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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Table Rock's level came up over a foot last night from the non-stop rain we got. PTL! Now snow and ice will start shortly. We need more!! and more!!! I think a wet, rainey winter is very healthy for our lakes and streams.
  2. City is supposed to have a public dock for people to dock at during the day. When it will be built, who knows.
  3. Gosh- lots of great advice. A guy along time ago put a small ad in Field and Stream. The ad simply said, "$1 for the greatest fishing tip ever". He got a bunch of dollar bills in the mail- and what did he send back? I note card with the words, "Keep you bait in the water". The fun of it is the practice.
  4. I'd definately try Taney... even with the cold temps, bass fishing should be decent if someone gave it a good try.
  5. They can't post unless they complete the validation. I delete most of the unvalidated request for membership BUT in all cases so far, the spammer does not revisit his membership and never posts a second time.
  6. There's plenty of motels in Mtn Home for about $60 and up. There's a motel in Bull Shoals and I think there's one in Midway or Gassville. ?? Someone will have to help me with those. And there's camping- is the state park open in the winter below BS dam? In other words, there's plenty of places to stay around both sites.
  7. I've only had 3 clicks so far today on google ads so the petaphile ad must not be coming up much.
  8. Oh my gosh... I can't even imagine the bandwidth it takes to broadcast this if it's live. And in Africa!!!??? It's tough getting any connection- but in the bush!!?? And sound too? Incredible. Thanks for posting it.
  9. I've never been. I'd think the Steffen brothers would chime in on their place their family would go... Steff and Jean always had great stories about the trips.
  10. Quillback- you missed an episode a few months back where a bunch of OAF guys hit the google ad I think the number was about 125 times in one day- seeing that Peta is charged each time an ad is clicked. It also pays me when the ads are clicked on OA. Well, bottom line is that I wasn't paid anymore than normal- not sure what Peta was charged. I looked thru their site... pretty interesting stuff. Some anglers do prove their point though, mishandling and even killing a fish before releasing it. The hooked dog is pretty gross- drives home their point, excuse the pun.
  11. Sounds good to me. Not sure how I'd pay all my bills. Seriously though... in these winter days, we sit practically empty during the week- that's why we offer the "fishing buddy special" of $29 per night. But if there's someone that can't afford that and really needs to get away for some peaceful tranquility, I'm open to any offer. We offer our place, and it's used by people in the ministry that use our place as a santuary- just spending time with the Lord in the room- on the dock- even out in a jon boat. Send me a PM if anyone is interested.
  12. Leonard ok'ed this before he posted the special. I don't mind promoting each others businesses at all, as long as it's tasteful and appropriate. OAF members know what when right and wrong- if it's wrong, then the poster gets a black eye and sometimes that's ok too... know what I mean. Quote from OAF rules- OAF does mind links posted to other sites as long as they are sites of interest by OAF folks. Of course no inappropriate sites will be tolerated. Posting links is acceptable by "frequent users and contributors' of OAF. Please don't "spam" the board with nothing but links, no matter if the sites are useful to anglers. Hope this explains things. There's always going to be gray areas but again, I'm not going to micro manage this forum.
  13. The Ozark Fly Fishers will meet on Thursday December 14 at 7 PM at Queeny Park, Greensfelder Recreation Complex on 550 Weidman Road. The meeting is open to the public.The program will feature George Bohigian MD. He will present a double feature-- 1. The Best of the Best--The Top Five Trout Streams in America and Why They Are the Best. 2.Fishing the Nile River From It's Source and It's End.
  14. See what you did... you got Beeson going.
  15. So he's not selling? Seems like there must be a compromise... with local folk that would volunteer as gatekeepers or riverkeepers. Even charge more and pay someone to keep an eye on things. I understand the bother... it is unfortunate.
  16. Are you having a slow day? I admit, I sometimes sit here with nothing to do and try to think of something to write about either an article of on the forum. I never thought about oaf being politically incorrect... if that's what you're refering to. Although I don't pride myself on being PC, consciencely I mean. I think I'm naturally pretty PC... but oaf slipped past my spellchecker. If we put periods inbetween the letters would that change Webster's mind? O.A.F. Too much work. I need to go fishing.
  17. Dang, Carl. Nice avatar!
  18. My sister will close on a house and property off highway 7 south of Harrison next week. I went down there this evening to take a look. It's not too far from the river. I'll have to visit!!
  19. There's alot of people from Nixa... I've sent out 4 bumper stickers to people with Nixa addresses.
  20. Good point... I didn't mean communist in a literal way- just wanted to put it in a nasty light.
  21. I've been fascinated with the influx of spammers lately. I added the validation step that's stopped a bunch from posting but they still keep coming. I'm convinced one person is registering multiply times but why they don't validate and finish the process... don't know. I think they hit so many forums and sites with spam they don't care- shotgun effect. I visited flytyingforum.com and looked at their list of members. They have the same issues... but many many more spammers registering and valdiating and I assume posting. They have 7000 members. Before I got hit with so many spammers, I was impressed with numbers like these but now that I've learned that alot are spammers and not interested fly tyers, it makes alittle more sense. But in saying that, OAF's member numbers are skewed too. I could delete the spammers but I'd have to one at a time and that's not worth the hassle. Plus, who's to know, someone legit may pick a crazy name like kooti, hacataby, MADwanker or oweruca- the last 4 to join this evening. I've had 9 register but not do the email validation this evening from 6:24 to 7:29 pm. Think they might be connected?
  22. I still have a bunch left so don't be shy. Even you non-members, drop me an email phil at lilleyslanding.com
  23. I guess just reply to the post. It's going to be pretty informal.
  24. The only dates we have now are in June- all 3 weeks. I asked Jim about the fishing in June. Other than King Salmon starting in mid June, I wanted the rundown on rainbows. I didn't want to get the estimates wrong. Here's what he wrote: My largest was 13 pounds. The average was easily between 6 and 8 lbs on the smolt migration. However, there were lots of other places to fish where the average was a more normal size. We fished the rapids, where the fish were more like 2-5 pounds, and over at Brooks, where you saw that size range. The difference at Brooks in early season is that they might be taking dry flies all day, or small nymphs just under the surface. As for numbers, that is a tough one. It changed a lot, depending upon the weather. I would feel comfortable stating that an angler will get the chance to sight cast to dozens, if not a hundred or more, trophy rainbows feeding on the surface pretty much every day. If they are quick enough and accurate enough, they will be succesful. I had some fly casters that were not good enough to make that cast consistently. They still loved it but they weren't killing them. I did quite well whenever I did it myself. It was an easier task with spinning gear. I am confident that with a selection of minnow imitations (jigs, spoons and Yo-Zuri crankbaits) almost anyone could catch several trophy rainbow. Hope that isn't too long winded. I wouldn't want anyone coming thinking that catching trophy rainbows is a piece of cake. I don't think that is the case anywhere. I want anglers that are thrilled when they land a single 8Lb bow, and anything after that is gravy. Jim
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