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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Any moon- just go fish.
  2. One thing- you can watch it more than once or back it up if you missed something. Brian- you might play around with editing it to normal speed when you want to show something that's detailed or showing material. But the overall idea is great. You're the perfect person to discover it.
  3. Ryan and I went up and cut the big sycamore tree that was laying over and blocking the channel at the Narrows this afternoon. But BEWARE!!! It's lying on the bottom of the lake about 30 inches under the surface when the water is off. It sunk like a rock when it was cut. The current should move it but I believe it's going to have to be some serious, 4 unit flow to move it down stream. Until then, it's going to cause some issues. We cut all the branches off of it but you can see the stump on the east bank as well as some small stickup on the shallow side. We cut it in the middle too so it will break apart when it rolls. I bet it holds trout but drifting over it- you'll lose some "junk" as Babler says.
  4. Water just shut down. The schedule says it's supposed to run all day. I bet it will be off most of the afternoon. We're heading up to cut the tree out of the channel at the Narrows!!
  5. On second thought... I think this topic has made as many points as it's going to without going to the gutter. I do remind everyone, new and old, to keep personal comments out of your posts. You can make your points without them. it degrades your points when you have to add them. It's getting harder and harder to keep from these types of topics simply because so many of us are affected by today's political and economic situations. That's why I try to get some leeway to topics like this. But when it gets personal, can't allow it. So this one is closed, with the last 3 comments deleted.
  6. Thanks for the report. Greg was the only "Lilley" at home the last few days. My mom's brother passed last week and most of us made the trip to Denison, TX for his service so we were all gone except for Greg who held the fort down. Glad you had a god time.
  7. Welcome
  8. Not that I know of.
  9. The info given was from data collected from 1993-1995. Don't know about any other clip study doing on. Does seem like they've done some since but not sure.
  10. Good. He's very smart which helps. Spends the most time with my dad which is good. Thanks
  11. Someone asked how long it took a brown to reach 20 inches. Here's what I got from Shane: Age Length 2 10.4 2.5 12.4 3.5 15.6 4.5 17.4 5.5 18.3 I would have to suspect that growth rates are higher now with the densities of brown trout lower than normal, but on average I would say it takes at least 6 years for a brown to get to 20 inches.
  12. Two maps showing where the boulders are up below the dam - pdf files. http://ozarkanglers.com/taneycomo/maps/Taneycomo-upper-structure-map.pdf http://ozarkanglers.com/taneycomo/maps/Taneycomo-lower-structure-map.pdf http://ozarkanglers.com/taneycomo/maps/Taneycomo-structure-sign.pdf
  13. Table Rock has been running water non stop for a couple of weeks. Unless they stop, water release over or under Powersite will continue. Watch the SPA site for Table Rock's schedule.
  14. Probably shouldn't make this a union vs non union discussion or it won't last long... I think there's enough people that have an interested in St Louis Co Parks to keep this topic open as long as it keeps on topic.
  15. There's no way to know when they run water thru the turbines - no posted schedule like SPA and the Corp dams. But you can watch what they run and when they run at Table Rock -- that water has to pass thru Powersite.
  16. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1661" title="Lake Taneycomo on OzarkAnglers.Com 4" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2011/11/Lake-Taneycomo-on-OzarkAnglers.Com-4.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="256" /> Hadn't been on the water in more than a week and only once since the boulders had been placed in the upper lake. And hadn't been out since they filled the lake back up from the low levels, having drawn the lake down so that Powersite Dam could be worked on. Boated to the dam about 1:00 p.m. with friends Tom Johnson and Chuck Puckett (local gents). They were running 3 units but running them at low capacity, about 50 megawatts or the equivalent of one full unit. As the afternoon wore on, they dropped it to 30 mw I'd say, looking at the level and current of the lake. We didn't have any trouble getting up to the cable. The rocks, placed in the lake a couple of weeks ago, were under the surface far enough they were not an issue. The rocks, though, themselves have already turned dark in the water so they're hard to make out. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1658" title="Lake Taneycomo on OzarkAnglers.Com 3" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2011/11/Lake-Taneycomo-on-OzarkAnglers.Com-3.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="344" /> We started by throwing 1/8th oz jigs straight, two of us threw white and one olive. The white jigs did better above rebar and the dark jigs did better from rebar past the boat ramp all afternoon. Below the cable, we caught a few good rainbows but caught a few smallies, 2 whites, a walleye and a gizzard shad, all on the white jigs. After we fished the upper water for about 90 minutes, we drifted down below rebar and started drifting the lower area, down to Trophy Run. The wind had picked up a bit so I strung a float and added a 1/16th oz jig and adjusted the depth depending on where we were drifting. I kept it real close to on the bottom, not off the bottom much if could help it. We drifted the middle and both sides and I think we did better on the north side. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1657" title="Lake Taneycomo on OzarkAnglers.Com 2" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2011/11/Lake-Taneycomo-on-OzarkAnglers.Com-2.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="231" /> We used olive, brown and sculpin colors, some with orange heads and all did well. We had triples on 4 times and landed probably about 40 trout before heading back in at 4:30 p.m.. We had one rainbow over 20 inches and several 17-18 inches. They fought fair but could still tell they were oxygen deprived although a few fought hard and jumped. The water water fish fought very hard--they don't seem to be affected by the low DO like trout. The jig and float technique using heavier jigs (1/16th oz) is a new thing for me. I tried them a couple of weeks ago while fishing around the boulders for the first time. We work the floats/jigs just like we did the smaller jigs but I probably work these jigs more often and harder than the smaller ones. Many times I'd get the bite on the first drop--as the jig is dropping after the cast. The strikes were hard- no question about if your were getting a bite. The float would shoot under but you'd have to watch your slack in the line or you'd miss the fish. You'd set the hook and only be pulling slack line instead of the fish. <img title="Lake Taneycomo on OzarkAnglers.Com " src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2011/11/Lake-Taneycomo-on-OzarkAnglers.Com-5.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="261" />
  17. No dailys are sold now. In the park you need a tag. Out- I guess not but not sure. Probably not if not keeping. Tim would know.
  18. Hunters shoot 89,000 deer on opening weekend Experts attribute the 8-percent decrease to warm, windy weather and decreasing deer numbers in some parts of the state. JEFFERSON CITY-Hunters checked 89,728 deer during the opening weekend of Missouri's November firearms deer hunt, a decrease of 8.3 percent from 2010. Resource Scientist Jason Sumners, with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), said weather played a role in this year's decrease, but attributed a longer declining trend to shrinking deer numbers in some parts of the state. "There's no question that the opening-weekend harvest was affected by warm temperatures and high winds," said Sumners. "However, this isn't just a one-year decrease. The opening-weekend harvest averaged 118,000 from 2001 through 2005. From 2006 through 2010, the average was 95,401. Those figures reflect a change in regional deer populations." Sumners said areas where deer numbers are down include parts of the Kansas City, Northwest, Southwest and Central regions. The opening-weekend harvest in those areas was down between 11 and 18 percent. The opening-weekend harvest in southeastern Missouri and in the Ozark region was similar to last year's. Sumners said deer numbers are increasing slowly in those areas. Sumners said the declining trends in deer population and harvest numbers are not cause for concern. "We have been trying for the better part of a decade to stabilize deer numbers in some areas," said Sumners. "In others we have been working to bring down deer populations to reduce crop damage and deer-vehicle accidents. Now our challenge is finding ways to fine-tune harvest at the local level to balance hunting opportunity with nuisance problems." Sumners said this could mean future reductions in the availability of antlerless permits in some areas. According to Sumners, a decrease of 8,000 in the opening-weekend harvest is not likely to have a significant effect on the overall deer harvest but may reflect a general trend of lower deer numbers in many parts of rural Missouri. With 12 days of the November hunting season ahead, followed by a nine-day antlerless deer season, 11 days of muzzleloader hunting and a two-day late youth season, hunters have plenty of time to catch up. Archers have through Jan. 15 to hunt. Sumners said he expects the 2011-2012 deer harvest to be in the neighborhood of 250,000 to 275,000. Top harvest counties during the opening weekend were Howell with 1,702 deer checked, Macon with 1,617 and Texas with 1,588. MDC recorded one non-fatal, firearms-related hunting incident during the opening weekend. -Jim Low-
  19. I have extensive articles and there are lots of posts on this.
  20. If we figure out a way to POST it on OA and make it so simple anyone can understand it, I'm all for it!! May work with Tim on it in the next few weeks. No- I know you don't need a daily stamp during catch and release season. Only a MO Trout Stamp.
  21. Humm... springs. I did notice them but didn't give it a thought. I bet- the springs will give way to pressure- water coming over the top. The more water, the more it would push the gates down. That means that it would affect our lake level during heavy flows- like 4 full units. It would mean our level up here would be a little lower and a little faster current. How much - we'll have to see I guess. Probably not noticeable to most.
  22. You're right. With water temps very warm down deep, the turn will happen early IF it stays relatively cold. Need cold and wind- that will turn Table Rock quicker than anything.
  23. Just got back from the deer woods.... sorry I wasn't around to nix this discussion. I'll go ahead and close it, although it's ending on a good note- deer hunting. But you should start another thread on that subject and I'll add my 2-doe story.
  24. Hope so.
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