Walleye Anglers,
We are finally going to get back to some tournament action!
The Truman Open will be September 13 & 14 out of Long Shoal Marina in Warsaw.
There will be a walleye fishing seminar at the Long Shoal Marina Pavilion on Thursday,
September 11 @ 6pm.
The rules and registration meeting will be at The Pilot House Restaurant on the
Long Shoal Marina dock on Friday, September 12 @ 6pm. We are offered $1.00 off
the regular price of the dinner buffet.
MSW will be sponsoring a fish fry Saturday, September 13 @ 6pm for all contestants.
Here is a link to the Truman Open info page:
Here is a link to the Tournament Entry Application page:
Remember, there is a 10% discount for all entries postmarked by September 6th.
Attached is a printable flyer for the Truman Open.
Tight Lines,
Bill & Lee