I think you guys are simplifying this a bit. To say it's ALL about the $$ is like saying "always" all the time (one of my pet peeves). Using the word all means there's no room for any other reason- period. I think that's alittle narrow minded.
I tend to consider the thinking of a fisheries biologist. Mixing certain species of fish isn't smart. You don't stock stripers and rainbows in the same pond. You don't overstock a pond- every pond, lake or river has a carrying capacity- a balance that nature tends to take care of herself. When man tries to interject something that does work, you have trouble... stunted and/or deceased fish.
And I might have said this earlier in this thread- can't remember- but I know from talking to MDC biologists in the past, their stance in these kinds of issues is, "if it's not broke, don't mess with it". And I know they don't think Taney is broke. As a matter of fact, they are pretty proud of what they've done here and I don't blame them.
Fisheries management is about fish, water, food, structure and fishermen- and in the end, it should make a profit.