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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Fixed the cart... what a pain! Don't like carts esp for all the work that goes into setting one up. Minnows... no marketing needed. They flat work. Whites, walleye, bass, crappie. The difference between new and old is personal experience. The old timers who have used the original ones won't buy anything else. I don't think the fish know the difference though.
  2. Just noticed something on the cart... it's charging too much. They're supposed to be 1.15 for 10 minnows. If you want some- tell me the color and quantity and I'll take care of it.
  3. http://www.lilleystacklestore.com/xcart/home.php?cat=289
  4. They've slowed generation down all week to just a little all day today. Table Rock is almost down to power pool and it's supposed to be warm SO I don't think they'll run much if any.
  5. There are 2 companies making them- or were making them. The old one in Florida and a new one someplace else. I can get all the new ones thru my regular supplier but I get the original ones thru Mark at Cricket Creek Marina. I bought about 12,000 from Mark last winter- all the good colors. Both make about the same colors... and I think they both catch fish... but there are some who swear by the original swimming minnows so that's why I have them. Mark isn't around the Marina this early in the season but he may be there this weekend- I'll call him.
  6. We see most of the spawners in December and some in January but our rainbows don't know really when they spawn. Their upbringing in the hatchery screws them all up so some are spawning for most of the winter, spring and summer. But nothing like the browns spawn numbers, anytime.
  7. You'll need a boat. Fishing depends on what happens between now the then.. Water temp will be the key.
  8. Man I would say with the water temp as cold as it is, they're deep and you'd have to fish really slow. Gotta know the lake's temp hasn't been this cold this late in the winter for some years. We're used to 50 right now and crappie heating up but not this year.
  9. I have a friend in Neosho that can catch them anytime... I asked him the other day how he knows where to fish- he said he just knows where he fishes at any given time of year, water temp is a factor, and goes to those spots and they're there. I've got a call in for him. Was going to ask for a suggestion to where to go.
  10. MDC says no. May be a few in the creeks but not many.
  11. Oh- I have a friend in Neosho that will take you up on that! Paul Crews. He's a fish-a-holic and love Stockton too. Fishes the Spring River as well as Grand. Catches white bass year round. I'll tell him to check the forum
  12. Good thing I bought over 12,000 last spring. I'll talk to my source- he'll know if it's true or not.
  13. Gages on Long Creek, Table Rock Lake. Get a border lakes permit and travel down into Arkansas OR stay at Cricket Creek on highway 14 on Long Creek, nice place and goo fishing. It's the first place to warmup, water and fishing wise.
  14. Yes- up until 8 am no problem.
  15. May see a pause in generation if Table Rock keeps dropping and we get no rain. So it's alittle early to make a definite call. If drifting, go to the cable and use a white 1/8th oz jig and work it off the bottom. Get some other colors too like olive, black and brown just in case they don't like white that day. Also drift egg flies in peach and pink on the bottom also. Below Fall Creek gulp power eggs are working in white, orange and yellow. Table Rock's temp is still below 40 so you won't find much esp from the bank. But it may change. Again, wait alittle closer to your trip.
  16. Fair. Not much change in the last 10 years at least. More within the upper 3.5 miles.
  17. Gotta have a boat and fish from it... sorry. Not sure about a wade tournament. Bret Rader does one. May do a fun one at some point. About 35 boats usually.
  18. Just a reminder we're having our last trout tournament this Saturday. 2-man team. $50 per team entry. Will feed everyone afterwards.
  19. After quickly googling the subject, I think the blog we have now is the best way to keep a journal.
  20. Nice browns... it's fun to be there just at the right time and catch big trout on white jigs. I did the same thing below Norfork a couple of years ago.
  21. Does anyone know of a module or add-on for journaling to an internet site... like OA? Something that could do just what you're talking about. Keep your journal online instead of in a word doc... if you wanted to. I think it would be a great asset to the site. They could either be public or private.
  22. I love going into the outlet... pick up some great jackets and shirt there. Wish they would sell more spinning rods like they used to.
  23. Close the borders... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=n7WJeqxuOfQ
  24. I would think it's a management call, not an angler-friendly call. The have to try to balance out the rules so that good numbers of both young and old bass are prevalent in the river. That's what slot limits are good in some cases. Protect a 17 inch bass and he'll eat a lot of blue gills, juvenile rock bass and even their own young. Has to be a balance- but nature takes care of most of it too. I would think the upper end, being more shallow, less deep holes, wouldn't be as conducive to large bass than the lower, deeper part. Or am I all wet? (I've been wet a lot lately)
  25. http://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/csr/current/3csr/3c10-6.pdf MDC has a great site but on some subjects it's tough finding anything. Even in the codes. I'm trying to find out about bass regs and really all streams. From reading the code, spots aren't regulated at all. Open season year round. Black bass season on some streams is closed till 4th Saturday of May and some stream smallmouth is too, but not all. The Current River isn't mentioned in any of the code regulating length limits. I find that hard to believe... but it's there in black and white. Is that right? When OA's new site is up, I'l going to have to have alot of help identifying flaws, esp in the regulation pages.
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