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    Showing what the Ozarks has to hold in outdoor recreation...

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  1. Thanks to MushHuntr app we found a lot of morels! Was a surprise for sure!!!
  2. I went out last weekend with a local and his dog who he claimed could smell out morels, I think he's full of it...
  3. Only fished for about an hour down on the Missouri River in Jefferson City. Hooked into some decent cats, first two found a log to snag me up in. I got the third, plus a couple more. Check us out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CIEQZjERZ4
  4. Went fishing on Easter caught loads of panfish smallmouth, goggle eye, sunfish, had to be the best way to spend the Holiday I'll explain why, watch me reeling them in...
  5. Thanks, this was our first time testing out our new cameras. We threw every crappie over ten inches back as we were doing some management for the pond at the same time, with the intent to produce trophy fish (>15in) for the landowner. This year we are mostly going to focus on Smallmouth fishing in Ozark rivers as well as other outdoor activities the region has to share.. Everyone loves crappie, although don't know what i like more catching or eating them? Probably both put together.... Check us out Bigcatchentertainment.com
  6. Had a warm weekend a few weekends ago, feeling cabin fever we decided to make sure our gear was in order for the rest of the season. Check out the video of some late winter farm pond fishing, though nothing huge was caught this day we had a very good time enjoying the weather and landing some first of 2016 crappie... Check us out:
  7. Had a warm weekend a few weekends ago, feeling cabin fever we decided to make sure our gear was in order for the rest of the season. Check out the video of some late winter farm pond fishing, though nothing huge was caught this day we had a very good time enjoying the weather and landing some first of 2016 crappie... Check us out:
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