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Phil Lilley

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  1. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/23352164" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/23352164">Scott Fly Rod Co. | Behind the Scenes</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/feltsoulmedia">felt soul media</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  2. I think I've posted this and wrote about this a few times... September 2008 - 10 flood gates - 75-80 degree water or more. We've had many flood gate events over the years but only one in September when Table Rock's water is that warm. We've had a couple in May and June but the water is only in the 60's. Current doesn't hurt fish. There are plenty of places to get out of it if needed.
  3. Well, signed up only to find out the post season games are blacked out. Donated $20 to the MLB. Did find a pirated site that had it but lost reception north of Beaumont. Then lost radio signal. Caught bits and pieces of the game till the 9th inning when I found another station on the am side. Would have stopped at a bar or something to catch the end but.... I was in TEXAS so they might not appreciate my allegiance.
  4. Short shaft prop
  5. Wow- those are some nice trout! Did you get pins and certificate from the office? Love to post your pics on our big trout wall outside the office. I knew you were staying at the resort- just didn't know where.
  6. Anyone do this? Want to watch the game tonight on my iPad on the road. I think I need to subscribe to mlb.tv for $19.95 and then buy the game. Just want to do it right the first time and not pay for something I don't have to.
  7. WOW! What a blessing to be where you were last night. I can't imagine the sounds and excitement in person. Game 5 - I didn't sleep well after watching that game. Too much stress and frustration. So I wasn't going to keep watching last night if the Cards showed signs of buckling again. I quit watching early but sneaked a peak at the 7th inning. Almost turned it off but thought, I might as well watch Texas win... I like Texas. They're a good team and deserve to be where they are. I like Nolan Ryan. So I watched it - and man I'm glad I did. Have to be on the road tonight heading back home (from Texas) so I'm researching how to watch it on my iPad.
  8. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=30643
  9. Reduced to $850.00. We have 5 left.
  10. Yes- very hidden. Forgot I created it. Probably stay with what I have, although it's not a bad idea.
  11. MDC said I could use some of their photos of their work too- since I'm out of town for the start of the work. This is new for MDC - placing rock in the tailwater. They are going to document their work.
  12. Was hoping to meet you. Were you fishing at Pointe Royale? We are on the road to TX to see the grandkids. Be back late Saturday. Yea- fishing dies off mid day till in the evening.
  13. BTW - MDC dumped in another load of trout at Cooper an hour ago. Off the ramp again.
  14. Scramble formats are fun. Draw for partners or foursomes if we have enough.
  15. They're starting putting the rocks out on Friday and finishing first of next week. No rocks in the lake yet.
  16. I took a jon up the lake this morning at 7:30 am. Water was running about as low as it will go right now. I was able to get up past Trout Hollow by keeping the boat on plane... and not looking down. About 9 am, I saw 2 bass boats blow up over the shoal there with no problems. But I'm telling you, it's marginal at best. Babler won't do it. After getting past the shoal there, stay in the normal channel and you'll be fine all the way to the dam. It gets deeper as you go up. made one drift with an olive/sculpin 3/32nd jig and caught 3 rainbows. Didn't catch anything till I was past Rocking Chair. No bite, just jigging the jig and it got heavy. Caught a nice smallmouth at the ramp.
  17. Chief - I bowled in college - carried a 205 average. But some hobbies I had to give up!
  18. Heck- we could just get a bunch of tee times and play a friendly, non organized tournament for a few bucks or a hat or two. Don't care how official it is... easier the better I say. Can pick it close-to-the-date to get a good day to play. Love playing on a warm winter day.
  19. Babler is a great golfer but hard to get on the course. 11/12 is deer opener and I'll be in the woods NOT looking for golf balls and wearing orange. Springfield might be a better fit- more guys can play if it's in a central place.
  20. I'm in! I can get more players too. Doesn't matter where. I played at North Woods in Dallas last week at a benefit.
  21. I got out at 5 pm today and took a jon boat to the dam. They were running 4 units- the level at the dam was 706 feet so there was plenty of water everywhere. But it wasn't that way for most of the day. Babler said he hit a gravel bar just below Scotty's Trout Dock. He said it looked like Turkey Creek was the culprit. The bar extended out from the creek and went way out to the middle of the channel. It was shallow enough he messed up his prop good. Like I reported earlier- fishing was very good this morning but it got stinky this afternoon. MDC put in 5000 rainbows at Cooper Creek Access this afternoon- just so you know. Babler said they dumped them off the ramp, not from a boat. I drifted from below outlet #1 past outlet #3, drug an anchor and worked a 1/8th oz olive jig along the north bank. Tried to swing the jig like a stream behind the boat. Caught 8 rainbows on one pass- 3 of which were over 17 inches. 4 were dark males. I drifted on down and caught 4 more rainbows. Was hoping for a brown. Man what a nice evening. Stayed out till way past dark just drifting a scud. No more fish but it didn't matter.
  22. I got out at 5 pm today and took a jon boat to the dam. They were running 4 units- the level at the dam was 706 feet so there was plenty of water everywhere. But it wasn't that way for most of the day. Babler said he hit a gravel bar just below Scotty's Trout Dock. He said it looked like Turkey Creek was the culprit. The bar extended out from the creek and went way out to the middle of the channel. It was shallow enough he messed up his prop good. Like I reported earlier- fishing was very good this morning but it got stinky this afternoon. MDC put in 5000 rainbows at Cooper Creek Access this afternoon- just so you know. Babler said they dumped them off the ramp, not from a boat. I drifted from below outlet #1 past outlet #3, drug an anchor and worked a 1/8th oz olive jig along the north bank. Tried to swing the jig like a stream behind the boat. Caught 8 rainbows on one pass- 3 of which were over 17 inches. 4 were dark males. I drifted on down and caught 4 more rainbows. Was hoping for a brown. Man what a nice evening. Stayed out till way past dark just drifting a scud. No more fish but it didn't matter.
  23. All good points. I can use some on the Beaver Tailwater site and some on the Table Rock site. Just because it's a tailwater site doesn't restrict it to just coldwater species but that's mostly what I'll touch on there. BTW- this is all for a new OA site I'm building with "mini sites" featured on different lakes, rivers, streams and tailwaters. Best to get the information from people who know the area and fish it. Thanks
  24. Haven't been on the water yet but I've heard no prop boats above Trout Hollow- only jets can make it. Shallow spots and logs underwater are dotted from there down- stay in the middle of the channel and you're ok. Fishing very good this am drifting crawlers from TH down to our place. Babler had a nice trip with good rainbows and lost a 26 inch brown.
  25. Zero reproduction so no worries about any redds. No moving water where they're going to place rocks anyhow (no generation). Should not affect any browns moving up.
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