Hootentown to Goff Creek (mud bank) (section2 JR access 2 ) ,carry boat up or down ,or Goff Creek to Horse Creek (Kerr's) are good one day fishing/floats . The river changes a lot year to year . This year however I haven't made it above Goff Creek yet waters been too low to get the boat up past there . The lower end Goff Creek to Horse Creek wasn't bad 4 weeks ago only hit hard once put a hole in the boat ,not the first and won't be the last ,haha. Ive put in at Horse Creek 3 times this year so far and ran up far fishing not as good as years past but some of the good holes have filled in .
Put in at Hootentown but Prices Shoal ,second red dot section 1 (about a mile below Hootentown ,) didn't look to good , the gravel shoot on the north side had filed in so you have to go in the rocky part . So we ran up almost to Shelven Rock did fair .
Last week I took a day off to take dad fishing we had to put in at Blunks ((Caraway) ran up to the railroad bridge below Cox . That end we catfish ,don't like it as well as Smallmouth and Goggle Eye but spent another day with dad so was a Great day . Unless you like paddling I wouldn't do the end ,lake backwater .
This year I need 5 1/2 feet gauge height at Galena to make it all the way don't know cfm's .