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  1. My brother is in the longbeach area just down stream from Rockaway. He wetted a line today with no luck. I've never fished that far down before. Anyone have any tips for him? Does he need to switch over to a bass rig or keep trucking with some trout stuff?
  2. Cant wait to fish with you guys in Jan. Phil.
  3. Hey Ollie, Sorry I haven't been on here lately I have been pretty busy. I lined up 5 kids for you. I will email you their names. I won't be there due to a previous commitment in KC that I have to go to. I hope everything goes well and there is a good turnout.
  4. I am in a position to help you guys if a Stream Team gets established here in Neosho. I can offer the services of many to go in and at least pick up trash in and around the creek. This help has been offered to the City but has been turned down or gets used somewhere else. Also, on a personal note, I fish Hickory quite often and would love to be part of something that will better one of my favorite local fishing holes. Please let me know when you have a meeting or post it here and I will try to make it.
  5. I am going to Vegas in May and am wanting to maybe do some fishing below Hoover one day. I have found websites that differ on how good the trout fishing is. Anyone out there know? I realy just want to catch some fish but would perfer to stick to something I know a little about. Probably going to flyfish it. I do know there are supposed to be some big carp so I guess if all else fails I try to hook into one of those guys.
  6. We put in there by lilley's. Coopers Creek public access I think. The rapelas we used were rainbow and my buddy had one that was a light green all around. He also boated several on a brown and tan rooster tail. My hands got cold and I switched to sunrise power bait. We were also catching on orange and white. I caught three right off the bat that were 12-14 inches a peice. My monster of the day came off of the rapela. He was twice as big as the lure. If it weren't for the line I may have accidently thrown the rapela back in. lol
  7. I just returned home from a day on Taney. It was cold but it was also a blast. For those of you thinking it is to cold to fish then you are missing out. I was in a boat of three. Between us we caught around 50 fish. We used power bait, rooster tails, little cleos and small rapelas. It was a great time. Like it always is. Just wish I could have stayed all weekend. Only bad note is there are too many disrespectful boaters. From the boats flying past our boat so close they were spraying us with water to the trollers going between us and the shore(as we were casting) when the shore was no more than 30 yards away. Just wish more people were more respectful to others fishing around them.
  8. Come on Ollie. Are you sure you weren't at Big Spring with no one looking.LOL I have seen two that size swimming around down there. I also saw a sucker looking to go in the 3-4# range. The fish are there. As for the poaching of fish. I think MDC knows that. I have been checked by Carl the last 3 times out there. Someone must be telling him to get out there and check that area a little more. My dad was there for an hour or 2 on Sat. He did not fair as well as you. He said two stockers was all he caught. I don't care what any of you say about it being a toilet bowl. I love it and try to hit every week (although its been about a month since there last). I would prefer to hit it in the winter(not much of a crowd). I think all it needs is a little more enforcement. Once that happens then the netters will stop or at least cut back.
  9. Krash, Are you coming down with some guys from Belton? I too am going to be at Lilly's next week. Half the group from KC and the other half from St. Louis. It seems every year we have new people show up in our group. If you are with us welcome. If not, look forward to meeting you guys on the dock.
  10. Here is a pic of a big brown my UNcle's friend caught while at Lilley's earlier this month. He released it and is going to get a replica mount made.
  11. Thanks, I'll look at giving one of those places a try.
  12. I am looking for some tips and possibly a place in the eagle rock or cape fair area for catfishing table rock from the banks. I want to take the kids for a night of fun. I don't catfish much but figure I should be able to catch them in the big lake off the banks.
  13. I was there yesterday to take the kids to walk around. (no fishing per the wife) I sw a couple of kids fishing on the dam. I asked them how they were doing. He told me he caught and released three trout and said his friend was doing a little better. So the fish are there. I have only caught a few there myself. I have always wanted to wade further downstream though.
  14. Hi everyone. I have been a member of this forum for a while now and have gotten lots of good info on here and was hoping to get some help with an issue. I have a friend of mine that was injurred in a serious accident in February. Unfortunately he is now considered a quadriplegic. Lucklily he is able to move his arms and wrists but not his fingers. He is due to finally be released from the hospital at the end of the month and come back to the area. I spoke to him yesterday and he was telling me how he wanted to get back to fishing (a big hobby of his). He said he did not know how he was going to do that though. Does anyone out there know of anything that I could get him as a coming home present that would help him accomplish this? I was thinking along the lines of a special rod and reel or some type of contraption that he would be able to strap to his wrists. Any help or ideas would greatly be appreciated.
  15. drew03cmc, It is a small creek that runs through the east side of Neosho, MO. It runs along Morse Park. The city just built new walkways that go about a mile or so from start of the park to finish. It is a good time if you live local or are in town to visit. I don't know that I would book a fishing trip here just yet. The city needs to do some improvement to the whole area in order to get it more like the "trout park atmosphere" that they are wanting.
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