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Everything posted by Jcvistait

  1. has not set their status

  2. did most of my fishing in zone 2. No browns this weekend. Did catch some on Thanksgiving weekend. Saw a few lunkers between bridge and dam.
  3. Fishing was great this weekend. Water was up to the base of the dam. Caught lots of really nice fish in the 14-18in. range. Egg patterns worked best. Wanted to strip but had problems with ice up. Only saw 3 others the on Fri. and Sat. Only two units in the campgroud and I dont think the other one was fishing. Friday the wind madfe it hard to stay out. The fish were in great shape too.
  4. I know alot of those fish get hooked over and over. Last time I was down there I was throwing streamers which you need a little room to throw,,,had people watching what I was doing ,,,,they took up camp right behind me Lucky they did not wear one of my streamers.
  5. Yes I know the trout parks are the zoo too. I understand about night fishing too,,,,love it. Last year in May I was there and I was the only one there. I was lucky then, but that time of the year there are less big fish in the system. Also to avoid the Zoo I hit Arkansas and have some good times there.
  6. This was told to me: While fishing at Taney I notice a guide with clients fishing the rebar hole. After a while of fishing the guide left only to return with more clients. After they got to the rebar hole the new guys replaced the ones that had been there. Here is what I think: Well I think thats not fair to the other people fishing in the area, waiting to get in that hole. I know the guides are trying to make money, but the area below the dam is only so big. That place is getting more crowded by the day.I really only have the weekends to fish and limited to wading. I know there are times down there when there is plenty of places to fish. But its getting to the point that my friends are not wanting to go there. We call it the Zoo. Sometimes outlet 2 looks like combat fishing. Something has to be done also to make it better around the outlets. They are getting filled in more and more. Just my .02 worth.
  7. Overall had good trip,,,,,have had better. When my son was fishing Dry Run,we notice there are alot of lamprey's this year. We removed alot but was there going to be anything done to get there numbers down? We caught some fish that had 2 attched.
  8. Dave, Just to let you know Sunday morning I heard something around the rebar but never saw it. At first I thought it was someone else but never saw anything.
  9. Will be down later tonight and this weekend with a buddy from St. Louis.
  10. Phil, Dont take it wrong , but I love going to Taney. I dont get to fish much from a boat but my Buddy does it alot. It is one of the best places in this country for that type of fishing.McFlyGuy is right, there is more room for people to spread out on the White and Northfork,,,,,but when they run water just like any other tailwater,,,fishing is limited.
  11. taney has become a zoo. People very rude. Arkansas has more wadable water, plus I think alot less people. I enjoy Taney only at night. But more and more people are heading to taney. Its a great fishery but people have messed it up. Dont get me wrong not everyone is bad.But MDC has to enforce the rules.
  12. Well, maybe they should start having regs. like Arkansas, stop the fishing below your feet. Use barbless hooks. I know fishing in the outlets can be fun at times but when people think they should be rubbing elbows thats crazy and not fun. I have watched people camp in a outlet all day. To me that s not fishing. I think it would be nice if you had to keep a rods distance between the next person.thats my .02 worth. Plus thats one reason I started fishing Arkansas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,less people.
  13. Ok retry pics I think they will work now
  14. I wasn't having a problem with the pics, I was having a problem trying to start a thread on the the Northfork but it seems to be working now. I am able to open the pics I posted, is anyone else able top see them???
  15. I know what you mean. I caught over this this year at Longview lake. Fishing off the docks. I had to use 10wt. so I could stop them. I caught carp between 25-37 inches. They are a blast.
  16. From Dry Run Creek http://www.myfishingpictures.com/img/080186.JPG 5.5 lb Rainbow http://www.myfishingpictures.com/img/080185.JPG
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