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Everything posted by Alaskageek
Sure am planning on trying to get up into the river and to Sapps landing if possible, sounds like thats the direction you're talking about. 🙂
It's been way too long, thats for sure. Really need to make that fall trip happen every year. Come on by Ranger!!! We'll be in our normal spot at wheatland. No camper or suburban this time. A guys trip means look for the tents and orange dodge charger, allthough doesn't look like many people camping yet, might have most of that point to ourselves. Or catch us on the water..... we'll be out in the boat (Red Lund looking "fishing machine") on Pomme come Sun evening, probably start around the Dam and go from there. Hoping to stumble on some mushrooms this year, didn't find any last year, but can't say i targeted them and was more into looking for Toms.
Getting my heart pounding!!!! We'll be over in just over 4 days!!! Keep up the great pic's and reports!!! Give me something to dream about for the next four nights, cause by the fifth night I'll be there!!!
Hey navery.... when you say "in the creek channels", do you mean something like this? That is the Hwy 83 bridge, just east of the Fairfield launch. Is the creek channel the deep trough that snakes through, that I've traced in yellow?
Thanks Cal..... that is the long way around for sure. Really hope I can find a way through from the lake.
Hope to get up there, one way or another. would be nice to come home with not only a mess of crappie (which is my favorite) but make my girl happy with some WB as well!!!! Any advice on what type of structure to try, as I don't think they'll be breaking water like they do in July?
Will for sure be trying the Fairfield area, as It's the only part of Truman I've been on really. I'm not exactly sure of which coves you mean. Are you talking about the one's i circled in yellow? Have never worked towards the bridge, but have been told since I was last on it that you should really go that way, so will be doing that for sure. Also, as stated above, really want to see if you can make it from Fairfield to Sapps landing. Thanks for the great info
Thanks for all the great info..... yet again MoPan!!!!! Probably going to try and access Pomme River via the lake first, going really really really slow, and will darn sure be out before dark!!! But may also try to launch at the bridge and go further upstream, especially if I can't access from the lake. Can't seem to get a clear enough look at that bridge to see where the gravel launch is at, and with the bridge being closed, don't want to come in from the wrong side. Should I come in from the west, taking 83 to PP and in, or should I come from the east, taking State Hwy D to PP and in? Sapps, really love it and will be swinging by to check the water level on the first day or so of the trip. Still really want to see if you can run from Sapps to Fairfield or vica versa, again... going very very very slow. I'm in no hurry on virgin water.
I love Sapps Landing!! One of the first places my father and I hit the crap outta white bass in October, trolling flick a shads. Tried hitting it this time last year, launched and tried working up toward Truman lake, which is what I think your saying. Didn't get much past were little mill creek dumps in, and came across a series of gravel bars that I just couldn't seem to get through unless I wanted to buy a new prop afterwords. But I also had my son, not a grown man with me so was probably a little more cautious than I can be this year. We caught a few small crappie, but wasn't much happening. Have you been to Sapps recently? If so, whats the water level like?
Yeah... really need to find the $350 for a new Hummingbird Helix 5 GPS DI G2, with the lakemaster SD card. Would make me much more confident running on Truman!!
Marked it on my onXmap, can you not make it there from the main lake? Looks to be less then a few river miles from Boliver Landing. When you launch there, should I head deeper up the river? or work back towards the main lake?
Things just fell into place this week and a guys spring trip out of this hell hole of a city is happening. (9 months of city is way way way to long for this Alaska man!!! Me and a buddy of mine are heading over to our usual spot at Wheatland Park to stay for a week for fishing, drinking, morel hunting, drinking, turkey scouting (no hunting this year, can't afford the tags), and maybe some drinking!!! LOL! We'll be heading over on the 27th and staying a week. Have been watching the Pomme and Truman forums and see some good trips for crappie, white bass and hybrids have been happening. Sounds like there will be alot of you all heading out over the next week, checking on the status of lake levels and the crappie spawn. Would very much like any and all reports you can give me on crappie, white bass, hybrids and catfish. I'm hoping MoPanFisher and Ranger520VX, the resident experts, are willing to once again point me in the right directions, as you have never led me wrong. We'll have my fishing boat, with hopefully a working trolling motor this year, but still running a fish locator that is older than I am, which then makes me a little more confident running Pomme than Truman........ Lots of stumps and submerged standing timber in Truman so seems like you've got to really know where the channels are, which is not something the ancient locator I have does. I much more comfortable running Pomme as I've been out on it more, and want to start learning Truman. Have only been out on Truman as the captain around the Fairfield area twice, and once with a friend as the captain in the Clear Creek area, which looked very intimating as far as boat running goes. White Bass: My girl loves eating those white bass, so hoping to find some this trip. I've done really good on Pomme in July, but have never fished them on Truman or in the spring. I understand they should be up in rivers/creeks this time of year, correct? Look for them breaking water while feeding, just like in July?? Crappie: Sounds like the spawn should be firing up any day now, right? They seem to be holding in a pre-spawn pattern, hanging at the edges of coves and spawning area's, suspending in 10-20ft or water? Use jigs and minnows Catfish: Still have never really found a good spot for catfish. I've picked a few up here and there, mostly on jugs left overnight. I've tried anchoring up and throwing out on flats, i've tired deep channels, main lake, back of coves with creeks in them (all on Pomme), but just have never really found them like I have the crappie and white bass. I've tried chicken liver, cut bait, hot dogs, sponge baits. Hybrids: Have never actually targeted them, or even ever caught one, but there's a first time for everything, right??? Any info here would be awesome!!!! You can count on me checking things here daily as the minutes slowly grind by until I'm on the road to the promised land!! Wish you all good luck on the water/in the woods!!!!
Things just fell into place this week and a guys spring trip out of this hell hole of a city is happening. (9 months of city is way way way to long for this Alaska man!!! Me and a buddy of mine are heading over to our usual spot at Wheatland Park to stay for a week for fishing, drinking, morel hunting, drinking, turkey scouting (no hunting this year, can't afford the tags), and maybe some drinking!!! LOL! We'll be heading over on the 27th and staying a week. Have been watching the Pomme and Truman forums and see some good trips for crappie, white bass and hybrids have been happening. Sounds like there will be alot of you all heading out over the next week, checking on the status of lake levels and the crappie spawn. Would very much like any and all reports you can give me on crappie, white bass, hybrids and catfish. I'm hoping MoPanFisher and Ranger520VX, the resident experts, are willing to once again point me in the right directions, as you have never led me wrong. We'll have my fishing boat, with hopefully a working trolling motor this year, but still running a fish locator that is older than I am, which then makes me a little more confident running Pomme than Truman........ Lots of stumps and submerged standing timber in Truman so seems like you've got to really know where the channels are, which is not something the ancient locator i have does. White Bass Sounds like the white bass my girl loves should be up the Pomme river a bit, correct? Can you run far enough up the river, accessing from the lake, to get to where they would be hiding? A little south of Boliver landing is as far that way as I've been so would love to know if I have no business running my boat up into the river proper. Same thing as in July, look for them feeding ? Use jigs, topwater and flick a shads? Crappie: Sounds like the spawn should be firing up any day now, right? They seem to be holding in a pre-spawn pattern, hanging at the edges of coves and spawning area's, suspending in 10-20ft or water? Use jigs and minnows Catfish: Still have never really found a good spot for catfish. I've picked a few up here and there, mostly on jugs left overnight. I've tried flats, i've tired deep channels, main lake, back of coves with creeks in them, but just have never really found them like I have the crappie and white bass. I've tried chicken liver, cut bait, hot dogs, sponge baits. Hybrids: Have never actually targeted them, or even ever caught one, but there's a first time for everything, right??? Any info here would be awesome!!!! You can count on me checking things here daily as the minutes slowly grind by until I'm on the road to the promised land!! Wish you all good luck on the water/in the woods!!!!
The WB die off in Pomme was before my time, so I can only speak on it for the last couple of years, and I'm only able to make it over from CO two or three times a year, but we seem to find them almost every trip.... thanks in large part to MOPanfisher and Ranger520vx. I've never tried for them anywhere other than the main lake, usually near the Galmey area. They aren't monsters, but we mange to get enough 10-12" to fill the cooler and the catching is fast enough to keep all my kids interested..... most of the time. Sure is hell competing with Fortnight. Might have to try the river this spring, sounds like they move out of the main lake during that time. A buddy and I are coming over at the end of April to fish for sure, (hoping to hit near the crappie spawn) and maybe turkey hunt... If I can find the $200 for an non-resident turkey tag. Will be my first trip without the girlfriend or any kids, so can be a little more daring in virgin to me water and stay out longer, cause if my buddy starts whining he's ready to go back to camp, he can swim!!!
Headed that way with the family tomorrow as well!!! Check out the Crappie 6-10 post, lots of really good recent reports from Ranger. I plan on fishing early morning and evening to try and avoid some of the heat, and spend the heat of the day floating in the water with a cold drink in my hand!!!!!
Any day you can catch fish is a day to brag about!!!!!! Thanks for keeping me up to date Ranger. Will be on the road in just under 48 hours and hope to be sitting next to Pomme, drinking a ice cold beer from the Triangle in just over 62 hours!!! Really hope we get a chance to meet up and shoot the S#!t, maybe subtract a few fish from the lake life!! LOL
Almost there!!! only a few days and we'll be on the road to the promised land!!!!!! Hope the fishing has been holding strong!!
Living my dream!!! Out on the lake every morning!!! Thanks for keep us up to date Ranger!!! You're the MAN!!!!!
I'm dying right along side you!!!!!!
Love it!!! 🙂 Right in my wheelhouse!!!! Have spent more time in that area than anywhere else on Pomme!
Thanks for the great info MrGiggles!!! Keeping my fingers crossed things hold up over there for at least the next two weeks, three would be awesome!!! You on the Pomme side? or Lindley?
I'll take all the 9-10" crappie and white bass I can get!!!!!!!!!! Any particular depth/water temp Mr Giggles?
I know i have some of those baby shad left over from this spring. My son was killing the crappie with em! Have to say my heart races everytime I look at the pic of the WB breaking!!!! Now newbie questions.... whats a slider?? I'm assuming it some sorta topwater. Pretty sure I know what a torpedo is and know what a popper is. Am I right in going with: If you see them breaking like crazy (like in the photo), try to stay at the edge of them and cast in, but if you see sporadic breaking in a bigger area, troll around and thru it??? Now for the crappie, due you tend to find it better to vertically jig next to/on the trees/stumps/brush piles.... or..... cast at them and and retrieve over/around them..... or both, depending on what gets the fish to bite? Have looked at the 2 week weather forecast, and as much as it can be believed, we should have good weather the first part of our week with some fronts moving in later in the week. If that is in fact the case, am I right in saying that it would be considered hot prefrontal conditions, with little cloud cover that first part of the week? and if so, what effect might that have on the crappie? WB? Hoping to catch you on the water when we're there. Wanted to let you know that during the heat of day, we are usually on the pontoon, swimming and hanging out in a little cove just a few hundred yards to the west of the swim beach that is directly south across the lake from Wheatland Park launch/Galmey cove. Come have a cold one!!
Thats awesome news all around Ranger!!!!. We'll be in our same spot at the wheatland campground, WPAR Loop, site 21 starting Sat 6/30 until the next satruday morning. No jet ski this year, pulling over a pop up for the misses and I (getting a little old to tent it) with the kids in the tent. Be running the pontoon, look for the slowest one out there, only has a 50 on it, and my fishing machine, Red/aluminum color 18ft, Lund looking, with a 35 Honda 4 stroke. Would be awesome to hook up and wet our lines together. Will make sure I chat you up as things get closer. Were you trolling jigs for the WB?
Thanks for the White bass update Ranger!!! Always have to try for them as my misses loves them above all others!!! As always.... you ROCK!!! If you happen to get out anymore between now and the 4th would love to get your reports. Will help feed my excitement as departure day SLOWLY approaches!!! Man, a 1/24 oz jig....... I've just finally gotten comfortable with a 1/16oz (thanks to my spring trip over) Think I might have one or two jig heads that small, but they maybe 1/32oz. Plan this year is to hit the crappie in the morning in the little fishing boat and then do most of the trolling in the evening. Like to keep a little wind moving over me after sitting out on the lake all day!!