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Everything posted by CaptainT16

  1. I am planning a trip to Bennett Springs this next week and wanted to try a dropper. I have actually never tried it and wondered, what's the best way to set this up? Do you just get a big fly (size 8) or something that size and attach a piece of tippet to the second fly? Like I say, I've never tried it but have heard people talk about it all the time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  2. Just had a quick question. My Father and I were planning a trip to Bennett Springs next Wednesday and noticed they are planning on having the moss cutting boat out. I just wondered if anyone has fished there when they have been cutting and if it disrupts the river quite a bit or just makes fishing plain tough? I wanted to get some input to see if we should plan for another day or what to expect if we do fish during this time. Thanks for the help!
  3. Yep, looks like this time he is going hungry. Great video, hopefully someday I will be able to experience that. Can't even imagine what it must be like up that way.
  4. Yes, great meeting you two as well. Sounds like we really missed out. That would have been a great battle to have seen, too bad the fish one that fight. There were quite a few large ones in there, guess I should have tried harder to get them. Well, the catch and release wadable water was pretty poor. Dad ended up catching 1 and I caught 2 on a griffiths gnat and 1 on an adams. I was actually pretty dissapointed down in that area actually. Saw a lot more fish through that area last summer we were there, quite a few bigs ones too caught in that zone last year. Didn't really even see that many actually. I managed to catch one small rainbow in the middle of the zone and found quite a few stacked underneath the bridge there. Managed to catch two there and then the horn blew. It was a fun outing, although wish we would have caught a few more, but hey, sure does beat a day at work. I will say I pretty much caught all of my fish on a griffiths gnat. caught 1-2 on a zebra midge. I think I only ended up catching maybe 10 fish all day long. I tried everything from San Juan worms, to glowballs, to zebra midges, to adams, cracklebacks, g gnats. I guess there are days like that.
  5. Sounds great. I will definately keep my eyes open for ya. We are going to be fishing the whole place as we have only fished it once, but we will definately be there somewhere if you guys end up making it. We will be driving a maroon Explorer. Hope to see ya there. Tyson
  6. I would have to agree with that quote above! Looks like a fun time though.
  7. Well, looks like we are having a Father (Bodyman50) Son (me) fly-fishing trip to RR on Monday. Just wondered if anyone was going to be down that way on Monday? I will be wearing my famous camo waders, can't miss me. Would like to meet some of you if anyone is going to be over that way on Monday. I will hopefully be able to post some pics of our "lunkers" we catch!
  8. Yeah, I have had the pleasure of fishing the lower illinois right below the Tenkiller dam and it does seem like the smaller the better. Last time I did really well on a griffiths gnat. Seems like everytime I am down there, they are always taking bug from the surface. Cracklebacks and gnats and occasionally an adams will work the best. I have had some luck using woolies, but honestly, about all I use are dry flies or something to get just below the surface and you can really tear them up. Good luck!
  9. My favorites would have to be a Griffiths Gnat, Crackleback or Adams. I usually like to use a size 18-20, seems like those are the best sizes I have used. I have had a chance to catch around a 22 inch rainbow on a Adams once, and you want to talk about awesome. I saw two big ones buy themselves with their fins actually sticking out of the water. I casted in front once, and he went after it, but missed. Second time, he wasn't so lucky, very fun to see a big guy go after a topwater. Usually thought I have to have the adams or the gnat just under the surface. Seems like very rarely do I get anything on top, but If I can just get it under the film, stripping them, I can usually do pretty well with.
  10. I've tried fishing there, but never had any luck from the shore. I always wanted to catch a muskie, but never did. It was sure fun trying though.
  11. Man, I tell you what. I am the exact same way. As soon as the generation starts, I might as well quit fishing, because I never have any other luck. I have been lucky if I drift something next to shore right about outlet 2 every once in awhile I will catch something, but not very often. I try everything, but just never have any luck with generation.
  12. I was going to say you better include the K-State Wildcats!
  13. That is one awesome looking Brown. Very colorful. Great Job!
  14. That is great, I can't wait till the newest addition to my family will be able to join me and G-pa on one of our fly-fishing adventures. This trip will never be a one that you will not forget, both of you ended up having a great time. Let us know how his next adventure goes!
  15. Thanks guys, well finally after a week I would like to report the the newest addition to our family was born last Tuesday evening at 7:47pm. Everything went great and all of our prayers were answered with a great little man named Garrett Mason. He came out weighing in at a hefty 8.6lbs and 20 inches long. So, we got us a keeper alright! Mom, Dad, and lil one are all doing great, well, things would be better if he could get his days and nights turned around. Long nights is for sure. Here are some pics, hopefully they will post okay.
  16. Yeah, I am hearing quite a few mixed results out here in KS. I personally haven't had a chance since we had a new addition to our family last Tuesday night, but wife gave me permision to go out hunting sometime this week. Hopefully she sticks to that and I can get me some doves. Teal season opens up this weekend for most of KS. Haven't had a chance to scout for them, but I am sure with the lack of water here in KS, probably won't be to hard to find.
  17. Thought I would let everyone know the wife and I are headed to the hospital for our first little child. Little guy is not wanting to come out and see his parents so we are going to induce tonight and get him out. I am so ready to meet my new little "fly-fisher" and duck hunter. I will keep you guys and gals updated. Keep us in your prayers. Thanks!!! Tyson
  18. Wow, great pics guys. I can't even imagine what that must be like up that way. I especially like the pics of the bears, they are amazing seeing how they do their fishing. Glad you had a fun, safe trip!
  19. Yeah, when I lived in Springfield I always made the trip to this fun river. I always unloaded my canoe as wel at the park there and would go looking for the lilly pads and cast topwater (floating Frogs) over them and I always did great. My biggest was just over 3lbs and it actually scared me pretty good when he exploded on it. I only got to fish it maybe 5 times, but I always looked foward to fishing it.
  20. Wow, great pics. I can't wait till the day I get to make it up that way. I can't even imagine what that must be like up there. Glad you guys are having a good trip!
  21. I have to agree with you Ryan. I am a huge Duck Hunter myself and I would hate to see a heron eat some ducklings, bad enough all the trout as well. Open season on herons for just one day maybe?
  22. My father and I were at Bennett Last week, and didn't think about the "shuffle" going on there, well to my surprise I was wrong. This guy was an older gentlemen with his wife and I think his wife was to embarrased to be next to him as she was way downstream of him fishing like it should be done. My dad was telling me about it and it was funny as every cast he was the only one catching anything, would have thought he was fishing with some kind of bait in zone 1 until I saw him dangling his pole and line right downstream of himself. Pretty sad to see this activity going on everywhere nowdays.
  23. Wow, what a sad way to end a fishing trip. Prayers sent to the family!
  24. Looks as if my father and I will be down there this Tuesday. I will have to try your techniques! If we see you there, we will make it a point to stop by and say hello. Instead of dad giving me the pointers, I am always trying to give him the pointers as I was the one that got him into fly-fishing. Now he is the one that can't get enough of it! Sorry, dad if you read this, I just had to throw that in there. Thanks for your post of some other tips try at BSSP!
  25. Even better, maybe I could get lucky enough to land one of them. The biggest brown I have caught so far in my 4 yrs of fly fishing is maybe 13 inches, so that would be great. Sounds like it should be a great time and hopefully the heat will keep the crowds away. I will let everyone know how we do and hopefully I will be able to post a great report.
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