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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. NF at 552 the white at the top power pool... whats the deal with the mass flow of water? Surely power demand can't be that great. Temps this week are in the 50's and and 60's. Anyone have a clue what SWPA is up too?
  2. Well I managed to escape the hectic life of work to hit the fork with some good friends and my dad. They were generating till around 11 and they would shut it off around 5 or 6 or so for the days I was there. Missed the slam by missing a Brown. Suprisingly the brook I caught was way down by Genes Hole. Granite it was no bigger than 8 inch or so, but quite beatiful in color. During the high water, I could only muster in a few or so wading along the bank. On the low water, I destroyed them on midges black and nickel size 18,20. The copper bead and copper wire black was doing very well as well. When the midging stopped, san juan was key. Red, pink didnt matter. They were hitting it well. I ran into Jeremy Hunt for the first time and introduced myself. I have been a longtime follower of his site, ozarkanglers and John Wilson's. It was nice to meet up with someone who has taught me a lot so far in my brief and short fly fishing career. I can say the same for all three websites I go to and read. Needless to say he was guiding some clients, and we were all doing well that day. We spoke for awhile, and exchanged good lucks as the sun was coming down and the horn blew. Nevertheless, it was a great 3 days all in all. Back to work today, and already have been looking at the genes cam wishing I was throwing a 20 seeing all the trout rise Good luck all!
  3. Do you fish the emerger like a soft hackle and swing it? Or dead drift? I also noticed chucks emerger used duck fibers as a tail. If your imitating a midge I take it you omit the fibers? If acting like a dry fly tie the fibers in...
  4. If you had to have a go to fly to fish the fork in high and or low water, what two would they be? I'm heading down next month and I need to tie up some guarantee fish catchers. Size and pattern would help! Thanks in advance. BT
  5. Present and hopefully accounted for.
  6. Gavin thanks for that link, but Dan's turkey tail is a different pattern. Here is the recipe for the one I speak of: Hook: Tiemco 100 size 18-22 Thread: Rust Brown 6/0 Abdomen: Three turkey tail fibers tied in by tip Rib: 6X tippet Wing: Cream poly dubbing formed into a noodle Thorax: One fiber from the bronze portion of the eyed peacock tail
  7. I know, I know... its in the "home waters book". I just went to both feather-craft and hargroves and they do not have this book in stock. I bought the materials that are listed in the recipe, from feather-craft hoping to get a glimpse of what it looks like however to no avail. I checked on amazon and they only had used new, good, etc. And the 3rd version you cant seem to find anyhow. I really dont want the 2nd edition if the 3rd is out. Does anyone have a pic so I can at least attempt to see what it looks like? I dont really need a step by step, however if someone has it then great. If not just a simple pic would be fine. I give all the credit in the world for John Berry's brother creating it and tying it, and certainly wouldn't think to tie it without proper knowledge of the fly. So anyhelp would be grat. Thanks
  8. What color egg did you use? I have thrown them out there before and havent had much luck. Egg tied on a jig or just a hook with some split shot? Thanks
  9. Dang I was in there in the last two weeks and the guys mentioned there he had suffered two heart attacks like back to back What blow to the community and to the fishing sport. What a great guy he was Long live the crackleback!!!
  10. It works for me ok
  11. Well I'll be Fantastic I just watched your vid on you tube!!!! :D:D: Thanks so much for this!
  12. Great Report, thanks John. Would you by chance happen to have a recipe for the green butt soft hackle? Thanks, Buschtrout
  13. This rain is ridiculous... Here is the link to the dock breaking loose and floating down the river... Wow... I stay at the lodge to the right of the vid cam at lodge 7... This is just incredible. I hope everyone is ok down there http://www.ky3.com/younews/17508419.html
  14. Blah thanks for the reply. We will try empirepark. Were not going to be going out on a boat. Just shore fishing and throwing in a line.. Nothing much. Bluegill, crappie, whatever will take it, is good for me
  15. Bummer.. Thanks for the update though. Oh well I guess table rock it is
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