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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Use the IB Board LoFi skin. You can change it at the bottom-left of each page. It's made for cell phones.
  2. Not really. It's changed 100%. Having trouble adding the ads to the skin. It requires the admin to have more css knowledge which I don't have.
  3. The reputation has to do with the up or down thing I think. I personally don't like it at all. It labels people. I will look to see if I can disable it.
  4. That's the first thing I looked for and when I didn't see it right off, I almost panicked. Emotions work. What other buttons don't work?
  5. I've seen this on other forums, namely Field and Stream's. Kinda dumb really. Reputation feature... I'll have to check that out.
  6. I do see that "interests" comes up under each poster's name... and gender too.
  7. No test. It is what it is. Advantages? Not sure yet. There may be some add ons in the future. We'll see.
  8. Boy, this upgrade is throwing me for a loop. I bet it is for most of you too. The back-end is very, very different. It's going to be awhile before I figure out how to put everything back to the way it was. Hopefully I won't delete the whole thing. Ask if you have any questions and I'll try to help. For the most part, we're all on our own. Heck, I couldn't even get the thing back online for a while!
  9. Actually, MDC could kill the river and start over. They do it in other states. Wyoming killed off a section of a river this year to rid the river of a non-native species of trout so that they could restock the river with the native species. I know the biologist that carried out the deed. He introduced a chemical at one point in the river, then added the neutralizer at the ending point which rendered the poison harmless. Didn't harm the insects, I don't think. Have to do some research later today if I get time.
  10. 6-7 foot medium light rod is perfect. #8 or #6 hook. I'll be at Queeney Park on Jan 12.
  11. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="873" height="525">
  12. Speaking of worms... I'll post a video I shot this evening.
  13. Lee Richardson goes to our church with his wife and kids. His dad is Fred Richardson, former owner of Buck Creek Marina on Bull Shoals. I met Fred and his lovely wife, Vera, back in the late 80's on the dock. They were great with people - fisherpeople. Still are. Lee took me over to Protem this morning where we started our fishing day our of Buck Creek with Fred at the helm. Fred is still guiding and doing quite well. Lee said they've been catching alot of whites and other mixed species spooning in 35 to 55 feet of water on the flats. We got away from the dock about 9 am. It was cold! Arrived in the Lead Hill area and almost immediately found fish in 37 feet of water. Fred dropped 2 buoys and we started catching whites. It wasn't hot and heavy. We doubled up once. Fished till noon and had 30+ whites and 2 yellow perch. Saw lots of activity on the screen but with a high blue sky and wind out of the east, we were lucky to catch anything. Had a great morning... Nice to see the Richardson's again and nice to see a part of Bull Shoals I hadn't seen in a long time.
  14. Depends on what you call secluded. Blue Haven may the best closest to what you're looking for. Not sure what is on the lower end of the lake.
  15. The Corp won't allow that. They won't allow Taney's level to rise 1 inch at the face of Table Rock Dam because it would case back pressure on their release. Any back pressure cost $$$. Anything that holds back the water like a dike or spillway or line of rocks across the tailwater won't be allowed. Any depth that's gained must come from taking away material, in our case mostly gravel and we're going to try to do this by placing rocks at strategic spots below the dam.
  16. It is fairly steep but not overly... it's used more than most ramps too- year round. Could be percentages... who knows. I'm not saying this guy did anything wrong... could have been faulty brakes or something. He was alone I understand. There were people there to help. Ryan and Curtis ran over there when they heard about it. Ryan took the pic (my nephew and dockhand).
  17. This gentleman got out before it went in. This morning at Cooper Creek Ramp. Ryan, my nephew and dockhand took the pic. I guess the boater backed the van back with his back hatch open so it filled up immediately when it hit the water. No other details at this time.
  18. I'll add mine... It's been slow in the trophy area for the last 5 days. Might have a good drift and catch 4-6 trout and then nothing. Below Fall Creek, though, has been very good, drifting Gulp and night crawlers. I fished alittle Friday and caught a few on one drift from Lookout to Short creek but most of them came below Fall Creek on a orange head/sculpin 1/50th oz jig under a float 8 feet deep. Today I made one drift and caught nothing. Lake is very dark, lots of dark silt coming from Table Rock since it turned over, which is normal.
  19. You can email them to me or... you probably need to reduce the images to 800 pixels wide.
  20. I tried to find a site to see what MSA is all about... it seems their site is down? Got this off http://fly-fishing-smallmouth.com/html/sm_alliance.html - Missouri Smallmouth Alliance: Contact Joe Dmuchvosky at motsa@smallmouth.org
  21. You really have to pay attention to the lake level, not how many units they're running. It's like if you had 4 faucets on your sink... you might turn on all 4 faucets but only have them on half way. Or 2 faucets on 1/4 - that's what they are doing with 2 units at 50mw.
  22. I'm not sure what you want me to do. Anyone can post a petition on the forum. First you're going to have to come to some consensus on wording and what you want to accomplish. If you don't, if you make it too narrow, I doubt if you get many signatures. Also, you're going to have to do better than a screen name. I've suggested this in the past - change your screen name to your real name.
  23. http://ozarkanglers.com/index.php?option=c...8&Itemid=48
  24. Is there a good site with details on location, map of the river that you all use? I must confess, I know very little about the fishery, just what I've read on the forum.
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