Did first time trip at Rockbridge for a day/night in March. Saw some good things in the archives, so thought I would add some thoughts as a Rookie there.
It rained both days, and a bit cold but fishing was good imho. Others there said it was not so good, but all perspective at this place. I fished catch and keep @ hour, stopped with a 2.5 pounder/ 3 pounder. The 3 pounder was the largest fish I ever caught on a fly rod (used 5 wt LL Bean rod). Naturally the big one got away. Had a 5 pounder near the mouth of my net once, fought it for some time, stupidly let it get downstream in a powerful chute. Needless to say, I learned a lot on this trip.
Foolishly I brought a smaller plastic-coated C&R net. You need a big net at this place! You can get by with stronger tippet or leader at Rockbridge if you want to.
Wanted to remind folks who never been to the area it is VERY rural. I read once in Outside magazine that Ozark County is the most "rural" of MO Counties. It is not the least populated (that is Worth Co. on the Iowa border), but it is country! I drove into Gainesville the CO seat for a bite to eat @630pm and never passed a car for a long time. For the main town, Gainesville has very little in food choices.
I would take food, drinks with you on your trip even if deciding to eat at Rockbridge restaurant. I had lunch there, 1/2-pound burger, side salad =18.00. Keep in mind they have to truck all those supplies to the Boonies. For example, I asked for a NA beer, and they said they have not been able to get any lately.
Basic rooms were 150.00, just missed the 90.00 winter rate. Take a book b/c no TV in basic rooms.
It felt weird keeping fish since it has been decades since I C&K ed. They fillet them, so hope they are good on the grill.
Pros- Beautiful place that stocks 2 pd fish and up. BIG fish! NO litter and clean. That is worth it to me not seeing bait jars, cans and bottles all over the place. Few, if any two-legged trash- a big plus. As others have said a good place to take the wife and kids. Good place to sharpen your skills. I spoke with several Guys who travel all over the US flyfishing who go to Rockbridge to practice. Workers are very helpful. The fish cleaning guy knows a lot and provided much info.
Cons- Some may say cost, pay per pound, etc. but again that is perspective. If you are close enough to make a day trip and skip the room, it is affordable. Next time I will do a day trip. It is like a Trout Park.....well yes, but a very nice exclusive big fish, no litter, no fools Trout Park.