out and wade the shallow side of the lake from Lookout down to the Narrows and see what’s over there.&nbsp; I’m sure there’s rainbows holding on the flats it’s just a matter of how to lure them.&nbsp; I’m going to try stripping streamers and soft hackles and drift some scuds.&nbsp; I haven’t been fly fishing much this summer cause the jig bite is so good, it’s hard to put the spinning rod down.&nbsp; I’m sure I’ll be getting out real early in the morning before the sun gets up- that should be the best time.</p> <p>Guides are still drifting #14 olive or gray scuds, red san juan worm, peach egg fly and a white wooly bugger from the cable down past River Run and picking up trout early and late in the day.&nbsp; Mid day is tough.</p> <p>Drifting with Gulp Eggs and night crawlers from Trout Hollow down past Lilleys’ Landing and then from Monkey Island through the bridges is till good.&nbsp; I still hear of people having trouble feeling the trout bite from the weight bouncing on the bottom.&nbsp; Adjust your weight!&nbsp; Go as light as you can stand- getting the bait to the bottom and feeling the tick on the gravel.&nbsp; This will make is easier to feel the true trout bite and you won’t get hung up as much on the bottom.</p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/7-16-brown-500.jpg" width="500" height="341"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/7-16-brown-release1-500.jpg" width="500" height="333"></p>
  22. Welcome to the Ozarks. Bill Babler posted a report that should help you with your fishing- as well as other guys and gals here. If you have any questions while you're here, just ask. Enjoy,
  23. I'll weigh in on this since I have a marina. I've never seen Cape Fair Marina and don't know the people there. Don't know anything about the business other than they're on Table Rock. Can't compare a marina to a resort. A resort makes their money in rooms and most resort's marina or stall business is only a small fraction of what they make total. So they can scrimp on stall rates and get by. That's how I see it here at my place. Marinas make their money in stalls and boats and if they have a tackle shop- that too. But most of the money is going to be in boat rental. Monthly stall rental is big on some marinas if they have a bunch of stalls. Not knowing their situation, I would say they only have a few stalls open for nightly rental space- everything else is used by monthly or weekly customers- and they charge $30 because it non consequential if they rent by the night. I agree, $30 could and probably does have a negative affect cause they kinda have the customer over a barrel since they may be the only place in the area you can rent a stall by the night- don't know. I know Table Rock's prices are higher than Taneycomo's - boat rental and stall rental- mainly because TR's season is much shorter and they have to make their $$$ in few months where we are year-round. It's business and ultimately the customer has the final say.
  24. Yea I do. Is anyone on the board fishing at the Pothole? Jeremy said there's dozens on the banks and in boats fishing down there and no mention of if here on the forum. I know sometimes ppl like to keep things quiet... and that's ok. But it'd be nice to hear just how good- or bad striper fishing really is down there. Just wonder if there's a bunch of stripers or just a few being caught.
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