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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. KY3 did a great piece on the event - view it here: http://www.ky3.com/home/video/59952832.html Special thanks to all those who tied flies, donated stuff and took these guys fishing. Jeremy Hunt donated 10 fly boxes and your flies fill each box with over 100 flies in each. Guides that gave their weekend to these guys were- Don House Eric Prey Chris Tetrick Jim Lund Dana Lindsay Bill Babler Vince Elfrink Jeremy Hunt Zack Hoyt Dan Sears George Steffen
  2. I can ask MDC. Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery stocks most of the trout areas other than trout parks in the state. It's located here in Branson below Table Rock Dam. http://mdc.mo.gov/areas/hatchery/shepherd/
  3. Man, it's hard to chose where to go fishing with all the white bass reports now... but this rain will change at least upper BS. I'm sure it'll dump alot of mud and debrey in the lake. You got in and fished it just in time.
  4. I assume they get rainbows from Shepherd. We have alot of rainbows here on Taney have have that orange belly. I know Shepherd crosses their strains with McClouds but regardless, wild or not, they're from Shepherd... probably.
  5. Did you get the hackled jigs? They were gone when I checked. I think they will work as well or better. Let me know... I won't be able to try them for a while now.
  6. I get to a couple of movies per year. Watch House and Leverage on TIVO... that's about it. Oh yea- Cardinals Baseball.
  7. Started about 9 am and fished till noon. You see in the video where we are and the conditions. 6x tippet with a small micro, tan under a float 4-5 feet deep. They caught and released about 35 rainbows up to 16 inches. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340">
  8. It's a youtube video... not sure what you need but they are pretty simple to see. Go to http://www.youtube.com/user/phillilley and see if you can see them there.
  9. No problem, Gary. You didn't bother me at all. This flip camera doesn't do well in low light I have found out. And the light I had was too bright. I'll have to play around with it. I found a strip they liked. I'd strip about a foot fairly slow and pause 3-4 seconds. Casted out anywhere from straight out across current to down at a 45 degree angle and start. Most of my strikes came straight downstream though. I was really surprised when I went through outlet #2 with the light I only saw one rainbow and I looked pretty far down. None in the fast water. I think the DO is so good right now in the main lake the trout aren't having to stay close to the outlet flows like previous years.
  10. Got up there at 10:45 and was home by 12:30 am. Started at the Big Hole and had bites right off the bat on a #4 blood leach. Switched to a black pine squirrel and did well too. Caught 8 down there. Then went up to outlet #2 to see what was up there. Caught 2 rainbows before turning the light on the outlet- didn't see but one rainbow. No browns. Here's some vid's... gotta figure a way to take and talk and show off the fish at the same time. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340">
  11. We didn't get to the banks you showed me... Jeremy was driving and I didn't offer any advise on where to go. The rain cut us short. There were 3 Big Cedar guides working that whole side of the lake. We just hopped in to open banks where we could. So did give away any spots... not today... but if I ever did it would be totally by accident. I'm buying Bill a Flip Video Camera for Christmas!
  12. David, One of the first things we will ask you to do is to read the current fishing reports on the forum. There are quite a few. This keeps our guides and other contributors from having to repeat what they've been saying for the last couple of days. As far as the nitty gritty of line sizes, whatever you use at home will work here. Our Ozark lakes are clear, probably like yours in FL. You are coming at the ideal time. As could can read, bass fishing is pretty awesome on both lakes. Your questions are very general... answers will vary not with the lake but with the area you will be fishing. So more info is needed on your part. Where are you and your friend fishing? What areas? From the reports recently, you will see that there is a ton of surface feeding all over Table Rock - mainly white bass but also blacks, spots and sm. In closing, and then I'll let our Table Rock guys finish, we do expect a detailed fishing report after your trip to the Ozarks. We trust it will be a good and successful one.
  13. I'd call or go by MDC in Springfield and talk to them. I'm sure they have printed material plus people there that can tell you what the best plan of action is. If you do, get back to us and let us know what they say.
  14. Marsha and I went to the movies today. White Out Could have been a "b" TV series which would be cut quickly. The actress in the movie - Marsha commented it's the first movie that they strived to make her look good ALL the time. Outside in 50-65 below temps with hard wind, no face mask and she came out looking like a rose. 65 below - you can't even breathe without freezing your lungs. Just too many impossible situations. Too many unexplained happenings. Story line is very lame. Don't bother going!!!
  15. I didn't fish very long - maybe 90 minutes - and I didn't go up where there's alittle current and would have done better but this area can be great fishing... just not mid day today. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340">
  16. OK- now that Bill has found out how to take pictures and post them, I'll have to best it... "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> It'll take at least 3 years for him to figure out video!
  17. Yes- I have one but it's not for the new ultra's they are selling now at Best Buy. It's for the old, first generation ultra. Just trying to save someone from buying what I did - and now can't use it. I haven't found a hard case for the new ultra yet- they haven't come out with it yet I guess.
  18. The jig... I tie them. No I don't have any in my shop yet but if you need some let me know and I can tie them up. There's really nothing to them... but they work.
  19. No but you can buy a bag. If you buy the ultra, I have a case I bought for cheap... but it's for the first generation of the ultra, not the newest one so it doesn't fit my camera. If you have a first gen ultra, I have a case I'll sell cheap. You can buy a waterproof bag for them but it seems like you may as well just use a zip lock baggie- that's about all they are.
  20. Good discussion. And everyone agrees!! Couple of thoughts come to mind. The meat of a freshly stocked rainbow is white. When it's been in the lake and eaten natural food for a while, it turns orange. I get that question alot here at the resort. When you think of a wild rainbow, you think of what... - hard to catch - crafty - spooky - fight hard - have all fins - colorful or at least pristine When a stocked trout gains most or all of these attributes, it could be called wild by some anglers but it can never be truly wild because it wasn't born in the wild.
  21. I bought the camera for him!!! How many years ago... 2? And he's just now learned to post them. He has some catchin' up to do.
  22. It's a Flip Ultra. I like it. Very simple to upload to youtube. KOA- they're still working on landscaping. Not building any cabins yet. You can still catch fish there. I don't have any videos to sell- sorry. I like free... on the net.
  23. Yea - it would be a mess. Looking very far into the future, who knows what is coming as far as fishes...
  24. They should have a separate category for generically altered species cause in the future, they'll come up with more of these freaks and the natural, original species will get lost.
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