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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Chernobyl Ant Recipe: Hook: 2xl dry fly hook Sz 4-8 Thread: UTC 140 / color to match body Underbody: Krystal chenille or just a thread body. Thread needs to match the foam that will be the first underbody. Overbody: Two pieces cut to length /2mm foam Legs: Round rubber legs Indicator: red 2mm foam cut to length,. Tying Instructions Start your thread and advance the thread to the bend. At this point you should have already cut your strips of foam to length. When measuring the foam strips, you only need to make them hang off the hook on both sides just a little bit. Go ahead and tie your first piece on, but don’t make a lot of wraps because you will be tying a lot more on top of that first piece. If you notice that I have pulled back the first piece to wrap in front of that. I do that to keep the foam from sliding or spinning around to the underside. This will prevent that. The next piece of foam should be the same cut as the first one. Tie that on top of the first one and make sure that you are tying the thread wraps on top of eachother and not going side by side. The key is not to see a lot of thread wraps through the foam. And don’t do to many wraps. I do about three turns and then pull back and do one turn. The next step is to tie the little piece they call the “indicator”. This is cut to be small and only enough to see. Once you have tied all the foam on, pull back and do a few turns to lock them in to prevent them from shifting. This is a cool trick if you don’t know how to do it. Here we go. With one of the rubber legs. Put it in the jaw of your vise and what you will want to do is stretch it out and with a marker, slide the marker down in a smooth straight line. Only slide the marker down once. If you slip with the marker you will more than likely goof it up and have to start over with a new piece. Next thing you will do after you slide the marker down the rubber leg is let go of it and it should put the lines in the rubber. Just remember that you can’t let go of the rubber until you have marked it. You need to have it stretched until you mark it. Once you have marked all four, you are ready to tie them in. Wrap them around the thread and slide them up to the side of the shank. Then do a turn to secure them. Once you have the two legs tied in at the back. Advance the thread up to the eye and you are ready to do the same thing to the front. Fold over the foam and tie it down. If you notice to much hanging over the front, go ahead and cut to the length you desire. Fold the next piece over and tie that in. Tie in the other piece of the indicator and now you are ready for the next set of legs. After you have tied in the legs you are ready to whip finish the fly.
  2. Rainbow “Trout” Pattern Recipe: Hook: TMC 777 SP Sz 4,6 Thread: UTC 140 White Tail: Marabou / white Body: SLF Dubbing w/ flashabou dubbing mixed. Marker pens: Prismacolor pink,olive,and black Eyes: 3/32 hologram dome eyes Cone: Tungsten / Medium Tying Instructions: Slide the cone before tying. Tie the thread on and wrap to the bend. Get one piece of marabou and tie it in at the bend. Go ahead and tie in the marabou shaft all the way up to the eye of the eye. Then cut off the excess. Advance the thread to the middle and make a dubbing loop to make the body with dubbing. Put the dubbing in the loop and then you will want to spend the dubbing loop until the dubbing looks tight in the loop. Before you start the spinning of the loop, you will want the thread up at the front of the eye. Once you have wrapped the loop froward, you will want to tie it off and start the cut of the dubbing. You don’t want any of the dubbing to be flared out because you will not be able to use the marker’s correctly when you start marking the fly. The first thing I do is get the pink stripe down the side. I also follow through the marabou a little. Not all the way down the marabou. Then do the olive on the top and the underside of the dubbing. At this point you should not see any white dubbing showing through. The last step is to start putting little dots all over the body and the tail. Don’t hold the marker down to longor you will create the marker to bleed and you really won’t see the distinguish dots. Note: If you want to put eyes on the fly. You can use the marine goop and use the dome style eyes.
  3. Bead Head Egg Sucking Leech Recipe: Hook: TMC 5263 Sz 6-10 Thread: Uni thread / color to match body Tail: Marabou / color to match body Body: Mo-Hair yarn Bead: Lead bead 4mm / Fl. Orange , Fl Chartreuse Tying instruction Go ahead and slide the bead on first. Start the thread just behind the bead and wrap to the bend. Tie in your marabou at the back. What I do that is probably different then what most people do is I go ahead and leave the excess and tie it in until I get right behind the bead and then cut it off. That will create a body if you want the body to be bigger. Note: If you look at picture 5,and 6 you will see what I am talking about. You can’t see this step either, but what I do in this step is when you get the strand of mo-hair yarn cut to length. Wrap it around the thread and then you have doubled up the strand to become two strands and that will make it become a bigger strand to wind forward. It just makes the body bigger and meatier. Wrap the mo-hair yarn up to the bead and tie it off. Cut the excess off and whip finish the head.
  4. Marabou Streamer Recipe: Hook: TMC 9394 NP Sz. 4,6,8 Thread: UTC 70 red Body: Holographic Chenille (silver) Medium Throat: Red Thread Wings: Two colors of marabou. (This one is gray and white) Eyes: Flat stick on eyes (Silver Prism) 3/32 Note: You will need to use epoxy after you put the eyes on. This will help keep the fly together longer and also keep the eyes from coming off . Tying instruction First thing you want to do is get your thread started and advance it to the back. You will want to tie all the way to the bend. Once you get to the bend you are ready to tie in your chenille. You will want to leave a little bit of thread showing at the bend so make a few more turns to build a thread base. Tie in your chenille. Make sure you only tie in the core of the chenille. If you just tie in the chenille without peeling some off the sides you will have a fat section starting at the bend. Kind of like a big butt we like to call it. It will not taper right. You want the body to stay even all the way up. If you notice on the shank, you can se how I tie in the core of the chenille. It is the white part you see on the hook shank. It doesn’t build the body. It stay’s flat. Advance the thread up to the front. Don’t go all the way up to the head because you will still need to create a bullet head. Just look at the picture to see where I stopped. Wrap the chenille up to that point and cut the excess off. The type of marabou we are using is the wooly bugger marabou. If you notice I already stripped the sides where the fluffy stuff was. We only want to use the longer stuff. Tie it in just how you see it on the picture. I tie it in at the stem of the marabou. Note: If you don’t understand this step L@@K at picture 7 and 8. It will give you an idea. Repeat the same step with the other color of marabou. Tie it on the underside in the same spot you tied the white one on. Once you do this you should still have some room to advance the thread up to the eye. Wind up to the eye and make sure you tie in the entire stem showing so it doesn’t slip. You can’t really see the step to good, but once you have tied in the two strips of marabou, go ahead and get the thread back to where it was just before you tied in the marabou. You are going to fold one piece of marabou over and tie it in. And then repeat the same step on the underside. You can’t fold both strands over at the same time because you will see your thread wraps on one side and you also see the mistake you made. When you fold those over, the key is to hide your thread wraps. Note: Check out picture 12,13,and 14 to see what I am talking about. It doesn’t matter which one you fold over first. Whatever one you want too first. If you do see a few loose strands, go ahead and trim those out. After you are done doing this you are ready to build a little collar of thread to represent a gill. Tie off and you’re ready to put some flat stick on eyes. Note: We didn’t do the epoxy step, but once you are done with putting the eyes on each side you will want to add epoxy just on the bullet head of the fly. Stop the epoxy at the gill. Don’t go past that. Make that your reference point.
  5. "But populations of gammarus have declined as the area has developed " I've heard that alot... but the fact remains MDC stocked 1.5-1.7 mil rainbows in the early-mid 80's, admittedly overpopulating the lake and that's why I believe the shrimp declined. In my opinion, they are still stocking too many rainbows for the shrimp population to re-populate. If there were less trout, there would be more food and faster growing rainbows. I think it's that simple. The question is, then, what do you want- a fishery with less and bigger rainbows or more and smaller? With the tourism base we have, #2 will win out every time. But you know, we still have a great trout fishery, by anyone's standards.
  6. Got an email from Chris Vitello, MDC. I asked him check on the report didymo growing in the KOA area of Taneycomo. After thoroughly checking the area, Chris reports they have not found any sign of didymo. Great news! Thanks Chris for checking it for us.
  7. Oh... you should have said so! John has all the flies... he's raided Valery's knitting and bead craft box and created the most unique beaded midges- the trout just love them (according to John). And he's knows everything... you just can't teach a old dog new tricks. He just doesn't go to the dam and wade... something about how his butt looks in waders... thing. You know... this just might force John to register and defend himself!
  8. Are you fly fishing or spin fishing?
  9. The old Sun Valley Resort is closed as far as I know. Riverlake was foreclosed on last Friday. The bank has it now but Keith is still managing it until the bank either sells it or makes other arraignments.
  10. Guys... you can change it back. You can change it to any of the skins you want. I made this the default skin but like I said- I'm not a dictator- change it back to the blue, default skin. I won't be offended... I won't even know! Change it by selecting the skins on the bottom left of your screen. You can even change it to English. I have mine set to the sand... thing... skin. I'll even change it every once in awhile just to see something different.
  11. FEBRUARY 2006 TROUTLINE TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28, 6:30 P.M. LUNKER DINNER INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS FROM THE PRESIDENT We had the election of officers at the January meeting. The new officers are: President: Dave Cook Vice-President Roger Theroux Secretary: Gary Davission Treasurer: Debbie Jacques Past President: Debbie Jacques Members at Large: Charles Jacques, Gary Rose, Marvin Alison, Merril Miller & Tom Criswell I know Wednesday, March 1, a Holy Holiday to Fishermen (Opening Day) but all of you, who will not be going to Bennett or Roaring River, please try to attend the Lunker Dinner. The Lunker Dinner/Installation of Officers will be held at Fleming Hall on February 28, 2006. The Rib Crib will cater the Dinner. The menu is as follows: Sliced Brisket, Smoked Turkey, Pulled Pork, Ranch-Style Beans, Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Green Beans, etc. The cost is $12 per person, kids under 12 are free. We need a few side dishes (chips, dip, veggies) and desserts. I need to know by noon February 22 if you will be attending. You can contact me at 816-356-5710 or 816-668-3039. (Please leave a message if we don’t answer) Our guest speakers will be Bill Babler, White River Outfitters and Phil Lilley, Lilley’s Landing. They will present a program on fishing Taneycomo, Table Rock Bull Shoals and the White River. They will also have information of packages available to the club for guide services, lodging, etc. I want to thank everyone who has helped me for the past two years. I have enjoyed our outings, club functions and the friendships that we have formed. We have many events scheduled for the coming year and we all need to work together to accomplish them. 2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE. You may mail your dues to MTFA, PO Box 3203, Harry S Truman Station, Independence, MO 64055, or if you are attending the Lunker Dinner on the 28th you may pay them then. Trout Fishing at Taneycomo (By Gary Davisson) A great time was had by all who went on the Taneycomo fishing trip on Feb 4th and 5th. Most of the club members arrived Friday night and stayed at the Table Rock Inn & Restaurant. We met for breakfast and fellowship between 8 & 9 AM on Saturday morning and then headed for the river. The weather was cool but sunny and some unwanted wind. They were not generating any power so the water level was down and the fish seemed to be congregated in the pools. Scuds seemed to be the choice diet of the day. I hope that if you were not able to attend you will try and make it next year. We shared our fishing reports on Sunday morning at breakfast and Dave made us pose for a group photo. I think we broke his camera, what a motley crew we were. UP COMING EVENTS Feb 28, 2006 Lunker Dinner/Installation of Officers will be held at Fleming Hall, 6:30 p.m. Mar 16-18, 2006 Sow Bug Festival, Mountain Home Arkansas. Tom Criswell and Joe Fusco will be Tying at this event. Mar 25, 2006 Pre-Derby Meeting Bennett time to be announced later. Club Outing. April 2006 Family Out Door Day Chillicothe, MO. Date to be announced later. May 6, 2006 Kids Fishing Derby Lake Jacomo. May 13, 2006 Kids Derby Bennett Spring May 20-21, 2006 60th Annual Spring Derby Bennett Spring June 10-11, 2006 Free Fishing Weekend and Trout Fishing Showcase Bennett Spring. June 17, 2006 Fly Fishing/Casting Clinic, MDC Chillicothe July 8, 2006 Family Fun Day Fleming Hall 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sept 11, 2006 Fly Tying/Rod Building Classes start Sept 30/Oct 1, 2006 Fall Derby Roaring River Oct 6-8, 2006 FFF Southern Council Conclave Oct 24, 2006 Chili Dinner Dec 10, 2006 Christmas Party Fleming Hall Jan 9-14, 2007, Sports Show Executive Board Meetings 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Fleming Meeting Hall Regular Meetings 4th Tuesday of every month except June/July Business Meeting begins 7:00 p.m. Unless otherwise posted. President: Debbie Jacques 816-356-5710 Vice-President Gary Rose 816-228-3269 Secretary: Dave Cook 816-272-5194 Treasurer: Tom Criswell 816-229-2778 Past President: Carol Wright 816-272-5194 Members at Large: Merril Miller Roger Theroux Charles Jacques James (Red) Duncan (VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST NEWS & UPDATES) http://www.geocities.com/kcmtfa/ Email: kcmtfa@yahoo.com
  12. There are islands of slushy ice floating around this morning on the lake here. The water hasn't run in so long and the temp has been cold enough to freeze the surface a bit. Ump-teen years ago the lake froze over one night. There was a thin sheet from bank to bank. I was on the dock messing around when I heard the most ominous sound- popping, cracking, snapping... the water was coming on and the ice was breaking up. Wish I had recorded it. This was back in the 80's I believe.
  13. Where abouts in Kansas are you from? I grew up in Parsons- same thing- vacationed here as a child and loved it so much we moved here.
  14. Sounds pretty good really. Easy to enforce- clear and easy to understand.
  15. Post your answer as - ILLEGAL or NO CHANGE Tranfer your comments to the forum for comments. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1076
  16. From what I've heard, the fishing was good this weekend despite the cold and snow. Some brave souls spent the weekend, one they will surely remember and reminise, battering the cold-cold waters of Taney. These guys were just heading out this morning. These guys staying next door roughed it... of sorts.
  17. Are you getting any? You have to check what threads you want notified on to the right of the thread.
  18. Alittle advise if you're going to bid on one... bid higher than $65. I bid $65 twice and got outbid although the item sold for $65. In dutch bidding on ebay, it takes the highest bidders but the bid isn't what you pay necessarily. He sells a group of camera every 7-8 days so if you miss it, you have to wait for the next batch. We missed it twice and had to wait 3 weeks total. But we were buying backups.
  19. Dano - try this. Go to My Controls and click view topics. There you'll find you can turn on notifications and other options on threads you pick. Try this and see if it works.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/Underwater-Video-Camer...2QQcmdZViewItem I bought several on ebay for $65 each.
  21. All guides should be held to a higher standard. And they should care what people think of them. Word of mouth can rocket a business to success and it could bring it to it's knees. And with internet boards now, word of mouth carries much further, faster. I would rather not anyone mention names here... Why would a guide set his clients one either side of the river (lake) and walk between them- back and forth- sounds like he's making more work for himself unless he has some purpose in it.
  22. Shuffling: Dislodging gravel, rock and/or any vegitation on the bottom of the lake to attract fish to an area where the same individual or individuals are actively fishing, or where another party, who is not actually shuffling is actively fishing. To be shuffling, one or more anglers must be aggressively kicking the bottom of the lake, in current or not, with the sole purpose as to attract trout so that a person can catch them as they feed on the bugs kicked up from the bottom. To the question of shuffling on Lake Taneycomo - Are you in favor or making "shuffling" on Lake Taneycomo illegal or keeping it legal? Post your answer as - ILLEGAL or NO CHANGE Any comments to the issue, post on on this thread - http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1076
  23. We are trying to take a poll of sorts to the question of shuffling on Lake Taneycomo. It's a hot subject for many anglers, pro and con. In some states (New Mexico, Arkansas) the practice of attracting fish by dislodging rocks, gravel and other bottom materials is already illegal. So sound off... but keep it respectful.
  24. Brown rule - you might as well make brown catch-n-release year round because I'd say 90% of the legal brown caught and kept are during the spawn below the dam. Out of our guests during the year, I bet I don't have more than 6 legal browns caught in the main lake and another 6-10 caught below the dam. Compared that with the legal browns caught during the spawn... not even close. So why not make browns catch and release only? Would that upset the management model of the lake? As for the shuffling petition, I'll start it.
  25. Interestly, Jim Turner and I talked to a lady in Branson West - her husband and her bought some land near Reed's Spring. They knew about one large bell cave on the property but found the opening to a cave they have not yet explored. The opening is just a hole in the ground less than 24 inches wide- not enough for anyone it get into- but when he dropped a stone in the hole it took over 4 seconds to hit the bottom and it was water. It could be another marvel cave.
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