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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I got an answer from an agent. laker67 is pretty much right on.
  2. BUNA, Texas — A class ring lost for decades in an East Texas lake is back with its owner after turning up in a fish caught the day after Thanksgiving. Joe Richardson of Buna told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he wishes he knew "how many fish it's been in." Richardson was fishing at Lake Sam Rayburn about two weeks after his 1987 graduation from Universal Technical Institute in Houston when he lost the ring. The 41-year-old mechanic says on Nov. 28 received a call from a fisherman who had reeled in a more than 8-pound bass. The ring that had been in the fish had "Joe Richardson" etched in the band. Richardson says the fisherman did an Internet search and made several calls before reaching him and returning the ring. Buna is about 110 miles northeast of Houston. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,461447,00.html
  3. I did search youtube for other videos of anyone fishing from docks on LOZ- none.
  4. John- I was thinking about hitting the Landing Wall on Taney and the mouth of Roark for crappies. They should be there soon if not now. I've caught them the last 3-4 years starting in January each winter. Been thinking about what we did AND posting the video. I, being the owner of a widely read website on fishing, shouldn't have posted a video of us fishing from docks we didn't have permission fishing off of. LOZ may be a lake where this is common practice but it's still trespass and it shouldn't be promoted. I thought through it- even if a dock owner doesn't care if someone boards his dock- unless it's posted "welcome- fish from my dock" you shouldn't board it. I didn't see any such signs. Did see one welcome mat on one dock. Now should you go to LOZ and do what we did? According to Bill there's little problem with it and that may be so. I love Bill to death- he's one of my best friends- but he's only one person and one person's opinion, although he does have history on LOZ. Weigh it all and decide for yourselves. One thing's for sure- LOZ is a crappie producing machine!! I'd like to go back sometime.
  5. Is this a new occurrence but has this always been an issue? Internet sites like OAF count on recognizing members via cookies they lay on your computer. If you don't allow cookies or a virus has caused some problems with your system, then you'll have problems being recognized. It may be something in OAF's software. I'll turn in a trouble ticket - depends on what answers we get here.
  6. Don't think anyone was offended... only one person mentioned in on this topic I think. But it is an anomaly that a lake like LOZ has that kind of unspoken policy, so to speak. Most places I don't think are like that. But the main reason, I think, LOZ of like this is that 99% of the places there are empty in the winter.
  7. The only way to catch these crappies WITHOUT getting out on a dock is to have a long crappie pole and reach in and drop a jig. But even so, it would be very difficult do so because of all the stuff in the way. There were docks we pulled into that stalls were open and you could cast up in and we did catch a few that way. But most stalls were filled. I knew and know that docks are private and you should get permission... not making excuses here for our actions or anyone elses... but I'd think if there were that many docks on LOZ and there was a rampant problems with people getting off and fishing on these docks that there would be more No Trespass signs posted. Like I said- we only saw 3 on the same property out of hundreds. Now read what I typed carefully before lambasting me.
  8. I knew this might get me (us) in trouble... it's one thing doing what we did and it's another doing it and then posting it on the internet. But... I told Bill to check out the forum- that he had some questions to answer. I did scrub the deck off REAL good- left the dock in better shape than we found it. Bill only cleaned a couple before he complained about his back hurting. We had a make-shift board and clean the rest on it.
  9. Guides and clients both fillet trout at our dock everyday. But I don't think you're supposed to on the water, esp while still fishing. I've asked so we'll see.
  10. Seems like the Corp is settling into a pattern of generation this week of running water early in the mornings till about 10 am, then shutting it down till 5 pm and running it a bit into the night. This is a pretty typical pattern- they are generating power during peak power demand times of the day/night. On colder nights/mornings, people are kicking their heaters on to warm up the house or office, then cutting them back during the day. Makes sense I guess. The water they're running in the mornings isn't that much and it doesn't take long for it to drop out once they shut it down. These darker days seem to make the trout bite a bit better. Today, the wind has laid down though so the fish are going to be a little hard to fool and easier to spook. If there's just a little breeze, our trout get active and start looking for stuff to eat. That's why I tell people to seek out choppy surfaces along the lake. Up below the dam, wade fishing was been great. There's alot of rainbows up there for the catching. Stripping leeches and buggers in earth colors (brown, olive, black, purple, dark red) #10's to #6's in deeper pools (from the cable half way down to outlet #2, between #2 to the top of rebar, the big hole area down thru the KOA). Stripping soft hackles in red, olive, black or yellow #14's and #16's where there's a little current and/or where there's a chop on the surface of the water; stripping a crackle back in lighter colors (white hackle/red, yellow, orange body) #14 in same areas and conditions as soft hackles. Dry flies #8 stimulator in yellow or orange, #12 olive elk hair caddis, #14 renegades, #14 black ants worked against the banks, especially a bluff or high bank. Midge larva and pupa fished where rainbows are feeding on midges, either on the surface or under the surface- #20's to #24's thread midge or emergers in cream, brown, olive or red. Either grease the line or use a small indicator but it must be small and light like a palsa not to spook the trout that are feeding. They tend to be either in shallow water or close to the surface when feeding on midges to the line or indicator will scare them easily. Zebra Midge #14's to #20's in red, black, olive, rust, pearl using a variety of heads, mainly tungsten, fished below an indicator targeting feeding rainbows. Depth of fly depends on trout activity. If they're feeding close to the surface, set the indicator about 10 inches. If not, set it at 2-4 feet. Scuds and sow bugs #12's to #20's but mainly #16's and #18's in olive, varied shades of gray, tan and brown. Some have been tying a bit of orange in the dubbing imitating a pregnant or dead scud. Either use weighted flies or use a small split shot. Areas- anywhere from the cable down to Fall Creek. Tippet - 5x-6x for most nymphs (scuds, sow bugs), 4x for most woolies and leeches, 6x for most zebras, and some midges but when using the smallest midges, use 7x, dries- depends on the size of the fly. Micro jigs, mainly in olive, black and brown. Set the indicator about 4-5 feet deep and seek out choppy water. Marabou jigs will work too. one-eighth to 1/125th oz in sculpin, sculpin/orange, sculpin/ginger, black/yellow, olive, sculpin/olive have been good colors. Areas- anywhere on the lake basically but the best areas have been from Lookout down thru Fall Creek, Fall Creek thru Cooper Creek and even further down to the Landing. Marabou jigs worked straight-lined without a float, sizes from 1/32nd oz to 1/8th oz, depending on tackle (line size and rod size) and conditions of water and weather. If it's windy, it's hard to work a small jig. Four pound line is standard but some use 2 pound. Six pound it way too big. Cranks baits like rapalas, pointers and rogues have been working fair. Work them against bluff banks around fallen trees and structure for browns and open water for rainbows. Windy conditions or during generation is best. Live bait- air injected night crawlers are best. Either drift them on the bottom when water is running or anchor and use them still fishing. Best to anchor close to the banks and off the channel and throw into the channel or up off the channel on the sides. Don't anchor and block channels- will just cause frustration to you and other boaters. Best areas are from Fall Creek to Short Creek. Gulp Power Eggs are working good too. Use one white and one other color- pink, orange or yellow. Use 4 pound line, preferably green or clear. Use a small split shot to get the bait to the bottom.
  11. I knew this would come up. Baber will have to address this cause I can't. It's his old stomping grounds and he said everyone does it up there- always have. If there's a sign on a dock that prohibits trespass, you don't go there but we only saw one set of three docks that had signs. We did fish one big dock that a lady manager came down to check boats. She asked how fishing was and was nice. I thought it was unusual and felt uneasy but Bill assured me it was ok. I did see one private dock with a welcome mat on the end of a stall- a place where someone would dock and get off to enter their dock.
  12. Will have video uploaded shortly. It's already on youtube and my facebook page. It will be on OA homepage in flash format. sorry no video. Here's a pic I shot for the heck of it. Didn't know how it'd turn out. Fairly nice.
  13. We had a marvelous day of fishing. No heated docks. It was 34 and breezy when we put in at 10 am. Put in at Coffman Beach Access. Started with the docks there at the ramp as instructed and found 4 keepers on the second to the last dock in that row. Caught on a purple swimming minnow, 1/16th oz jig head. We saw a couple of guys on a private dock catching fish working the stalls. Boated to another row of docks this time in deeper water. Nothing. Boated to some big docks that were extended out in the lake further and saw the same guys on one of three sets of docks so we picked one of the other docks and got out. We did good. Bill started throwing a 1/16th white marabou jig and floating/jigging it down and that worked the best by far. We'd catch crappie in 5 to 25 feet of water but I'd say the best depth was 8-12 feet. We didn't find crappie in every dock. They seemed to like 25-40 feet of water under the docks. We ended up with 20 nice keepers up to 15 inches. Threw back some 10-11 inches in the beginning because we didn't have a measuring stick. We caught between 100-120 crappies in 6 hours. My first time on LOZ. Sorry- video deleted.
  14. Will return tomorrow evening with a glowing report and slabs.
  15. Yes- Wapsi got real picky about HOW I ordered. I did miss a message at the office but I finally got the order in. Should be just a couple of days. I ordered 30. Tim Homesley has had his for 2 weeks!!!!!! Not fair!
  16. http://flyfinatic.wordpress.com/2008/11/30...-1000-per-week/ Fishing in Belize for under $1000 per week November 30, 2008 in Saltwater Fly Fishing News | Tags: affordable fishing, belize charters, belize fish, Belize Fishing, belize fishing advetnures, belize fishing charters, belize fishing package, Belize Kayak Fishing, BITE ME BELIZE, cheap belize fishing package, cheap fishing package, cheap fishing vacation, Fish Belize, Fishing Belize, fishing destinations, Fishing in Belize, fishing vacations, Fly Fishing Belize, Kayak Fishing, Kayak Fishing Belize, turneffe flats, turneffee lodge Only ten years ago you could enjoy a week of fishing in Belize for under a thousand dollars for an entire week. It also only cost about 50.00 to 75.00 per day for a guide and a boat. Well, if anyone has checked the prices of fishing in Belize in the past couple of years you know it can be very expensive to fish in Belize now. The local guides have gotten a taste of the guiding business and they’ve been informed that in places such as the Key’s, British Virgin Island, The Bahamas and various other resort destinations fishermen pay as high as 500.00 for a day of fishing. Granted, these places are much more developed than Belize. However, the local Belize guides feel as though they’re entitled to similar pay - even if they’re fishing from a panga skiff rather than a 40,000 custom designed flats boat that was designed and engineered for fishing. Relax! There is hope for those who wish to experience fishing in Belize for a reasonable and fair price. BITE ME Belize Fishing Adventures is taking people on 5 full days of fishing in Belize with 7 nights accommodations and all-inclusive stay for only $850.00 per week - per person. This blows the average of 2,700 to 4,000 out of the water completely. Staying at world famous lodges such as Turneffee Flats, or El Pescador is an over priced experience if you’re looking to just do something that up until the days of the 5,000 fishing lodges was a simple and FUN act. It was a sport and experience that almost anyone could enjoy regardless of financial situation or economic social class. Isn’t fishing for anyone? It doesn’t have to be a “HIGH END” - Wealthy and affluent sport. It is after all, just fishing. A rather skittish little animal that poses a challenge for anglers that pursue them. Yet, this act can be done just as effectively with a 100.00 fishing rod and reel as it can be with a 1,500 fly rod and reel. So if you LOVE fishing and want to experience fishing in Belize with out losing and arm and a leg then contact the boys at BITE ME Belize fishing adventures and plan your perfect Belize fishing get-away.
  17. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...re.3a2ae17.html By RAY SASSER / The Dallas Morning News rsasser@dallasnews.com Texas Parks and Wildlife's popular winter trout stocking program begins next week at some community lakes in the Dallas area. The state agency is scheduled to release more than 268,000 rainbow trout in approximately 100 lakes and streams statewide. These are hatchery rainbows that average about nine inches long. They're naïve sport fish that are ideal for youths or other novice anglers. Most of the stocking sites are small community lakes or ponds that are near metropolitan areas. The fish are also stocked in the Guadalupe River below Canyon Dam and the Brazos River below Possum Kingdom Dam, both running streams that offer more of a traditional trout fishing experience. Oklahoma likewise has a winter trout stocking program. Details are at www .wildlifedepartment.com. The Guadalupe River is the only Texas stream where the water is cold enough for trout to survive the summer, and that's where anglers have the best chance of catching larger trout. Oklahoma's Lower Mountain Fork River at Beavers Bend State Park, near Broken Bow, is one of the state's top trout fisheries. Water coming from the dam at Broken Bow Lake is cold enough that the fish can survive year round, and the Beavers Bend State Park area is one of Oklahoma's most scenic spots. It's less than a three-hour drive from Dallas. Whether you decide to fish for trout in Oklahoma or Texas, the colorful rainbows are a light tackle angler's delight and a welcome change of pace from most cold-weather fishing. Trout fishing at a glance Best tackle: Ultralight spinning, spincasting or fly-fishing tackle Best natural baits: Whole kernel corn, cheese, earthworms or commercially prepared trout baits Best artificial lures: Very small in-line spinners; jigs or flies fished under a float Daily bag limit: Five Requirements: Anglers 16 or younger are not required to have a fishing license. For others, a $5 freshwater fishing stamp is required along with a license. No license requirements within state parks. Stocking schedules: www.tpwd.state.tx.us TROUT STOCKING SCHEDULE FOR THE D-FW AREA Location City Fish Stocking dates Ablon Par Pond Garland 1,500 Jan. 15 Bear Creek Park Keller 1,600 Jan. 25, March 1 Bethany Park Pond C Allen 2,200 Dec. 12 Bob Jones Park Grapevine 3,792 Dec. 8 and every 2 weeks until mid-March Cleburne-Hulen Park Cleburne 1,900 Dec. 16, Feb. 4 Community Park Pond A Rowlett 1,000 Feb. 6 Frisco Commons Pond Frisco 3,250 Feb. 15 Glen Rose Town Lake Glen Rose 3,000 Dec. 15, Jan. 8 Green Valley Community Park Pond A North Richland Hills 1,000 Feb. 4 Greenbriar Park Fort Worth 1,896 Dec. 3 and every 2 weeks until mid-March Kennedale City Park Kennedale 1,000 Jan. 1 Kidd Springs Park Dallas 3,000 Jan. 16, Feb. 27 Lakeside Park Duncanville 1,896 Dec. 3 and every 2 weeks until mid-March Lewisville Lake Tailrace Lewisville 3,756 Dec. 17, Jan. 13, Feb. 24 Mesquite City Lake Mesquite 1,500 Jan. 20 Mike Lewis Park Grand Prairie 3,000 March 8 Northwest Park Pond Irving 2,500 Feb. 8 Pair-A-Trees Pond Wills Point 500 Feb. 22 River Park Fort Worth 2,700 Jan. 8, Feb. 3 Rose Park Mansfield 870 Dec. 3 Samuell Farm Pond Mesquite 2,800 Feb. 6, Feb. 20 South Lakes Park Pond Denton 2,000 Dec. 30, Jan. 8 Towne Lake McKinney 4,770 Feb. 22 Two-Acre Lake Canton 2,523 Feb. 8 Waterloo Park Pond Denison 6,800 Dec. 12, Jan. 4, Jan. 25, Feb. 15
  18. Just a reminder. Clint Hale, manager at Shepherd and Shane Bush, fisheries biologist for Table Rock and Taneycomo will address the chapter on the status of Lake Taneycomo. Should be a very informative meeting. 7 pm at the hatchery visitor's center.
  19. Very nice. I'd think these would bring a pretty penny printed nicely and framed. Great job- thanks for posting them.
  20. We will pray.
  21. Saw on Fox where a talking head said WalMart should be held responsible that they didn't handle it well. They also said the legislators should pass new laws to keep something like this from happening again. I just laughed... that about all legislators do any more... pass more laws to TRY to people to act NOT like animals- but mainly they do it to cover their own butts.
  22. I'm way behind... this story in almost 2 months old but I really didn't know about Charlie passing. He was a great guy. I think of him every time I drive over the Finley River. That was his baby.
  23. Love of nature fueled writer's words, lifestyle Former columnist "Charlie" Farmer died Sunday of complications from Alzheimer's. Amos Bridges News-Leader Charles "Charlie" Farmer, a former News-Leader columnist and outdoor writer, died Sunday morning. Farmer, 64, died of complications from Alzheimer's disease, with which he had been diagnosed in 2003, family members said. The longtime Ozark resident was the author of more than a dozen books about fishing, hunting and other outdoor activities. A freelance outdoors columnist for the News-Leader from 1983 to 2004, he also was published in National Geographic, Field & Stream and others, and co-hosted a weekly outdoor radio show on KTXR, "The Outside Story," for 15 years. Long a "voice for conservation in the Ozarks," Farmer was awarded Missouri Conservationist of the Year in 1992, said his daughter, Brittany Jedrzejewski. Farmer was inducted into the Missouri Writers Hall of Fame in 2001. Quoted in a short biography on that group's Web site, Farmer described the importance of putting pen to paper: "As a boy in grade school, I made my own journals and wrote in them almost every day about school, friends, sports and the outdoors. Writing it down made it important for me ... "I cannot imagine life without the drama of successfully bonding words together." A graduate of Kansas State University and veteran of the U.S. Army, Farmer eventually settled in the Ozarks, where the local wilderness served as a source of constant inspiration. In addition to offering tips and tricks for avid sportsmen, his columns for the News-Leader encouraged amateurs to experience the area's natural wonders, as well. "Family was really important to him, and getting to experience the outdoors together," Jedrzejewski said. "He would get e-mails and letters about dads and sons and moms and daughters that would take their kids fishing after reading his columns." Laying out just such a message in an Aug. 1, 2003 column in the News-Leader, Farmer wrote: "Kids get hooked on fishing, boating and the outdoors rather easily, provided an adult catalyst is part of the magic formula. I have yet to meet a youngster who, when introduced to the sport and tutored in a gentle, understanding manner, did not want to go fishing again ... and again. "Fishing is just plain good for the soul. It is a spirit and hobby that inhabits mind and body for a lifetime. Sport fishing can keep a lot of kids straight, kids who otherwise may venture off course. But behind every youngster who wants to go fishing, there has to be a parent, relative, friend or guardian who takes a boy or girl by the hand and says, 'Let's go.'"
  24. I think you can keep up here...
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