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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. 115 today. But google has this thing figured out. As far as paying OA, it's a low day - $5.45 so far. Hits are as high as normal - 5542 pages. May be if it's one site getting hit, it won't pay. Don't know.
  2. Tour the College of the Ozarks- great for kids and adults.
  3. There's an element that's cropped up on the forum with has the possibility of becoming contagious. In my daily reading, I found something that may help. Care Enough to Confront Many people avoid confrontation. Some fear being disliked and rejected. Others are afraid confrontation will make things worse by creating anger and resentment in the person they confront. But avoiding confrontation always worsens the situation. Confrontation can be a win-win situation, a chance to help and develop your people--if you do it with respect and with the other person's best interests at heart. Here are 10 guidelines to help you confront positively: 1. Confront ASAP 2. Address the wrong action, not the person. 3. Confront only what the person can change. 4. Give the person the benefit of the doubt. 5. Be specific. 6. Avoid sarcasm. 7. Avoid words like "always" and "never". 8. If appropriate, tell the person how you feel about what was done wrong. 9. Give the person a game plan to fix the problem. 10 Affirm him or her as a person and a friend. Positive confrontation is a sure sign that you care for a person and have their best interests at heart. Each time you build up your people and identify their problems, you have them an opportunity to grow. Think about some of these things when you post, esp on issues that are divisive.
  4. I believe our trout are used to being fed by humans... hatchery. That's why they are bad about sitting at your feet and other places not- like Crane. Is this reasonable?
  5. The links are for real... no spoof. I actually got lucky seeing this one- I usually don't even look at ebay emails cause 99% are spoofs.
  6. The banners change almost everytime you enter the site. You may have to keep going back or refresh the page several times will the ad comes up.
  7. The Meadows never did do well... never filled up. Lease space is fairly cheap too. BL has pulled people in from going and spending at other locations. The merchants out at The Mill close to Meadows all said their sales dropped big time the day the Landing opened. Others will, if they haven't already, feel the pinch too. I don't think there's many people from outside 60 miles that have come to Branson this summer strictly because or remotely because of the Landing. The big draw will be the convention center. That's what the Branson alderman are banking (betting) on.
  8. Interesting email. Don't know about any of you but I sure don't think anyone, including the gov't, should control the interent. What I mess they will make it. Letter from Meg Whitman, President, eBay. --- As you know, I almost never reach out to you personally with a request to get involved in a debate in the U.S. Congress. However, today I feel I must. Right now, the telephone and cable companies in control of Internet access are trying to use their enormous political muscle to dramatically change the Internet. It might be hard to believe, but lawmakers in Washington are seriously debating whether consumers should be free to use the Internet as they want in the future. Join me by clicking here -- http://www.ebaymainstreet.com/netneutrality -- to send a message to your representatives in Congress. The phone and cable companies now control more than 95% of all Internet access. These large corporations are spending millions of dollars to promote legislation that would allow them to divide the Internet into a two-tiered system. The top tier would be a "Pay-to-Play" high-speed toll-road restricted to only the largest companies that can afford to pay high fees for preferential access to the Net. The bottom tier -- the slow lane -- would be what is left for everyone else. If the fast lane is the information "super-highway," the slow lane will operate more like a dirt road. Today's Internet is an incredible open marketplace for goods, services, information and ideas. We can't give that up. A two-lane system will restrict innovation because start-ups and small companies -- the companies that can't afford the high fees -- will be unable to succeed, and we'll lose out on the jobs, creativity and inspiration that come with them. The power belongs with Internet users, not the big phone and cable companies. Let's use that power to send as many messages as possible to our elected officials in Washington. Please join me by clicking here right now to send a message to your representatives in Congress before it is too late. You can make the difference. Thank you for reading this note. I hope you'll make your voice heard today. Sincerely, Meg Whitman President and CEO eBay Inc.
  9. Linc and I boated up to outlet 3 last night about 7 pm. Nothing there. So we went down to the north bank up and across from Lookout Island and fished Linc's... well... my old spot really. Right along the bank/flooded sunflowers. We each caught 3 rainbows- I caught mine on a dead chicken and he on a stimie and his zebras. Nice evening... no fog for once.
  10. The gas was straight- we run 4-strokes. Haven't bothered guests boats fortunately. We'll get 'em... we're up for the challenge.
  11. We've been hit twice now, the first time last week (Monday night) and again last night. They are taking gas tanks out of our rental boats. Lazy Valley, our neighbors, lost 3-4 tanks last night and we lost 4. Nothing else has been messed with that we know of.
  12. I leave for the Naknek Region on the 14th for 10 days. Bill Babler and I are going up to help Jim Johnson, a friend I've mentioned before having bought a camp/outfitter on the river.
  13. Couldn't be a better note to end this topic on... humor. I'm sure we will discuss this again. When we do, I personally hope we can leave out the scripture/tossing part. And we may require all facts and figures in the future on this subject to include footnotes/links as to their authenticity.
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/07/...=cnn_topstories Saw this one just now - HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) -- A fisherman was recovering from surgery after he was speared in the chest and knocked into the Atlantic Ocean by a blue marlin during a fishing competition off Bermuda's coast. Ian Card, 32, was in stable condition at King Edward VII Hospital in the British Island territory from a wound that his doctor said could have been fatal. "He was very lucky," said Dr. Christian Wilmsmeier. "It was a very serious injury." Card and his father, Alan, both operators of a charter fishing boat and experienced marlin fishermen, had just hooked the fish Saturday when it suddenly leapt out of the water, impaled Ian Card just below his collar bone and knocked him into the ocean. "The fish all of a sudden changed direction and jumped. The fish made a leap and Ian just happened to be in the way," Alan Card said. The younger fisherman managed to struggle free while his father cut the line and helped his son get back into their boat, the Challenger. They managed to make it back to shore in about 40 minutes for emergency medical treatment. The fishermen estimated the marlin at about 800 pounds (363 kilograms) and about 14 feet (4.3 meters) in length.
  15. Someone(s) was busy yesterday hitting google ads... 63! Our average is 30 per day in July. PETA?
  16. Gov't policies/decisions killed Rockaway Beach. How?
  17. Paper really didn't say what was said at the meeting. Dano- post any other stories, followups. Thanks!
  18. I got back almost all of it. But it's all single, unnamed files in one folder. Went to WalMart last night and bought another external drive. This one is going on the shelf after I back up everything. Lightning won't even be able to get it unless it's a direct hit. Thanks
  19. Put everything- I mean everything- pictures, doc files, maps, emails... on an external hard drive "to keep it safe". . . .. .and then reformat the hard drive. I left the drive plugged into a laptop I was reinstalling windows on and picked the wrong drive to format. I cried. It hasn't been a good day. Then my son-in-law gave me a website- http://recovermyfiles.com Downloaded the first program free and is running as I type. Been running for 3 hours and still looking for 'deleted' files on the hd. If this works I'll gladly pay a million dollars to get them back. If this works... I could have recovered those San Juan pics I deleted last fall of our fishing trip and John Johnson and his biggest trout (hope he doesn't read this!).
  20. "Speeds" by in a drift boat???
  21. Sounds like you have it... if everything is right, an anchor rope will pull a boat under in a flash. If you have to anchor, tie the rope off the front of the boat and have a knife ready.
  22. Boy you're not alone on this one. If you're working in close quarters with others, it's tough sometimes to get along. I would encourage you to take the highroad in all things, even though you don't get recognized as doing such. This is where the spiritual principle comes in called 'reaping and sowing'. Forgiveness is another issue that's tough to do without God's help. If we are willing to forgive, even though we don't always feel like it, admit it to God and ask for help. All He asks for is a willing heart.
  23. Please don't get me wrong... I don't want this to be a "upper lake vs lower lake" thing. We sometimes feel the same way esp in the winter when we know they are stocking down there and our fishing stinks. Kinda like right now- for the month of July. But the lower lake does have bass, crappie and blue gill and we don't. We don't have anything to fall back on except may be suckers. I guess that's why I stated what I did. The lake is 23 miles long and for all practical purposes, they only made the upper lake a coldwater lake, so to speak. But I know that's debatable- and that's ok.
  24. http://md1.csa.com/partners/viewrecord.php...p;setcookie=yes "...that fish caught on barbed hooks had higher mortality rates than fish caught on barbless hooks," http://dnr.wisconsin.gov/org/es/science/in...routHooking.pdf 3. Barbed hook restrictions are generally unnecessary (biologically ineffective at reducing post-release mortality) when stream trout are caught with bait or spinners. However, in bait fisheries where rates of deep hooking are substantially higher tha those we measured, barbless hooks may reduce mortality. http://www.absc.usgs.gov/research/Fisherie...ase.htm#results Management Implications do not even mention barbless vs barbed, only the difference in the time it takes to release the trout. In layman's terms from a highly respected outfitter: http://www.flyfishingjacksonhole.com/turck...ng_barbless.htm One person's opinion... Major newspaper article...pay attention to the 3 states/provinces that require barbless hooks in catch-n-release areas: http://www.startribune.com/531/story/566995.html Another reason for barbless hooks - human/hooking incidents. Add one more state to the list: http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/fish/troutcar.html Not sure what you mean by adding another state... NY is pointing out using barbless hooks to reduce mortality of trout that are released. Our neighbors in KS teach this in their training programs for wildlife biologists (scroll to bottom of page for chart): http://www.k-state.edu/fishecology/fishmgt/regulations.htm Types of regulations http://prodwbin99.dnr.state.wi.us/org/wate.../pubs/trout.pdf This study found the diff "insignificant". So in addition to WI (above), we also have FL: http://research.myfwc.com/features/view_article.asp?id=3907 I like this quote - "None died when we simply cut the leader and left the hook alone. Fish are capable of rejecting, expelling, or encapsulating hooks. Encapsulation is a process whereby the fishes' healing process causes the hook to be covered with an inert matrix of calcified material; or a-cellular tissue. Steel and bronze hooks are less toxic and are rejected or �dissolved� sooner than are stainless steel and cadmium-plated or nickel-plated hooks." So why not make it a law that if a hook is deep in a fish's mouth, cut the line- then no fish will die. I've been preaching that for years. They also, and other studies list here, talk about circle hooks being the best for survival but point out hooking and landing fish is nominal using them. Why not require only circle hooks? And CA: Very little here about barbless hooks except pointing out the regulation. I never said barbless is a bad thing, nor have I disputed the fact that barbless hooks hurt fish less than barbed. I have to say these links are weak in proving beyond a doubt that barbless hooks should be the law anywhere- there has to be better places on the net- studies- results. I was looking this afternoon when you posted this and found the same sites using google. We are basically on the same page... except I don't think barbless hooks benefits trout enough to make it a law. Like alot of this material says- education in release techniques, ie. keeping the fish out of the water too long and mishandling, is more important than regulating hooks.
  25. Underwater pic of trout? Rainbows? Off the forum or the oa site?
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