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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I don't want to get into a conflict with the officers story here but I got my info from a close source. The gender part really is confusing. They fought the guy for quite a while- up close. What makes to sense in the story is why the guy would be at the bottom of a 250 ft cliff on his own and why the officers were down there to if they were not pursuing him. The news story has alot of holes in it on it's own merits. Whatever the case, a young man is dead and that's a very sad thing.
  2. HOLLISTER — Taney County Sheriff Jimmie Russell said Wednesday at 2:10 p.m. that a person who fell into Lake Taneycomo this morning has yet to be found. Western Taney County Fire District Assistant Chief Bruce Bjorge said that the fire department was called to Acacia Club Road and Lowell Street in Hollister at about 7:30 a.m. to assist Taney County Sheriff’s Office deputies with retrieving someone from an embankment. Upon arrival, the victim could be heard calling for help as deputies moved to assist the subject. “There was a 70-percent grade, very muddy, rocky,” Bjorge said. The subject then rolled down the embankment and into Lake Taneycomo, according to officials on the scene, and was witnessed about 30 feet from shore in the waterway’s current. Firefighters were immediately deployed along the shoreline at the point of entrance to Turkey Creek and launched a boat from the creek to assist with the search. Water Division of the Missouri State Highway Patrol launched a boat from Branson to assist. Fire department personnel remained a part of the search until about 9:30 a.m., when Water Division officials released the fire department from search and rescue efforts. Bjorge said he can’t officially confirm the subject’s gender, but he did say sheriff’s deputies were already on the scene investigating break ins at a nearby apartment complex. Responders from several agencies assisted with the search including Taney County Sheriff’s Office, Hollister Police Department, Branson Police Department, Missouri State Highway Patrol and Taney County Ambulance District.
  3. Man that's alot of water. You may not recognize your river when it's all said and done. Lots of gravel will shift and banks will change. What does that do to places just below the dam- Gastons and others? They all seems to be pretty high off the water and they are on the inside bend.
  4. Here are some pics of Fall Creek. Excuse my finger in the one. These two are of the building ABOVE the dock. It's new erosion. This is below the dock. Not sure if there more gone from the bank- hard to tell. The pontoons in the stalls are taking a beating. I hope they don't flip- don't think they will. The other boats are doing better. Lots of strong current there.
  5. We saw them too. They went up once and drifted back by us. We all thought it looked like trouble. Fortunately they were the only ones we saw except for one guide with clients. I would suggest anyone with little experience get on this lake, at least up here, until the water drops. Ryan and I took a trip up to the dam this afternoon. Nothing new except more bank at Fall Creek Condos have eroded away and another building is compromised. We got to about Big Hole and decided not to go further in our G-3. The rollers are about 3 feet high up there. I was even spooked.
  6. I found out.... The catwalk on the lake side of TR dam is at 935. At 936, surface water on Table Rock Lake can splash the electric motors that open and close the flood gates. If the motors are not able to function, then they (Corp) lose control of their control. They will NEVER let the lake get to 936 under any circumstance. TR is supposed to crest at or just below 935 tonight, baring no more rain. Beaver is dropping. They are going to leave everything as it is still at least Saturday to get the levels down on both Beaver and TR. That's what I was told. Very good news for us.
  7. This is second-hand, not an official report. A young male adult was sleeping in a car belonging to a gentleman who lives on Acacia Club Rd up the bluff from us. His son saw the man in the car while waiting on the school bus and got his dad. They tried to wake him and couldn't. They dragged him out of the car and stood him up. He was on a controlled substance and/or drunk. The people called the Hollister police and told the man to hold on and they'd take care of him. Then he fought them, trying to get away and eventually did. He ran into the woods across the street, on the top of the bluff close to a cabin owned or was owned by Johnny Morris. When the police got there, he bolted down the bluff, stopped and hide once but bolted again when the policemen approached. The last time he was seen, he was in the water trying to swim, about 30 feet from the bank and disappeared. Water rescue came up and looked for him. No sign.
  8. You know, this has been a learning experience, at least for me. I didn't know how high Table Rock could rise before getting over the top of the gates. I thought since the top of flood pool was listed as 930 at Table Rock, I thought that was the top end but it isn't. Would be interesting to know what it is. 935.something was the highest it got back in April. So, Bull Shoals is listed at 695 feet. It's just above that level and rising. Sounds like they don't want it to get much past 695 if they're going to release more water.
  9. Just had a scare... an hour ago someone called (who's been the go-between for us and the Corp/county) and said they were meeting and they were in panic mode. May raise it to 80,000 cfs. We started calling out the army... get more sand bags and build the wall to 4 feet. But after they met, the determined it wasn't that bad are going to leave it where it is right now. What scares me still is that they'd go from 56,000 to 80,000. That's a big jump. That's what we may be looking at tomorrow if we get more rain. That's 3 feet higher than last month's record level. It's crunch time. But in light of what others have gone through and are going through in Joplin and other places, this is nothing. We still have a bed!
  10. Great points, Al.
  11. It's about 24 inches from going into our lower units right now. Beaver is dropping real good but Table Rock is still rising. Rain coming today and tonight. One more round.
  12. Turbine release is 16,442 http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/Reports/Data/Bulsdam.htm Then they're running 60,442 cfs. That makes more sense.
  13. 44,000 cfs doesn't sound like much for the white.... Am I missing something? Must be. The white has more space for the water compared to Taney I think. And there's no dam at the lower end holding the level up like Taney. What am I missing, Dan?
  14. This is "dummy" reporting. It seems Beaver is starting to drop- finally. But Table Rock continues to inch up every hour. The one thing right now is the storm approaching. It looks like a bad thunderstorm but it's think and fast moving and shouldn't dump a lot of rain on us, hopefully. If we can get by one more day, the extended forecast looks dry, at least for 4-6 days. I don't think we'll see our water level drop until this weekend, at the earliest. Water temps are still in the low 50's and the DO is very high. These events in the spring always are great for our trout. They're getting tons to eat. BTY- just got back from Boston visiting our son. With the news about Joplin in their news too, several asked me... "why would anyone live in an area where there are storms and tornados!?" Guess it takes all kinds, doesn't it.
  15. We can take it to about 53,000 cfs. Higher than that and it's in our lower units. But we are ready to sand bag so we are better prepared. Not good for renting boats though
  16. One thing we've learned is that the Springfield news media can't be trusted... That's all I'll say about that. 34,000 cfs tonight. Beaver I noticed the tail water rose 5 ft and the lake level is dropping so that's good. We will see if they can on top of table rock tonight releasing 34k.
  17. 2008 flood they ran about 46,000- the highest ever. Last month it got up to 68,000. Most of us can get to our docks at 25,000 but any higher we can't. Ramps are covered. About 60,000 puts it in our lower units but we're ready with 800 sand bags this time. There won't be all the trees and trash this time though but it will erode more bank and move more gravel around.
  18. Denny. If there are ppl who want to come help go through rubble for survivors, can they just drive over and help or is there enough help? The reason I ask is that I know of one guy who drove up last night and he's been there since helping. He just jumped in and went to work. He said they needed more hands but that was last night. Have another friend who was heading up at noon with his front loader from neosho.
  19. Not sure anyone knows. I hope it's not as bad as april's flood but time will tell. Lake levels don't seem to be rising all that fast but like you said, it's still raining and more to come. I said we'd be dodging bullets for the next few months... Wishing I was wrong.
  20. My guess is that they'll try to match whats coming in at the dams like last time, then release enough to give them some wiggle room for the next rain event. Amount of release depends on rain. Table Rock. I've heard a couple of warnings. One is that they are going to release 20-30,ooo cfs and up it later today. I would think they will do the same as last time- get on top of the lake levels, let them crest and then back off when they start to drop.
  21. The magic number is 729 feet. That's when theyll open er up.
  22. You're putting a lot off stock on the weatherman. I still stand behind the Corp and say no flow till the water is on the ground. They are saying the flow will be 55000 if they run it. Not going to mess around. Would like it to be 48000 so it won't get into our units but we have 1000 sand bags ready. Now if they drained the lake as you say and the rain doesnt come, then you've flooded my resort for no reason. If the rain falls, we are flooded no matter what. Regardless, I feel pretty helpless... I'm in Boston visiting my son.
  23. No. Don't think I want to do that. Not that many topics started to separate.
  24. Drove through that area a couple of hours ago. Bad rain and it seems to be not moving on. Glad it's to the east of us but sorry for those along the river(s).
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