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Everything posted by cwc87

  1. If you want to start at HV and float to scotia you can start as early as you want. Pretty easy deal call pay print off check in form for release of liability and give that to the security guard at store porch. Set a pick up time also. If you want to put in upstream or courtois our shuttle drivers are normally available at 7-730
  2. Father's Day float. First if you can go on a Sunday always better than a Saturday. This time of year it gets daylight rather early so if you put on the water by 730-8 am you will be ahead of the crowd. As for picking what stretch to fish that depends on water levels. Either way you need to start early to stay ahead of crowds. Closer to trip and I can tell you which section got best fishing. Huzzah or courtois
  3. Yea my phone data situation is messed up. The whole watershed here got another rain this am. Not enough to mess things up yet. Fishin been great on the creeks all week.
  4. They will bite top water. That is one of my favorite stretches for solitude. At this time the water is clear with a nice flow. This stretch usually has a few tricky spots trees. Root wads ect in the way so be cautious
  5. Hope this report helps the people that are looking for options for the next few days. The Meramec had a five foot rise of pure muddy water and is not very fishable for the next week. The two creeks especially the courtois are running clear with some speed.
  6. I've fished the west fork last late August. Only smallmouth caught where in the ugliest nastiest swift log riddled areas. I fished above k Bridge second week of April this spring and caught smallies in predictable areas. The black has its problems easy to talk about and nearly impossible to fix.
  7. The Meramec huzzah and courtois all have a 3 foot rise. The forecast is for more rain the next couple days. The huzzah and courtois and upper reaches of Meramec will be very fishable and floatable very soon.
  8. Both huzzah and courtois are really super clear right now with quite a bit of pollen buildup especially on windy afternoons. They water flow really is perfect for fisherman. This dry spell is really kicking the spawn into high gear.
  9. Lots pollen on the water and slimy funk We haven't had a big rain event to cleanse the system. Still it's very fishable.
  10. cwc87


    What really messes the Meramec up is if dry fork gets rain between rolla n Salem. And just east of Salem on the hwy that goes to bixby. The huzzah when boss and bixby get heavy rains it takes 24 hours to crest and then it gets fishable quicker than most others streams. Hope that helps
  11. cwc87


    What really messes the Meramec up is if dry fork gets rain between rolla n Salem. And just east of Salem on the hwy that goes to bixby. The huzzah when boss and bixby get heavy rains it takes 24 hours to crest and then it gets fishable quicker than most others streams. Hope that helps
  12. cwc87


    River is in fine shape. Running clear with a nice flow steelville area to Stanton area.
  13. After this last rain event the river has what I would call a t TOP flow to it. It has a nice current and some green tint to it. Very fishable. The rain was very spotty and the level is very fishable.
  14. cwc87


    Meramec will turn from brown to green color by tomorrow around the steelville area. Above hwy 8 the water is just barely off color. Note dry fork which runs in right below Meramec springs adds murky water after each passing storm. Plus, they stir the water up on the construction of the dry fork bridge on hwy 8. The fish are eating crawfish before they spawn.
  15. They are both running bout foot high and pending how much rain on Friday they could be bankfull on Saturday.
  16. Blue catfish Missouri River guess bout 80lbs
  17. cwc87


    Gigging is banned on a few selected trout waters. I may be wrong but I think the blue trout areas are the areas where gigging is banned. The red ribbon area on the Meramec gets alot of gigging pressure and right below that starts the smallmouth area and it receives heavy pressure because of public access and close proximity of Cuba/Steelville. I've gigged two times this year both times on Huzzah creek once in October and once in December My 11 yr old nephew gigged a smallie while I was the boat driver and my buddy along side of my nephew tried to stop him but it was too late. It was accicidental. The case in ripely county was a individual who targeted bass and that just makes me sick. Al made perfect sense. Gigging tradition probably won't change However, MDC put regs on trout waters so why not smallmouth management areas? As the season ends tomorrow night we shall not forget that when season starts again on September 15 we have to endure this same process. There is just not a easy solution period.
  18. I have two 2010 Jackson Rivera I can sell $300 each. I do have older old town typhoon kayaks that are for 200 each. My old town canoes are pretty well used they are mostly the 169 discovery models. They range from 250-$350. My cell is 573-259-3124. If u want do know more info. U can text if u wish.
  19. I'm in steelville. And have both
  20. cwc87

    Topwater Bite?

    Keep in mind slow WTD and b better as the day gets later. If the leaves get bad throw a weighted fluke. Banging plastic craw dads off logs and big boulders work now too. The fish are in there wintering hole or are on there way to them. Good luck
  21. Water is clear with a nice flow. Leaves dropping fast. Fishing floating good time to go.
  22. I think we will have big temp swings. Fast moving little storms. Maybe a monsoon rain or two Just hope it's not quite as cold as last year. I had -27 one morning
  23. As I read this thread I understand the brotherhood sharing of info and the power of the Internet This trip that I was invited to go on and the fact that my mentor Al was able to go made it even more memorable. As fisherman looking back on trips stories are relished. And believe me when I fish and being with Al we absolutely cover water like two fishing machines. We Are SICK about smallmouth fishing!!!'
  24. Nice catch. Not easy to land one that big from a canoe. Congrats on the plus twenty they don't come that often.
  25. Not to fire anyone up but the gigging season starts Monday so heads up for the wade fisherman. And I suspect the good trout fishing will decrease just because there numbers will decrease from the Oopps. It's a trout!!
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