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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Better location would have been out off Shepherd of the Hills Esp. on the Motley place. Cheaper land and better access.
  2. Yes- Taney County
  3. I am at a loss for words. The Landing- extremely poor choice of location. A convention center is needed to compete with big markets. True but not every one wanted to compete. But that's the way of the free market- build and expand where it's needed/wanted. The Landing- extremely poor choice of location. Greed? Then most capital enterprise's motivation is greed. Not sure if I agree with that. The Landing- extremely poor choice of location. Effect fishing- it won't. Effect water quality- it shouldn't. Effect traffic on the lake- yes. Draw more people to town- yes. Draw more $$$ investment to town- it already has- and driving up land/property/building costs big time. The Landing- extremely poor choice of location.
  4. He's been around for weeks- or longer. Somebody needs to name him.
  5. Talked to Tony Wededle today. He said they caught their first "night crawler" fish a couple days ago- 23-27 feet of water off points fishing the bottom. He had 5 keepers on a half day trip. So I'd say it's a good bet to try it.
  6. Sorry again I didn't make it. We ended up going to Silver Dollar City, a far cry from a stream. But we have all summer.
  7. caricatures- I bought several off a YCMA benefit auction and had one done of Babler and then myself... had to experiment on Bill first you know. Anyhow, was thinking about offering it to members of the forum for a donation to our YMCA scholarship fund. What do you think? Rack cards- no. I thought I'd be done that way. I may though tomorrow- depends on where my kids want to float.
  8. Well... I've given in to the google craze. I an attempt to get more traffic, I'm using google AdWords. And to offset some of the costs, I'm placing google ads on the site as well as search. This is all new to me but I've been told it does work so we'll see. I just hate to clutter the site up with ads. I've budgeted $300 per month for AdWords. Again- I'm not out to make a profit on this... just to cover the costs, which haven't been too bad so far. Thanks to those who are spreading the news about the forum and to those who are handing out rack cards for us.
  9. ok- now post it on the new forum I created for these lakes. I get a D for communication- sorry.
  10. Shouldn't be- we haven't had a rain in almost a week now. But don't know first hand.
  11. Right on! June is excellent fishing for BIG bluegill on TR. We fish the dam area- gravel points in 15-25 feet of water on the bottom using crickets or night crawlers. We use trout rods and 4 lb line but you better be ready for something big... bass, white bass even catfish. I've been broke off more than I'd like to admit.
  12. Welcome. We'll help all we can.
  13. ok guys- you've made a good case. Flysmallie- repost your research on the lakes and I'll pin it to the top to stay.
  14. The ask has been made. Very good idea.
  15. All I'm saying- if you don't call authorities, nothing will get done. I sent an email alerting Dave of the thread on the forum. He passed it on to higher authorities. But from I understand, they were waiting on a call from someone who witnessed it. They aren't going to act on a post on a forum by someone who's not even identified.
  16. The lake is coming up! Great to have some fresh water coming in to flush out the lake. I have missed a couple of days of fishing this week because of all the rain but I just came in from checking a few spots out and caught fish every place I stopped. The black bass are biting on a variety of patterns but the best for me the last few days are a spinerbait on cloudy days and flipping the willows with a tube all the time. The white bass are beginning to school on top in a few places on the lake and just about anything will catch them when you find them on top. I have been catching a few good crppie and some 15 foot dropooffs. This mostly morning fishing. While I was on the lake just a few minutes ago I ran into a friend on the water who was catfishing. He said he had caught 8 good blue cats in just the last hour. He was anchored fishing the mid lake area flats in about 10 feet of water. The summer patterns are starting to show up and it looks like a good summer of fishing is about to start. See you on the water.
  17. Great fun and fellowship had by all. Fishing was good- not many big trout but good numbers. 12 team enjoyed a day of nice weather. The format was simple- 3 team mates fished with guides who volenteered their day and tallent. They fished from 9 am till 1 pm and then were treated to a smoked chicken dinner. In the end, almost $5000 was raised to help build a new YMCA in Hollister. Here's the standings and weights (12 trout)- 1st place - John Himmell, Commerce Bank 6.78 lbs (Tim Paige, guide) 2nd place - Jen Hewitt, Hollister YMCA 6.72 lbs (Tony Wededle, guide) 3rd place - Brad Toft, Springfield YMCA 6.46 lbs (Bruce Johnson, guide) 4th place - Bob Clinkenberg, Springfield 6.30 lbs (Buster Loving, guide) 5th place - Rob Johns, Commerce Bank 6.30 lbs (Rob Johns, guide) The Track, Branson 6.22 lbs (Tracy Frenzel, guide) Rodney Arnold, College of the Ozarks 6.04 lbs (Shawn Pingleton, guide) Francis & Jean Steffen, St Louis 5.52 lbs (Vince Elfrink, guide) Pat Cox, Phil Cox, Ken Garrison, Chris Vinton, 4.94 lbs (Pat Cox, guide) Chuck Puckett, Covenant Life Church, Branson 5.10 lbs (Rolan Duffield, guide) Dave Woolery, Pete & Allen Waldo, Branson 000 (Bob Klein, guide) Gretchen, Jake and Josh 000 (Bill Babler, guide) Slide show - http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/images/2006/YMCA_fishing/slideshow/
  18. I passed this on to Dave Woolery, Ombudsman for DNR. Some of the guys from DNR were then made aware of the situation thru this thread but no one called in any reports of the incident...and it doesn't look like anything was done (by DNR). If you see something like this, call DNR. We can complain about DRN and other authorities all we want but if WE don't get involved and report violations, we're just as much to blame.
  19. They've had alot of rain in that area so I'm sure it's much different than when the article was written. Most if not all southern Missouri's rivers and streams are doing very well. The springs I'm sure are better but I'd think they'd need continued rain to get them back up to normal.
  20. So many beautiful places... I'd have to get a map out and research it a bit. Gunnison and north is a favorite... and south. Lots of small lakes and streams to discover and explore. I'll get back to you.
  21. Great report! I like the info at the bottom of the page. I'll have to plug some of the contact info into OA someplace...
  22. Hey Tim- is there any info on Free Kids Fishing Day online? Would like to get it in the newsletter.
  23. Haven't seen rainbows that small but it's possible. 7-8 inches are common. They may look small compared to the 2-3 pounders down there.
  24. BP has been collecting and dispursing Christmas trees for several years on TR and BS- mainly TR- but to what extent I don't know. Not sure how you can spend $10m in cedars and firs- must be something else.
  25. What part of the river did you float? Sounds like you floated the upper end? Am taking the family Wednesday- last chance before the kids scatter for the summer. Not sure where we're floating- Kings or Buffalo. I wish we had time to go out east and float the Eleven Point or Current- new rivers for us- but we only have the day.
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