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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Gezzz that's a big fish! And it's still out there- cool!! Welcome!
  2. Gavin- I have you all listed but as I looked for the link on OA, I had to look way too hard. I'm going to fix that. http://ozarkanglers.com/fff.php
  3. If you have a bass club, fishing group or other conservation organization and would like either a spot on OzarkAnglers.Com, either a full page or a link to your site, please let me know and we'll do that for you at no cost. We're not fancy by any means but we do get our point across... and out to the public. At present, we are getting about 12,000 page hits with over 1100 people visting OA on a daily basis.
  4. wily- I've create a page for your bass club http://ozarkanglers.com/miners_bass_club.php If you send me all the info you'd like on the page, I can get it in there, such as contact info, meeting dates, times and place, officers, origins... whatever.
  5. Hey Don- how is Rick doing? Haven't heard from him in a while.
  6. Thank you. We hope you have many warm memories at your lake house on Table Rock... and many days of good fishing.
  7. Great to have you sir... Can you post information about your bass club- and if they have a website. I try to post all fishing clubs on OA and links to their sites. Let us know how fishing is on Grand after your tournament- even post the results!
  8. Wanted to wait till I saw what was going to happen with the water after the rains this week. As far as I can tell, we received about 2 inches of rain Wednesday and Thursday. Babler reported muddy water conditions in the trophy area. He said fishing was slow yesterday. No water has ran since the rain and no telling when they will run it. The water in our area is slightly stained but it great shape. Fishing has been very good off the docks this week. I'm confident the lake is clear below the dam. Even with the rains, the area below the dam washes out quickly from the outlet flow. Below Fall Creek, night crawlers are the hottest bait and rightly so... lots of night crawlers have come out because of the warm weather and the rain has washed them into the lake where the trout have feasted on them. Shoot alittle air in them to make them float. Even in the merky water they should be excellent. Jigs should be another great lure this weekend. Try a 1/16th oz jig, dark like brown, black, sculpin and work it slow off the bottom or vertical jig it off the bottom in the deep channels. Will report more as the day goes along.
  9. Looks like the board members are debating the package material it was sent in... isn't it alittle soon to be talking about the dead?
  10. Seminar -- Fly Fishing for Spring White Bass in the Ozarks On Tuesday March 21 at 7pm, you have the opportunity to learn about fly fishing and tying flies for Spring White Bass in the Ozarks. Lilleys' Landing will host this event at our facility, unless registrations exceed our capacity. The cost is just $5 per person, and kids 12 and unders are free. This seminar will be presented by Bill Butts and Terry Tanner, both long-time fly fishing and fly tying enthusiasts. Their friendship was initially built on the mutual interest in catching White Bass on flies over 25 years ago. Bill will share with you some history and biological aspects of White Bass, fishing opportunities in the Ozarks, and necessary fly tackle. Terry will be sharing fly tying techniques and tips for their favorite White Bass fly patterns. Come and join in the fun and learning opportunity with your fellow fly fishing enthusiasts. Terry Tanner is a veteran fly tier and fly fisherman of over 50 years. His working career was dedicated to Landscape Design for 33 years, then working in the Fly Fishing Dept. of Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World for 8 more years, finally retiring just a few years ago. Terry has been a featured fly tier at FFF Conclaves and Sowbug Roundups for 13 years. One of the highlights of Terry's fly fishing career was the honor of personally guiding former U.S. President George Bush for an afternoon of fishing at Dogwood Canyon. Bill Butts is a veteran fly fisherman and fly tier of 37 years. He has been in sales and sales management for the past 25 years. Bill has presented a variety of fly fishing programs, seminars and fly tying demonstrations to FFF Conclaves, fishing clubs and civic groups since the early 1970's. Though he is an Ozarks native, he has worked in the fly fishing industry in California and the Yellowstone region. He is currently the moderator for the OA Forum--Striped, Hybrid and White Bass topics. He also voted for former President George Bush. For registration information or to sign up for the seminar, call Lilleys' Landing Resort & Marina at 1-800-284-2196 during normal business hours.
  11. Seminar -- Fly Fishing for Spring White Bass in the Ozarks On Tuesday March 21 at 7pm, you have the opportunity to learn about fly fishing and tying flies for Spring White Bass in the Ozarks. Lilleys' Landing will host this event at our facility, unless registrations exceed our capacity. The cost is just $5 per person, and kids 12 and unders are free. This seminar will be presented by Bill Butts and Terry Tanner, both long-time fly fishing and fly tying enthusiasts. Their friendship was initially built on the mutual interest in catching White Bass on flies over 25 years ago. Bill will share with you some history and biological aspects of White Bass, fishing opportunities in the Ozarks, and necessary fly tackle. Terry will be sharing fly tying techniques and tips for their favorite White Bass fly patterns. Come and join in the fun and learning opportunity with your fellow fly fishing enthusiasts. Terry Tanner is a veteran fly tier and fly fisherman of over 50 years. His working career was dedicated to Landscape Design for 33 years, then working in the Fly Fishing Dept. of Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World for 8 more years, finally retiring just a few years ago. Terry has been a featured fly tier at FFF Conclaves and Sowbug Roundups for 13 years. One of the highlights of Terry's fly fishing career was the honor of personally guiding former U.S. President George Bush for an afternoon of fishing at Dogwood Canyon. Bill Butts is a veteran fly fisherman and fly tier of 37 years. He has been in sales and sales management for the past 25 years. Bill has presented a variety of fly fishing programs, seminars and fly tying demonstrations to FFF Conclaves, fishing clubs and civic groups since the early 1970's. Though he is an Ozarks native, he has worked in the fly fishing industry in California and the Yellowstone region. He is currently the moderator for the OA Forum--Striped, Hybrid and White Bass topics. He also voted for former President George Bush. For registration information or to sign up for the seminar, call Lilleys' Landing Resort & Marina at 1-800-284-2196 during normal business hours.
  12. As you may have noticed... I've been silent on the subject of hosting or co-hosting another tournament. I'm hesitant to commit to it just now. I have a lot of irons in the fire presently and don't wish to add another. I may do something in the fall.
  13. The boys won last night. They are seated #4. The girls won today easily. They are seated #2... but they are playing in Sioux Falls, IA. Brian is speaking in Springfiled- I bet- and the group meets at the MDC Natures Center off Glenstone/60 (south of town). And I bet it will start about 7 p.m.
  14. Serious!! I never knew the Bryant had that kind of run!!
  15. Where? When? Wish I could go. Gotta go see some more basketball!! NAIA II first round games finish tonight. 16 games in 2 days... not bad for basketball junkies.
  16. No he didn't. You might give him a call Brian if you want to help with the classes. pm to you with the direct # to him.
  17. Randall stole my thunder... Thanks Mr. SKMO. You done good. I guess the fire threat is gone!! PTL!
  18. It'll only take a minute. It's painless. We really would like to hear who's all on the forum.
  19. I talked to Jim... he's waiting on the final list of speakers for the event before putting out the schedule. He's going to get back to me when it's out.
  20. North Arkansas Fly Fishers March 2006 Newsletter Click on the heading above.
  21. That's a tough question... probably not. I'd like to but I try to limit it to just 2 tournaments per year.
  22. I think the cold front slowed things down. I also think it's been so good up in Long Creek this winter because the water is stained up there but down past the marina, it's clear and cold. It'll takes some time for it to warm up without rain to muddy it up.
  23. I'll take it - I'll give you a dollar tomorrow. Phil
  24. We've found at church a couple of things... Call a prayer meeting- a few show up. Call for a work day at church- a few more show. Call for a livey worship service- more people come. Have a pot luck - the masses come!
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