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Everything posted by cwc87

  1. cwc87


    Clear water Big river above mamouth still off color but clearing.
  2. cwc87


    Fished small canoe water and the smallies were only in certain areas. No real pattern. Just had to cover water n order to catch fish. The biggest smallie came straight up off the bottom in a six foot deep pool and ate my top water with about ten ft of line from my rid tip. Highlight of the day. What still bothers me is on a Tuesday four other fisher man were pounding the creek too and two of then were minnow drowners. And we're in the big fish spot. Next time I get on that creek will b early spring before they get hammered. Today went on canoe water again and caught no giants. Just good numbers and they would constantly give me action. Biggest was a 17 incher. Went from 930. To 3. Perfect end to my fishing week. Top water and jig is all I used.
  3. cwc87


    Great topic Al. Gravel choked streams without chunk rock and very many logs are easy to fish becuase they are always hiding in what little cover is offered. Numbers of fish may be fewer cause it is so easy for catch and keep fisherman to do so. But the occasional giant smallie is very possible. I perfer the streams with lots of numbers of smallies vs the before mentioned. Action is what i like is doesnt matter if its a 10 incher on a topwater or a 20 incher on a chomper its just memories are all about the spot and how it all comes together how you caught it. Every stream has its primary holding areas for smallies that change with fishing pressure and floods. The holes that hold wintering fish are usually the ones that never change after flooding and when smallies make that journey back to that hole this time of year i pay attention to the holes up and below those haunts. As far as favorite habitat I love water weeds along the banks (not so much on the weeds that grow up from the bottom in the channels) . Shaded logs that are range from 1ft to 6 ft deep with or without current. I love the flow of the water when u dont have to paddle to get thru the hole. ( I dont care if my canoe whirleebirds it thru the hole as long as I'm catching fish and covering water) Also, my favorite streams are small enough that u can cover both sides of it from the middle. I am going on a two dayer next week and with try to give report.
  4. Ok guys thanks for the info who knows it may be fishable by next week it is still August. I have lots of experience with downed trees and swift water fishing. And if anyone interested in shuttling me I am willing to pay time and fuel. I am strickly catch and release. pm me Thx
  5. Im planning a trip tues aug. 20 and wed 21 in this area and wonder about anyone who is local on this forum who can give me a river report or even a possible shuttle. if you dont want a report on the forum just send me a pm message. thanks
  6. My dad was at Dilllard on the headwaters of the Huzzah and always said the flood of 51 was a massive amount of water and damage. The other floods that I can remember are december of 82 93 all year but a big one november of 93 July 28 1998 and a highest ever mark on huzzah and meramec since i been around was march 18 2008 when it rained a study rain for 24 hours for a 10 inch total. When the rivers got out of their banks they stayed out longer than average and boy the holes were cleaned out and the gravel and sand was deposited in the farmers fields.. I just wish we could retain some of this for next summer .
  7. It's flooded. Ur only hope is red bluff. The creeks do drop fast at least.
  8. JoeD u crack me up.
  9. Facts are facts. The guy has a gig in a smallmouth plus it has a MDC tag in it. Illegal as you can get. These fish are no doubt are some that I have caught and released over the years!! It just makes me sick that a individual can do this and GETAWAY with it!!! Plus if given a ticket it would only be a slap on the wrist. Makes you really wonder how much of this happens?????
  10. That fish was tagged two years ago but still has the wire in his back The water was still murky on Tuesday when I went. I'm still in the learning stages on posting/ taking pics with the iPhone.
  11. Huzzah yeaterday
  12. The huzzah is gonna b clear by tues. The flow will b very strong. Fish the slowest spots. If u do the meramec try wesco to cedar ford. Watch for down trees.
  13. Joe your are so right I'm sorry this thread got hijacked. Gotta love your posts at 2 am.
  14. The first pic is at a spot on meramec and the second is at huzzah valley ( the store is n background) Justin I haven't been beating the eleven point since last August.
  15. Above is first pic uploaded ever. I'll try to put some more up.
  16. This one that ate it.
  17. I caught some smallies on the Huzzah today using chomper s on a 3/8 head. Fish were near a eddy but out in the swift current break. Fish a creek that dumps into the meramec near birds nest and got bit on spinnerbait and brushhog. If u want to rent a canoe call me or message me. I'll put you on fish. 573 259 3124. Corey.
  18. Sand and smallmouth. I've seen smallmouth turn or flip themselves on a sandy bottom. I believe they use sand to adjust there bellies before the spawn. Or there like me sand is soothing to my toes when I'm out for a swim. On the Gasconade and Osage the bass like sand too. Most the time they are exactly where AL described them.
  19. Sand and smallmouth. I've seen smallmouth turn or flip themselves on a sandy bottom. I believe they use sand to adjust there bellies before the spawn. Or there like me sand is soothing to my toes when I'm out for a swim. On the Gasconade and Osage the bass like sand too. Most the time they are exactly where AL described them.
  20. I' know for a fact that that section of the Meramec gets heavy gigging pressure. And yes MDC is right it is very hard to tell a trout and a sucker apart when gigging. Especially if the water color is off or jet washed. About half way between the spring and Scott's ford the pink cabin is a private put in that gets a lot of locals that gigs.
  21. Try to look for coves that are narrow n steep n hit secondary points. Sloooow retrieve with a rig. If u see any seagulls hone in on the bank there on cause the shad r there and the bass are with them.
  22. Went Friday caught 8 keeps biggest was a 3.5 lb. a- rig. Dam area. Had to reel slow Secondary and little pockets off main lake. Seen big balls of shad. Really a grind first time with a rig not used to it yet Lots of boats out fishing.
  23. Thanks pat for the report.
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