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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Scott- I understand. You see alot of bad things. Carry a heavy load. My heart goes out to you.
  2. Gezzz... I think I'll go and get the old series on shuffling (I think 159 posts long) and resurrect it... have everyone read every post and then respond. I think griffin is copying and pasting from his old posts Can you say DRAMA! Remember the old Cafe` and the little guys with guns a blazing... I never liked those but they'd be appropriate here.
  3. You're missing one thing. On Taney - hook a big brown or rainbow in the fall in the tail or under the belly or back using 6x or 7x... you fight this fish to the net and chances are it's dead. Low DO- that's the difference. When hooking a fish in the mouth, you have much more control of the head of the fish and he has to fight harder, tiring quicker, making the fight shorter in most cases. If it's hooked back from the head, you don't have control and he can fight and fight till he's exhausted. Because of the low DO, he often times cannot be revivied. Low DO is the only reason I'd say if you foul hook a big fish, break him off or you may kill it.
  4. It's a skin issue. I'm trying to get my IT and the guy who I purchased the skins from to get together and fix it. I bought them from a company in England... he'll be getting up here in a little bit- hopefully he'll get on it.
  5. Did you read the report just posted by SKMO on the Table Rock Forum? Incredible report. No where will you find a report like this one and this isn't even the best time to fish for bass. Just wait till this spring... I hope this board lights up with info and reports on dozens of lakes and streams. That will be gratifying.
  6. Look's good to me.
  7. Well... this wasn't supposed to go in this direction. And we were just talking about sensoring the forum on another thread. Even if PKw were to have seen this in person, I don't think it would be appropriate to post it. There have been comments in the past about certain guides and issues with drift boats as well as power boats but never any names. This is personal and I'm unconfortable with the implications. I would think if we took every guide on the lake, post their name here and had everyone take pot shots at him (or her) there'd be shots from both sides. But that shouldn't happen here.
  8. I was just explaining this topic to Marsha. I came up with a thought and she followed with an analogy. When someone makes a remark like, "I caught this fish on a secret fly" or gives a report like, "I caught a limit of crappie on Table Rock last week", it's not a reflection on the forum as much as a reflection on the poster. The forum is like a coffee shop with a bunch of old guys sitting eating donuts and drinking coffee in the morning. If one says something dumb, another doesn't get up and exclaim, "This stupid coffee shop!" Yea- this is a fat free, but not a fluff free forum... decaffinated!! Good Night!
  9. am4m - take Rolan's advise. This is a great group of people and they'll help you with your fly fishing.
  10. ibt, my best friend gets ticked at me for giving away fishing spots and reports that esp involve his fishing experiences. There's always going to be people out there that think this way. But that's the beauty of the internet- you have all kinds of people out there. There are those who only read and never sign up- that's ok! You look at the number of people view the forum and most of the time non-members out number the members. Yes- I do try things to try to get them to enter into the conversation. I think that's healthy. But no one is twisting an arm. I can't- not thru the screen I thought about the fishing report forum idea. I could setup a extra forum under each river, stream, tailwater and lake and label it "fishing reports only" and don't allow followup posts. But there are alot of people out there who ahve a hard time navigating the forum as it is. One thing I've noticed about alot of the fishing reports, esp on Taney, is that there isn't the details needed for others to learn by. Only pics and "I caught this last night on a wooly" report. The best reports are detailed- that's why I require DETAILED reports in exchange for lodging discounts here at the resort. Sometimes I reply and rib someone I know - "Details Man!" May be I can work on something.
  11. I also do a call-in report on a local report number. I update it about once every 7-10 days. It's hard to change the report even after a week most of the time because conditions and fishing stay the same. I only have a minute to record the report so I cram as much info as I can. Sorry I don't have the number handy- it's at the top of the newspaper- The Independent.
  12. One thing- I was looking over the forum and thought of something. The forum itself it pretty big. The index page is overwhelming, I know, but I'm not sure what to do about it. As a member, you can log in and hit the 'View New Posts" bar at the top of any page. This will bring up any new posts since your last visit. Then you only after to wade thru those post. Just pick out the fishing reports. Unrelated to this suggestion, a side note - out of 27 topics on the first page of Taneycomo, 11 are fishing reports.
  13. I honestly don't know if it's my shop or not. I bought some flies from Bret early on- 2 years ago- wholesale- and carried them in my shop. I still have a few left. There's a scud-looking fly tied with ostrich herl I think he called the g-bug that Jeremy has tied and put in the bend. He hasn't restocked them in many months. I don't label my flies so there's no name on them. That's the only flies I carry that comes close- I think. If there's another fly- it's an accident cause I or Jeremy have never tried to copy Bret's flies on purpose. I started the topic cause someone brought it up in another topic- I restarted it to give it more clarity.
  14. I want to hear feedback on this... BUT I don't want anybody defending me personally. I don't take offense to this topic at all. If there alot of people out there unhappy with the content of the forum, I want to know. But in saying that, I'm not sure what I can do or change the forum. I have had people say they like the detailed fishing reports I used to give. But I have to be honest- I have fished less this year than ever. The poor fishing here has dampened my egerness to report because most of the time it would be slow. As for reporting on bait fishing below fall creek, it's hard to tell people 'what color power bait to use' because it changes from hour to hour... so "pick a color". White has been the best color for 2-3 years and that doesn't change much. So there you have it. The forum HAS taken the day to day, week to week burden of me reporting fishing conditions off my shoulders and others are doing it for me. But I've always thought a dozen reports a week is better than one... and one is what it used to be- only mine. I wasn't that good was I? Enough babbling. What do you think?
  15. I heard from Chris Vitello, MDC. Here's what he sent: Phil, As always, this is not an easy issue. When we modified the definitions a few years back, we did meet with a number of fly anglers and shop owners to discuss the array of fly tying materials that existed and the propensity for new materials to enter the market almost on a daily basis. You can imagine how difficult, lengthy and cumbersome the regulations would be if we tried to list the full array of materials that fly tiers might choose to employ! With that in mind, we established the following definitions: See MDC Wildlife Code: 3 CSR 10-20.805 Definitions. (22) Flies, lures and baits: (A) Natural and scented baits - A natural fish food such as bait fish, crayfish, frogs permitted as bait, grubs, insects, larvae, worms, salmon eggs, cheese, corn and other food substances not containing any ingredient to tupefy, injure or kill fish. Does not include flies or artificial lures. Includes dough bait, putty or paste-type bait, any substance designed to attract fish by taste or smell and any fly, lure or bait containing or used with such substances. ( Soft plastic bait (unscented)- Synthetic eggs, synthetic worms, synthetic grubs and soft plastic lures. © Artificial Lure - A lure constructed of any material excluding soft plastic bait and natural and scented baits as defined in (A) or ( above. (D) Fly - An artificial lure constructed on a single-point hook, using any material except soft plastic bait and natural and scented bait as defined in (A) or ( above, that is tied, glued or otherwise permanently attached. Check pages 29 and 42 in the PDF file located at http://mdc.mo.gov/documents/regs/fishsum.pdf for more detail. Bryon Puttman works at the hatchery. He asked Chris about the pellet fly some were using at the outlets- a fly that consisted of a brown piece of foam glued to a small hook. Mike Kruse sent this in response: Based on this response, the closed-cell, foam-bodied "chernobyl ants" (e.g., Orvis brand and others of similar construction) that I am familiar with may be used above Fall Creek on Lake Taneycomo. It should also be noted that a "fly" describes the actual lure, not whether or not it is presented using a fly rod, spinning rod, etc.
  16. I think Mike Kruse created the Mohair Leech. Laughed at the scud pic- good one. Fly tying contest... will have to give this some serious thought. Should start a new thread.
  17. Tomorrow midnight is the deadline. Do the math and take a guess. I think alot of you are going to be surprised! 11/3 gonefishin 11/22 Luke 11/23 Leonard 12/15 Don 12/23 WebFreeman 12/25 Crappiefisherman 12/30 troutgal 1/1 leo 1/2 rainbow 1/7 Kansas Fly Fisher 1/16 motroutbum 1/28 riverrat 2/14 TexomaOkie 2/16 Snow Fly 3/1 Hunter91 3/4 Wayne 3/5 Goggle-Eyed 3/9 Mac71 3/10 swimslow 3/11 imomembad 3/15 The Caddis 3/22 Backcountry Outfitters 3/26 RainbowHunter 4/1 outdoor nut 4/2 davekeim 4/7 slabseeker 4/8 Kicknbass 4/9 superfly 4/15 rls1936 4/20 Terry Beeson 4/24 bowfin47 5/15 1HawgHunter 5/18 ollie 6/1 russ 6/12 stone9-7=2 6/28 retroaction man 7/7 jtodd 7/12 Steve Smith 7/13 Midge 8/2 Gary Lange
  18. Fox- tell me why he can be fine during the taping of the show he's on and not during a taping of a commercial. I can understand a live interview, not being able to control his body but not the commercial. I also understand his passion on the subject. I don't agree though with making it political, which he and others have. It's just gotten messy, as most elections do.
  19. 13- that's hard to imagine. http://intellicast.com/IcastPage/LoadPage....mp;prodnav=none Check out King Salmon, AK... it's going to be a pretty decent week up there.
  20. I appreciate you taking the time to post, Al. And I respect your knowledge and viewpoint. I believe the future holds great discovery and clarity in this and many other manners in science. I chose to vote no on the amendment for that reason... not to draw and hard and fast line now when science still isn't clear. But maybe it will never be. We'll see.
  21. Vince said he had a great trip down there Friday as well. There's alot of rainbows midging all thru our area up to Fall Creek and beyond. Seem like there's alot of trout in the lake right now... the freshly stocked rainbows are very susceptible to the zebra!!
  22. I got out by boat the last 2 evenings. Yesterday I boated to Lookout and threw dry flies at the bluff bank. There were tons of midges coming off PLUS some mayflies and I actually saw them hatching out of the water so you can't tell me they blew in off Table Rock. The were dun color and fairly good size. The trout were keying on them too- being much more aggressive on the larger insect. The only thing I had in my box to match was a #16 olive elk hair caddis and on the first cast I caught a nice 16 inch rainbow. But that was the last fish I could fool. Went to zebras and thread midge to no avail. They were all over the surface but I couldn't hook a one. I finally went to a tan #18 scud and caught 3-4 small rainbows right off the bat. Then it was too dark to see and I headed back. Today I met John Johnson at Short Creek. Again trout midging all over but this time they were taking a #18 red zebra readily. We caught alot of rainbows, mostly small (5-6 inches) but a few up to 14 inches mixed in. All on the zebra fished 18 inches deep under a white palsa. Finally a successful trip. I noticed alot of guests cleaning trout this evening- caught off the dock and from boats. So they are finally giving us a good showing. Beautiful evening. What leaves are left are still bright orange and reds. The contrast between the colors and the dark woods is striking. Nothing like it- God's creation. I talked to Adam Gries at a kid's fishing event this afternoon. He said he caught a 17.5 female brown at the dam- I think Friday but could have been earlier in the week. Released. He showed me a pic- incredible fish!
  23. Marsha (my wife) said that women in 3rd world countries are already selling eggs for cash and food... and some are actually dying from the procedure (infection). I'm not linking the people backing this amendment with this, please don't get me wrong. There are alot of terrible things happening to people all over the world and this is just one. But I'm afraid if the tables are turned on embryonic stem cell acceptability in this country, other countries will follow OR the US will start getting their eggs from the easiest and cheapest source... just like WalMart and other companies do now. She mentioned at a summit 4 years ago, this subject came up and alot of 3rd world countries were very much against it because they knew their people who be the ones exploited by the harvesting of human eggs. Sorry- I don't have anything to back that one up- just what she said. I'll have her google something up later tonight on it.
  24. Wayne- I wish I could find the answer... I've looked. Both sides claim- the amendment strickly prohibits cloning- the amendment would allow cloning (loopholes in the language). To be honest, I don't know.
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