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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. Hootentown to Goff Creek (mud bank) (section2 JR access 2 ) ,carry boat up or down ,or Goff Creek to Horse Creek (Kerr's) are good one day fishing/floats . The river changes a lot year to year . This year however I haven't made it above Goff Creek yet waters been too low to get the boat up past there . The lower end Goff Creek to Horse Creek wasn't bad 4 weeks ago only hit hard once put a hole in the boat ,not the first and won't be the last ,haha. Ive put in at Horse Creek 3 times this year so far and ran up far fishing not as good as years past but some of the good holes have filled in . Put in at Hootentown but Prices Shoal ,second red dot section 1 (about a mile below Hootentown ,) didn't look to good , the gravel shoot on the north side had filed in so you have to go in the rocky part . So we ran up almost to Shelven Rock did fair . Last week I took a day off to take dad fishing we had to put in at Blunks ((Caraway) ran up to the railroad bridge below Cox . That end we catfish ,don't like it as well as Smallmouth and Goggle Eye but spent another day with dad so was a Great day . Unless you like paddling I wouldn't do the end ,lake backwater . This year I need 5 1/2 feet gauge height at Galena to make it all the way don't know cfm's .
  2. Happens quite a bit . When the bitches are in heat I have seen them come up and lure a male dog out and then several are waiting to kill the dog . I have hunted them off and on but never used a male dog for that reason . Even my squirrel dogs have been females . They have been ran back to me several times it ha coyote hot on their heels ,but only once did I have to kill the coyote usually they will stay back but a hungry one or a dominate one will not back down . We go camping still but I take my 3 German shepherds with us they still wouldn't stand much of a chance if the pack wanted them . So at night we try keep them close and not lose sight of them for too long before calling them back to check in .
  3. I would agree too loud and too many rocks . They work better on grass ,mud and Lilly pads . I would say they slide a bit much for me as well , I have a jet outboard and if you aren't used to them sliding it can get you into trouble on skinnier water .
  4. Yes it was a GREAT show Michael .I always like the stuff you put on.Many Thanks Terry you got close to winning the rod @ 6 feet
  5. Not going to get it started ,I'll just say some are released.Bass and walleye both. Gary , he says he's tried it that way but usualy just fillets them regular.Also do you take out the cheek meat ? There is around a quarter to half dollr size of meat on the cheek.Meats too good to waste.
  6. 11 lb 3 oz was the 13th.9 lb 13 on the 20 th. 11 lb & 9 lb 5 oz on the 24 th. No its not me ist my father ,nephew,and daughter Personaly I never had that much luck for walleye.
  7. Yes they are at powersite.And yes on rouges. 11lb 3oz 9 lb 13 oz, 9 lb 5 oz ,11 lb numerous smaller ones.
  8. I started with them( fly reels) left handed but recently switch them to right .I found I could pick the line up much faster w/ my right.
  9. very few of the ones I tie have beadheads .Dont think it will make that much difference other than weight
  10. Fished again Sunday for about a hour and a half caught 2 more fish anouther 9 or 10" the other @ 7" one on #14 bh oliver& peacock zebra midge another on #14 red&peacock ]
  11. Today was my first trip so cant help much .Today the #16 olive zebra midge caught the fish.
  12. I grew up fishing the James so its where I love to go even if I dont have that much time.One way or the other I can usualy catch some sort of fish.Even in winter I fish for bluegill or even the big minnows does'nt matter to me as long as I get to go.
  13. Lower,(to me anyway)would be south of Crane upper would be north. I was on the lower access off of Swinging Brideg Rd.I drove to the upper one but there was hardly any water even after all the rain we got last week.
  14. I've watched this forum for a while now ,just now decided to join. There is alot of good info here. Hello everyone
  15. Finally got around to fish Crane Creek today.Creek very fast, air temp in low30's with sleet & snow ice was still falling off trees ,but I had to try.First trip and got my first McCloud such a BEAUTIFUL FISH right at 9". The flash on the camera took some of the color out Im hooked now
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