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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Caught several nice size keepers late in the evening on buzz baits right next to bank in between docks.
  2. I caught several nice size keepers this past weekend on buzz baits right next to the bank near docks.
  3. It appeared to be a tournament boat, wearing life vest, both fishing from the front of the boat. No luck on the shaky head. Didn't fish that long, got tired of fighting the wind.
  4. Thanks for the feedback...I've been fishing LOZ for twenty years and that's never happened. I was working a shaky head, so pretty obvious I was fishing for bass. I think the tournament guys just think they are entitled because they're in a tournament.
  5. I was fishing from the dock on the 42mm and the crappie were really slow. The ones caught were shallow in about 3 feet of water on jigs. Hopefully a week of warm weather and the rain last night will speed things up next weekend.
  6. I was fishing with my 11 year old son on Saturday. We were fishing in front of a dock and all of a sudden what appeared to be a tournament boat cut right in front of us literally 2 docks. I know they seen us and still continued to fish. It took us approximately 3 minutes to catch up to them and I could of made a cast into their boat. I decided not to say anything, would any of you say anything. I know it probably wouldn't of done any good, however, I was raised not to do what they did. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  7. That's what they get for listening to the weatherman.
  8. All I know is that is sucks I can't lower the boat, just another foot then I can get it out!
  9. Awesome job! Might be the biggest bass caught out of LOZ!!!
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