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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I don't know who keeps those records, if there is anything official kept. I'll inquire.
  2. Only have a few spots left for teams... and could use a couple of more helpers.
  3. Just heard a shot from the woods/field up the hill... College of the Ozark's farm. There's been a bunch of turkeys in the field everyday- till now. C of O farms are strictly 'no hunting' but I guess someone snuck in. Sorry- not a turkey hunter myself. We own ozarkhunters.com but haven't done anything with it really. I don't have time of knowlegde to run a hunting site/forum and I'm interested in doing something half-way. BUT I'm open to ideas.
  4. Brian - the fry are kept in tanks inside until they are much larger, then released into raceways where there they have a chance to escape into the lake. James was positive they weren't from the hatchery. Wish I could MDC to get on here and post... but they have not agreed to... yet.
  5. If you're right, this rain will change everything.
  6. You're so funny... Interesting... I've kinda wrote off the white bass over there, probably like most others. I've caught 4 white bass in Missouri this year, my all time lowest mark possibly. But I may have to go out this evening and throw some small sluggos and after dark throw some purple swimming minnows. Any suggestions where? Was thinking about the park side bank across from the mouth of Swan.
  7. Looks like it's finally going to give us enough to make a difference. A line of rain/thunderstorms are lined up on the MO/ARK border and heading this way.
  8. Chris Vitello - MDC "We have had many reports of similar occurrences statewide (7 or more in the last week) - - all species, all sizes ... streams and lakes. Kings River and James River immediately above Table Rock seem to be among the most obvious and suckers are the most commonly effected species. We normally receive such reports, but not this frequently. Unusually warm conditions and lack of rain combined with spawning stress or poor overwintering condition may be triggering the die-offs. We are monitoring, but there is little that can be done at this time."
  9. I was told by Mike Kruse along time ago it was the water temp... too cold. Didn't ever understand that. But look at the White River and brown trout - they do fine temp or not, generation or not. ???
  10. 1st Annual Cox-Powers-CST Charity Bass Tournament Stockton Lake / Hawker Point May 6th, 2006 6:00 A.M. UNTIL 3:00 PM Entry Fee: $50.00 per Boat (Tax Deductible) Door Prize & Giveaways for all participants Drawings at Weigh-in for Outboard motor diagnostics services from Ulrich Marine, Restaurant gift certificates, Fishing tackle packs, Antique Fishing lures and more!!! All participants will receive a door prize!!!! 1st Place - Minn Kota Trolling Motor 2nd Place - Boat Mount Fish Finder 3rd Place – Shimano Bait Cast Combo For More Information call Bryan Willimas at 883-5530 or email bryjen7579@sbcglobal.net We will have two flights of boats returning at 30 minute intervals Flights: 1st –2:00 PM 2nd-2:30 First 25 entries will receive flight choice Pre-Registrations Must be Received By Saturday April 29th All participants will receive a door prize 100% of funds raised from the Tournament will go to benefit the American Cancer Society via “Relay for Life” on Friday & Saturday May 19th and 20th from 7 p.m. to 10 a.m. at Hillcrest High School. RULES & REGULATIONS 1. LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED. 2. All Boats Must Meet Coast Guard Safety Requirements, Any Violation of the Waterways Will Result In Disqualification. 3. Life Vest Must Be Worn while Combustion Engine Is Running. 4. Live Wells Will Be Checked; Live Bait Or Trolling Is Not Permitted. 5. 5 Bass Limit per Boat. (Largemouth, Spotted Bass Only.) 6. Lake Length Limit will be used; all fish must be a minimum 15” in length 7. If More Than 5 Fish Are Brought To the Scales, Fish Will Be Culled To 5 Beginning With the Largest Fish 9. .25 lb. or 4 oz Penalty for Each Dead Fish. This also applies to big fish. 10. All Boats That Check-in Late Will Be Assessed One Pound Per Minute, After 10 Minutes The Contestants Will Be Disqualified. 14. All participants must weigh fish before trailering boats. 15. Parent Child Team Must Consist of One Parent or Legal Guardian and One Child under the Age of 16 16. ALL DECISIONS OF THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE ARE FINAL. In signing this application, I/we hereby waive and release all other contestants, sponsors, and the tournament officials from all claims of injury and/or damage incurred in connection with this tournament. BOATER:____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ City:______________________State:___________________Zip:_______ SIGNATURE:_________________________________________________ PARTNER:___________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ City:______________________State:___________________Zip:_______ SIGNATURE_________________________________________________ Preferred Flight……………1st_____ 2nd_____ Second Choice………………1st_____ 2nd_____ Make Checks Payable to: American Cancer Society Mail Entry Forms To: CST Attn: Bryan Williams 310 S. Ingram Mill Road Springfield, MO 65802
  11. It seems our water temp rose so fast that alot of our crappie and white bass didn't have time to lay their eggs. What I'm gathering, they "like" temps in the lower to mid 60's and our water rose from the mid 50's to the mid to upper 60's in less than 10 days. Now alot of our water is in the 70's- at least long the banks where they wold spawn. They are holding out in deep water suspended with eggs (crappie). Whites I'm not sure. Crappies I'm really not sure either but I'm trying to put the pieces of info together I have.
  12. Thanks - welcome. Phil
  13. Brett Rader took pics and mentioned in a report recently about seeing and netting small rainbow fry below the dam. Brian Shaffer brought this to my attention so I checked it out. I emailed James Cevillo, Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery manager, and ask him to take a look and comment. He said if Bret is correct and there's that many fry along the banks, then there must be some natural reproduction happening. These rainbows could not have escaped from the hatchery, he said. So what's the difference this season compared to others? No flow. I would say the beds at the top of rebar and others were left alone from hard generation long enough that the process of reproduction was given a chance and succeeded. Brett's site, to give him credit - http://charteredwaters.com
  14. What was the water temp? I hope LOZ doesn't have the same issues that we're having on Table Rock.
  15. I have alittle experience in fishing with submergable lights but not this early and not for crappies but I'm going to try. What I understand - 1. Anchor in at least 40 feet of water near structure like a bluff end and/or standing timber. You need at least 40 feet to make room for the shad to gather under the light and the game fish to gather under the shad. 2. Fish just outside or under the shad, not in the middle of the "ball of shad". 3. Take a throw net and net the shad or use minnows or jigs. I usually don't night fish till the first dark moon of June and July. This will be a first.
  16. What about night fishing under lights in that area or an area like that- bluuf, deep water and standing timber? I was going last night until my son came home from a weekend jaunt with his girlfriend and we watched "Crash" / Clean Flicks version. I wish I'd gone, although the movie was interesting. I plan on going tonight.
  17. Sounds like one of my bird hunting trips to Altamont... over and back in one day.
  18. When!!?? When did you limit? Give it up!!
  19. Vince and I were talking about just that yesterday... we though they suspend someplace in groups- mid lake, bluffs around trees... you're right - you never see them (or at least I don't) accept this time of year. Ours were full of crawdads- I'm taking an 1/8th oz sculpin jig next time I go and work it off the bottom- I bet I catch lots more of them!
  20. Here's another pointer. Every time I go on the forum (http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/)I hit the 'View New Posts' link located at the top right bar of each page. This brings up all the new posts since my last visit. If I've read all the posts, I hit 'Your topics - Mark all forums as read and return to index' link centered on the blue bar at the top of the first forum text box. This clears the board for me for the next time I visit.
  21. Oh they should be. Leonard may be out of town so he may not answer, being the authority on night fishing that he is. The lake is low though - 701.0!! I hate it when Empire/Powersite draws the lake down like this.
  22. Could it be the rise in water temp- so fast this year they are confused. My question is will a crappie- or any fish- that's used to spawning in say 60 degrees- go ahead and spawn if the surface/bank water temp shoots to 70? Which it has in many places. That's really what I wanted to hear- thanks for the comment. Any others?
  23. I put in there today... it looked like to me the water level is such that the ramp is unuseable where it's been blocked and the extention of the ramp is the same reason the docks aren't in the water- there's no ramp there. I didn't look that close but that's what I think.
  24. Every Tuesday at 7 pm. Usually 2 hours. Bring your vice and tools. No charge. Lilleys' Landing Resort
  25. With all I do at the computer- this forum and OA's website- it's been hard to sit and type on my blog. But I'm watching the office and it's quiet- accept for the Card's game on TV. Been working to finish Table Rock's maps- the west side of the lake. In all I think there's 12 maps on the west side. I'm waiting on Babler and Loving to mark them for us. What's next? Not sure. I've done the James River- might do the Kings next- neither can you find maps for anyplace. The Buffalo could be on my short list. I'd like others on the forum to have a chance to mark up the maps but it would be hard to do so. Can you believe this drought? My My---- this will be a very interesting summer for all these lakes in SW Missouri- boating and marinas will be really hurting. I fished close to State Park today and they don't have much room around their back docks now- if the water drops 5-7 feet more they will have a hard time getting boats out. Taneycomo- I'm asking for a meeting with MDC to discuss our situation. No flow and hot temps will mean high temps for our trout. At what time will they consider emergency generation? Will the Corp work with us? They have in the past. But if you're coming this summer, don't expect much generation. The streams- canoe outfitters will have a tough time. North Fork will see alot of business will the springs run low. Elevenpoint and Current too. But the others will have a slow season I'm afraid. Crappie fishing- I've only caught a fraction of what I caught last year but last year was a banner year for most of us. And I didn't get out as much and at the right times. White bass- I caught some early over at the Spring River in NE OK but not many here. Again- didn't get out to fish for them. Trout- its' been great everytime I've been out. Traffic on the website has leveled off in April- even dropped a bit. But I've been in this for 9 years- I'm in it for the long run- keep adding information and hopefully recruit others to help and it will do fine. Word of mouth is still the best advertising. I want to do a contest of some sort (for the forum members). Still trying to think of something. I'm open to suggestions. Cams- I still want to add lake cams. I'm going to have to buy another computer to do that. I have the cameras ready to go. I found out it's not a matter of bandwidth- it's my old computer I'm using for a server.
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