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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Mitch- you might want to restart this topic. I deleted some posts that weren't appropriate (videos) and some of the last part won't make sense. I would have loved to go on this float but just can't swing it this time. May be this fall.
  2. Nice stringer of bass. Making unreplaceable memories with your boy!
  3. They blew the horns just as I stepped out of the door at 5:50 am this morning... man!! I was counting on at least a couple of hours of still water-- and I thought there were a bunch of guys wading up at the dam who were ticked too. But had a "date" with Steve Dickey at 6 am so I headed out anyways. We boated to Lookout and started throwing 3/32nd oz sculpin or olive jigs and catch trout on our first casts. And it didn't stop. Made one drift, then two and then headed to the dam. Made two drifts up there. We threw mostly sculpin and something- combo colors, sculpin and orange or olive or ginger and they all caught fish. We had several pushing 18 inches and one over 20 (pic). I had another that felt much bigger and Steve had a hog on but broke off. We did switch to 1/8th oz one the water started moving pretty good. I wouldn't call this morning incredible- good may be- but the size we were catching made the trip worth it. Same fish in both pics.
  4. Got up to play basketball this morning early only to find out they weren't playing... so I went fishing. I play basketball with a bunch of guys at the college a few times a week. Boated up- made my way past Fall Creek and the Narrows almost to Lookout. The water was as shallow as 2.4 feet getting past the bar at Fall Creek and 1.8 feet at the Narrows. There's also a couple of big rocks in the channel just past the over hanging tree there at the Narrows so you have to go slow unless you have a jet. It had rained during the night- I checked the radar before I left and it looked clear to the west so I didn't take a rain jacket. Yes I got wet! I wanted to throw some jigs while the water was down. Even though the boards are still off at Powersite and the lake is abnormally low, there was plenty of water to work in the stretch between the Narrows and Lookout- up to 12 feet deep in places. I started with a 3/32nd oz scuplin jig, 4 lb line, 6 ft spinning rod. At first they didn't want it but as soon as it started raining, game on. It showered for about 10 minutes and I caught rainbows on every cast. When it stopped raining, the fish kept biting. Not sure how many I caught. Took pics of some of them. These were beautiful rainbows- pics don't do them justice. I hooked one rainbow while I was praying for my fishing buddy, Vince. He has brain cancer and not doing well. I've been confused how exactly to pray for him lately. Ask for healing, ask for grace, ask for direction... as I was talking about grace and peace and His presence to envelop their house, I set the hook on a large trout that immediately jumped out of the water. I thought, "that must have been the right thing to ask!" Now I don't take things happening as the "gospel" or confirmation of direction and I'm not big on signs. This was a neat thing that happened while I was having a special conversation with my God. Thought I'd share it. BTW- the rainbow was a very heavy 24 inch trout. He had a huge girth, not out of proportion but just big. But he had no snout. His upper face to the eyes was flat, I'm sure by birth. His eyes were actually looking forward, not to the side. His mouth was very small because of the defect. I didn't have a net and as I lifted him by the jig out of the water, the jig came lose and he fell back in the water. No pic. But man did he fight! Here are some pics of the morning - Looking downstream at the Narrows showing the gravel bar. House that had the wall that fell - lots of rock!!
  5. I've have yet to figure that out- with the new site coming online in a couple of months, I'll have a better idea.
  6. You're in Oregon County, Missouri... just wanted to clarify that. Might think you're in the state of Oregon from the title. Can't help you on carp fishing but I bet someone here can.
  7. Are other guys targeting walleye, you think? I wonder how many total have been taken. I've caught 3, released 2.
  8. Went back this evening with Marsha and her parents. Saw two schools on top in the middle of the lake heading over. Got there at 7:30 and only had 2 groups come up for less than 30 seconds. Very quite. Nice evening to be on the lake though.
  9. <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/6-21-brown-500.jpg" width="400" height="218"></p> <p>Trout fishing on Lake Taneycomo continues to be pretty good.&nbsp; It was tough getting out on the lake and fishing when the heat index was pushing 100 degrees but now that it’s cooler and looks to be nice and cool for the next week, people are getting out and enjoying the lake even during the day.</p> <p>Generation patterns have changed starting this week.&nbsp; Water is starting to run at 8 a.m. and building to 4 units, 200 megawatts, by noon and running pretty much all day.&nbsp; I think we’re going to see this pattern for weeks to come, at least till Table Rock Lake is down past 920 feet.&nbsp; It’s now at 924.8 and is dropping 3 inches per day.&nbsp; You do the math.</p> <p>I am still amazed at the size, quality and fight our rainbows have after the flood.&nbsp; We are catching thick, fat rainbows, mainly in the trophy area above Fall Creek everyday, all on flies and jigs.&nbsp; I’ve thrown a Rapala a couple of times but to be honest, I’ve thrown the wrong kind and haven’t done any good.&nbsp; I’ve been throwing a floating stick bait, shallow running and I think you need to throw a deep diver or sinking stick bait, like a CD-7 or 9 Rapala.</p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/6-14a-250.jpg" width="250" height="167" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right">From the cable down, white jigs are still doing very well when the water is running.&nbsp; Also dark jigs are doing good like sculpin, brown or olive plus combination colors like sculpin/orange and sculpin/ginger.&nbsp; Size of jig depends on how much water they’re running.&nbsp; If they’re just starting to generate and it’s not moving very fast, try a 1/16th or a 3/32nd-ounce but when they’re cranking the water, tie on a 1/8th-ounce.</p> <p>The guides were drifting small, floating Rebel crank baits using drift rigs a few weeks ago when the gates were opened but not so much any more but I would try that.&nbsp; Some big browns are starting to be caught and I would think they’d go for something a little more meaty.</p> <p>Steve Dickey, one of our guides, reports a change in the fly color he’s been using this week.&nbsp; He’s been doing better on brown scuds and lighter colored cream egg flies rather then the gray or olive scuds and dark roe colored eggs he’d been using last week.&nbsp; He’s drifting them under an Orvis thing-a-ma-bobber and fishing them about 9-feet deep in most places when the water is running.&nbsp; Best area to drift these flies is from the cable down to Lookout Island.&nbsp; He also said a hot pink San Juan worm is working good.&nbsp; Before the water starts, he’s fishing a #16 Zebra midge under an indicator 2-3 feet deep.&nbsp; He’s using a copper or gold head and either black thread or a P &amp; P (pearl &amp; primrose) style.</p> <p>Yesterday, Steve struggled during the middle of the day, as well as everyone else that was fishing.&nbsp; The wind has been tough and the trout seem to take a nap or something when the sun is up high in the sky.&nbsp; So middle of the day might be slow for you.</p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/6-21c-250.jpg" width="250" height="188" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left">Now we’ve been going out and fishing dry flies from Lookout down to the overhanging tree (a new landmark in the trophy area).&nbsp; The overhanging tree is just above the Narrows—it can’t be missed.&nbsp; It overhangs off the bluff side of the lake and when the water isn’t running, your path of travel takes you directly underneath the tree, through the channel.</p> <p>Our trout, and I’m sure other species of fish all over, have taken special note of the big cicada hatch this year.&nbsp; This stretch of lake has been particularly good for fishing a cicada patterns because this bank is fairly shallow for a bluff bank and the current doesn’t eddie and swirl on other bluff banks down lake.&nbsp; My best success is where the current is moving steadily right against the bank and if there’s a overhanging tree there, it’s even better.</p> <p>The cicadas are pretty much gone now but our trout are still looking up and to the surface for movement.&nbsp; We’ve changed from our cicada patterns to stimulators and other larger dry flies.&nbsp; Color and style don’t seem to make as much difference as size to these rainbows and browns.&nbsp; I’m using nothing less than a #4 or #2 fly with lots of body.&nbsp; The higher on the water it sits the better.</p> <p>We’ve fished at all times of the day and the best seems to be the last 2 hours of the day.&nbsp; Morning is good till about noon but the afternoon hasn’t been very good.&nbsp; Now if it gets cloudy, I’d go anytime and try it.</p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/6-21d-250.jpg" width="250" height="192" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right">Bill Babler says trout fishing is awesome!&nbsp; Bait fishing from Trout Hollow down to Lilleys’ using chartreuse Gulp eggs and night crawlers is producing better-than-average rainbows while from Monkey Island to Branson, the rainbows are quite a bit smaller.&nbsp; He thinks MDC stocked smaller rainbows last week.</p> <p>With 2-4 generators running, drifting a white woolly or white jig the entire trophy area is very good, “better than it gets”.&nbsp; Also drifting a #12 or #10 gray scud and an egg fly combo.&nbsp; Bill has been fishing mainly from 6 to 10 a.m. on Taneycomo.</p> <p>Down below Fall Creek, before they start running water, night crawlers has been the best live bait, injecting them with air and floating them off the bottom about 18 inches.&nbsp; When the water starts running, drift a Gulp combo using white and green or white and orange egg.&nbsp; The Berkley scented plastic worms in red or brown are doing good too.</p> <p>Water temperature when the water is running is 51 and water is cloudy.</p>
  10. Back to feathers... was talking to Lisa yesterday and told her we should learn how to install these feathers onto heads and cut the middle man out! Dallas - you could be our first customer! Ness?
  11. Found some whites surfacing last evening in the mouth of a cove on the east side of Indian Point last evening thanks to Jim, a member on the forum. They were feeding on shad that were small- 1-1.5 inches long. They came up about 7:30 for about an hour. Can't miss them- it's a big school. Jim says they're all over the place in that area now. Millions of whites. We threw 1/32nd oz white jigs at them with fly rods and did very well. We cleaned a limit.
  12. This brown was caught yesterday, 6/21. Here's the details: Burke Lewis, Norman, OK, a staff member of the Ozark Lakes Summer Project with Campus Crusade for Christ. He is a part of a group of staff and college students, from all over the US, that are in Branson every summer. It is a 25 inch brown trout, weighing 7 1/2 pounds. It was caught on June 21, 2011, on a 4 pound test line, using a 1/8 ounce peach / sculpin jig. It was hooked about 300 yards south of the water inlet from the fish hatchery on the north side of the lake. It was released.
  13. Thanks. Using stimulators #6's and sofa pillow #4's. Not sure if it makes a big difference at this point. They are looking up for cicadas which are pretty much gone now. Water is murky from the flood. Table Rock's surface is pretty clear but I guess it's not down deep. This is how it was in '08.
  14. <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kTRLj7ewmdE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Filmed this morning. Practicing our videography.
  15. Mine are in the back, like Tim's. You have to ask for them. But I don't have a ton... I sold a bunch to a hair salon owner several months ago before I knew what was going on. But she bought stuff that had been on my rack for years- a few over 5 years... and the prices were 5 years old too! That also tells you something - fly shops, at least mine, don't sell a whole lot of barbel saddles at $35- $40 each so when they get a chance, they sell them. I'm with Gavin - if you can make big money selling your old stock that's sitting around, I'd do it. Nothing wrong with that! Like buying gold low- sell it high.
  16. That's the only info I got from the MDC biologists. I'd think it would be in the paper or something???
  17. Yes - 60.55 pounds 47 inches long Caught Friday night.
  18. Wow- hadn't heard.
  19. Biggest day was April 27, 2011, during the flood. 5370 visits 142,016 page views Saw the same spike during the flood in 2008. People were seeking news on what was going on and they came here... cool!
  20. I've only had a couple of comments but they've come in the past 5 days - kinda all of a sudden. No mention up to then so I thought may be something was wrong. So I wanted to mention it and see if anyone else had a problem.
  21. I've gotten several PM's and email saying visitor's AVS programs are saying there is a virus on ozarkanglers. After I got a comment last week, I sent a trouble ticket to my support team and they ran a complete check on the whole site and came up with nothing. The site is clear of any viruses. I'm not sure what's going on... not sure if the AVS programs are too sensitive or what. Anyone have any thoughts?
  22. Just a quick word on OA's stats. Going to be looking for advertisers once the new site is up later this summer. April 2011 was by far the biggest month ever for the site. April Averages: 3,265 visits per day 65,997 page hits per day 265,352 hits per day (I don't get this one- I never quote it) 2.74 GB per day
  23. We set some jug lines out this evening at Combs Ferry. After we run them in the am, we'll hit some banks and see what we find. Thanks!
  24. More pics this morning. I paid close attention to depths of the lake. 3-4 feet in front of the boat ramp. 5-6 feet on down north side before the swing. 5-7 feet down the old KOA channel. No real big changes in depths here. The big riffle is something else above the KOA. Was holding a bunch of rainbows. It's big and long too. <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end_KOA-new-gravel-bar1-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end_KOA-new-gravel-bar2-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end_KOA-new-gravel-bar3-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end_KOA-new-gravel-bar4-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end_KOA-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-lookout-upper-bar1-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-lookout-upper-bar2-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> The area here at Lookout has changed too. It's not the big long, slow flat it was. It's shallow but it channles more to the north side and moves much faster and dumps faster into the bottom hole. <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-lookout-upper-bar3-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-lookout-upper-bar4-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-lookout-upper-bar5-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-lookout-bar1-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> The bottom below Lookout has lots of big, deep holes and the drop offs are steep. There's more variant on the west side as far as gravel drop offs and holes. What I called "dry wash" isn't there anymore. It was a gravel bar that stick out at the wash coming out of Pointe Royale. There's a bigger bar but above it and it comes further out in the lake. <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-gravel-bars1.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-gravel-bars2-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p> <p><img src="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2011/taneycomo_upper_end-gravel-bars3-800.jpg" width="800" height="533"></p>
  25. Thanks for joining... welcome.
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