update on motor housing removal. went got the boat out of the barn (inside storage) and when got home tried to get cover off. the latch i was referring to that wouldn't release actually wasn't broke just loose in tension. was able to get off with some muscle. now i was going to try and replace the fuel filter but the i thinks its the throttle line thats in the way and i dont have the correct tool to remove the filter. i hear you can brake the tops off easy if you use a screw driver to remove it. dont think i can and will mess with the throttle as i know i will screw something up.. changed lower gear oil for first time (had boat for a yr now) and that wasnt bad except my own screw ups in doing so.. next time this idiot will bhuy a oil pan, and not do it in his driveway in the wind. holy crap did i make a mess. darn rookies!!!
well anyways thanks for all the replies and i sure will remember to ask for advise here as i recieved some great ones. Arkansas Jewell i will keep you in mind if i make it down that way this summer as i would like some general maintenance done.
thanks Brian