"Before browns and PB, Taney had massive rainbows..." Browns were first stocked in the late 70's, then regularly starting in early 80's. They bumped up the numbers of rainbows dramatically starting in the early to mid 80's. They basically overstocked the lake with rainbows (1.5 million). PB came along in '90? Not sure.
I'm trying to follow your reasoning on the importance of a small and large trout and the wild trout comment and am having trouble with it. We don't have wild trout. All are stocked. Only a few places in the state where there are wild trout, wild in the fact they are hatched and raised in that stream.
Deer vs Trout - I'm sure there are numbers out there. But there are 2 numbers: $ towards MDC and $ towards the economy.
I have fished some of those streams in the West... it's tough to catch those buggers and I'm pretty decent with a fly rod. For the general public, they're impossible unless the regs allow bait fishing which most don't, esp the wild trout streams.
Taney is a "put, grow & take" lake. Use to be a "put and take" lake before the regs. Average stay of a stocked rainbow used to be 30 days. Now with the trophy area, they are given a chance to grow- and they do= that's very evident.
Novice anglers can come here and dunk a worm below Fall Creek and have a decent chance to catch an eighteen-inch rainbow - they do all the time. That's pretty darn good compared to most places, with the exception of a trout farm.
What we have works for everyone. Tweak it and protect it, I think that's all we're asking for.