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Everything posted by jac63

  1. Horrible incident and I can't imagine the grief of the family and loved ones that survived. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this and I'm reminded that life can be very fleeting. Please don't take it for granted.
  2. jac63

    Lyric's heard wrong

    I don't really pay much attention to song lyrics to be honest but a couple that some acquaintances have screwed up that make me laugh. dirty deeds, thunder chief (correctly- dirty deeds done dirt cheap) by one of my co-workers sneaky snake gigglin and a pissin. (correctly- gigglin and a hissin) by my cousin's nephew.
  3. Some great stories in this thread. Nothing connects me to my grandparents (whom I did not know, having died before my time or shorty after my birth) like the passed down guns of their's. I am fortunate to have 3 of them in my possession, an AH Fox 12 ga dating back to 1913, a 1932 S&W Outdoorsman K-22, and pertaining to this discussion a Stevens 2-1/2" single shot 410. The 2 prior guns belonged to my grandfather but the little 410 was my grandmothers, given to her on her 12th birthday by her father in 1912. That gun was used by her, my father, my brother, & myself for each of our first hunts and kills. Some of the mightiest squirrels in the state of Missouri succumbed to that gun. Some time in the early '60's she gave it to my brother and I came into ownership just a couple years ago. My brother was battling cancer and he had a CZ pistol in 45 acp and 2 sons that he wanted to leave a 45 pistol to. Just so happened I had a mid-range 1911 that he wanted and offered me grandma's 410 in trade. Since I had another 1911 and a burning desire for that old 410 a deal was struck. He got a 1911 valued in the $500 range and I came home with a $50 Stevens 410 with a broken firing pin. Took him to the cleaners IMO. I had a machinist friend who fixed the firing pin for me and back into the woods she went. Grandma, dad, & my brother have all passed on but every time I pick up that gun I can feel them right beside me. I miss them all but what a connection to them they gave me. Here is the old gun back in her glory doing what it was built to do.
  4. Thanks, been itching to get back at it for nearly 2 years now. Feels good to take that first step back and I'm getting near as bad as a kid on Christmas morning from the anticipation. Next 3 weeks are going to be long, long days.
  5. Hey everybody. Been reading for a while and thought I'd sign up. I ain't been fishing for something like 10-12 years but that's going to change soon. I used to do a lot of fishing, mostly rod & reel for cats on the Missouri and the Gasconade but some bass & crappie as well in lakes and ponds. Then somehow I let work take more and more of my time until I just quit going at all, sold my boat and gave it up completely. For some time now I've been getting the urge to rekindle the fishing fire and get back on the water. In three weeks I'll be taking my first vacation since 1999 and we are going to spend 5 days at Pomme De Terre with our daughter and grand daughter. I'll be bank bound but I am going to fish again and I'm going to do so with my 6 year old grand daughter (and her mother), hopefully the first of many fishing trips we take together. I am boat shopping but in no great hurry at this time. Just not sure what exactly I want and trying to decide what my budget will allow. Anyway I wanted to say hi to everyone and thanks for letting me play again. 😎
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