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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. We bought 4 strokes (25 yahama) 3 years ago... 20 years prior we only used 2 strokes. We like them but they do have their downfalls. We've replaced more lower units and power heads on the 4 strokes than in most years combined. The reason is, and the manufacture rep confirmed this, is that a 4 stroke won't stop when the lower unit hits something (gravel bar). The motor tends to stay in gear and keep running while a 2 stroke will stop almost immediately. Gas mileage, quietness, quick start, dependability, envionmentally friendly - all are good... just don't hit many gravel bars. As far as getting out of the hole, you do have to consider the fact that a 4 stroke doesn't have the quick start out of a hole... like a jet, you get less power using a 4 stroke and have to consider using a larger hp motor verses a 2 stroke. I have a friend who is having to replace a 90 hp 2 stroke and wants to get a 4 stroke. The dealer has advised him to go to a 110 hp if he buys a 4 stroke to get the same "out of the hole" power. Good discussion.
  2. I may be mistaken but this isn't a Go-Devil- those motors are loud... but these at least look different. Never heard one. I saw Fox's at the conclave in Oct but he didn't start it for us. Talked to a Yamaha dealer in Little Rock yesterday. He said Johnson and Evinrude is now making a 2 stroke that is passing the federal emission standards... so they are allowed to make and sell them. Yamaha is making 2 strokes again too but they are allowed because they have "credits" by producing and selling so many 4 strokes over the past 6 years. He said they have enough credits they will continue to sell 2 strokes for quite awhile, if not definitely. Evinrudes and Johnsons- the new strokes only go down to 40 hp though, no 25 hp's yet. So may be everyone can go back to 2 strokes, get the power back they need to get out of the hole faster and not pollute the air or water. Will 4 strokes now become obsolete?
  3. I could drop flies to the camera but I'm sure the fish would eat them before they got to the bottom... But what you say is interesting and worth trying, esp the part about dropping scuds down in a jar. Let me chew on it and see what I come up with. We're still trying to get the actual pic (video) to come up in a frame or some other php format without having to go thru a media program. Also, we may have to upgrade the computer that's handling the transfer (acting as a server) and possibly up the upload speed (using 512k presently). Thanks for the ideas.
  4. No generation- I bet. They haven't ran any water is weeks so chances are none this weekend.
  5. I would launch at K Dock and fish the immediate area using rouges and swimming minnows- in and around each opening off the mud flats and each bluff point. Work them slow. Should catch some- and probably some crappie to boot.
  6. TMI.... Glad you're doing fine. You'll feel much better without it for sure.
  7. The phone at the dam- hasn't worked for several days I think. It may have gotten hit by lightening the other night. No water I can see. Stain could be from the rain or boat traffic and there's been alot of weeds breaking up and floating around the dock. The camera was offline for a bit this am... the computer tried to reboot in the night from a windows update and knocked the program offline.
  8. per Bill - #10 in yellow or red. Double Humpies work well also.
  9. Gets over usually about 9:30 - 10:00 pm. Marty doesn't like us to go on too long cause he has an early bedtime.
  10. They ran water yesterday and the level looks a bit better. With this warm weather forecast, I don't look for them to run much if any till it gets cold.
  11. Tonight at 7 pm. Bill Babler is coming with me.
  12. I think you'll find all that here. Ozarkanglers.com is 8 years old but the forum is only 70 days old. What you can't find in articles you'll find on each forum, posts from experienced anglers from all over the state. Ask questions and keep checking back. We have some special plans for OA-surfers. Welcome! Phil
  13. Guys from MDC do read this forum and I bet there are some even registered "incognito" if you know what I mean. I believe they may have be given some great ideas from you guys. Thanks!
  14. Let's see... which one would like least likely want to tangle with... I think I know some of these species but you should name them for us hillbillies. Details man! It looks like you only fished at night and off the surf or piers... Just watch... I'll have one of those under my dock in the FishCam one of these days.
  15. Bill told me he's heard bass fishing on the lower lake has been excellent this winter. Does anyone have any info they'd like to share. I know it's a hush-hush subject for locals... may be if we promise to catch-n-release?? I heard a bass club had a tourney not long ago and it took 30 pounds to win (6 lb average).
  16. C of O student? Another one?? How many is that now? 2-3-4. And if you count Vince that's 5! And I know there's at least one instructor that reads this forum... Dr. Garrison. Just don't get caught reading or posting in class!
  17. Bill and I started at 10 am at the cable. We're experimenting with some ideas- it will be an article someday. We only took our spin rods- I had a Falcon 5'5" spin rod with a Pfluger President reel with 2 lb line. Bill had a 6 ft rod for throwing and a 7 ft rod for jig-n-float. We each caught 16 rainbows before we got to outlet 2- most of Bill's were on a olive micro jig under a float 2-3 feet deep and mine came on a 1/16th oz black marabou jig, no float. I'll let Bill elaborate on his fishing later... he's not feeling well and went home early (caught too many crappie yesterday and got wore out). I had fun trying different retrieving techniques using the jig. I tried fast and slow, ripping it and crawling it on the bottom and a slow retrieve was clearly the best. I had the usual crowd of rainbows at my feet so I experiemented with them a bit. Flipping it out 6-7 feet from me and jiggling it while in the gravel, I had one rainbow come back 7 times looking at it. the 8th time he acted like he was "tasting" it with his mouth, not taking it. then the 9th time he turned his head sideways and picked it up. Cool beans! I had to hold the rod almost straight up and just work the tip of the rod to get the action I wanted. I didn't move the rod much at all while working it either downstream at a 45 degree angle to straight downstream. We broke for lunch and when we returned, Bill went home to rest and I started below outlet #2. the wind had picked up and the temp dropped- I had to change my retrieve. I either had to cast straight downstream with the wind or alittle to the sides. The strikes were harder but I missed more than the earlier session. I don't mind the wind it I'm using a heavier jig but the light jig was hard to control and feel the strike. I caught 6 more rainbows and 3 browns before calling it a day just above the rebar shoot. I'm going to finish this another day.
  18. Another tip for crappies... I got it from an excellent source that crappie are being caught in very shallow water on mud flats way up on Long Creek, much higher than Cricket and even Yocum. Shallow- 2-4 feet deep. This has been going on for about a week now. But these crappies aren't as big as the ones I caught yesterday down around Cricket. Yes there are alot of 10 inch crappies but they are thin and just 10 inches.
  19. My gosh- that's alot of fish!! That must be a heck of a fishery- fertile- or are all those stripers stocked? I may have to go with you here in a couple of weeks... have to be in St Louis tomorrow and Thursday.
  20. I'm going to have to design and have made some OA bumper stickers just for you guys so you'll find each other at the next gathering.... or bright fluorescent hats or something.
  21. When are you coming? We do have rooms open this weekend... kinda of a slow time. I have fishing buddy special available that may work for you. Fishing-wise... spin or fly? Bait or lure?
  22. Carolyn Scott just emailed and informed me that at the Riverpointe Ramp there is to be a $3 launch fee go into affect very soon.
  23. Be safe. Keep a journal. Take lots of pics... and keep a backup!
  24. Put in at Cricket Creek Marina at 8 am this morning with Bill Babler and heade up past the mouth of Long and into Cricket. Fished the flats on the right, sitting in 12-15 feet of water and doing best when throwing paralelle to the bank- sink to the bottom and reeling real real slow. 1/6th oz head with chartruese swimming minnow. I caught 5 short and 5 keeper crappies and Bill caught one keeper. They were biting light. I left at 11 am and Bill stayed and fish longer. Buster was fishing upstream in Long with clients this am. We talked to him on the cell phone a couple of times and he and his party limited by 11 am. They were short of Yocum fishing the first tree line off the bluff bank using white or chartruese grubs close to the bottom in 10-15 feet.
  25. It's not limited to fly- only artificial. Here's the link to the flyer. http://ozarkanglers.com/masters_06.html
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