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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by MrsDucky

  1. No, he didn't tell me that part! I don't like to be around when he takes them off, but at least they are breathable!
  2. AMEN! What really is amazing is that, even though they can determine that a district is "failing" it is illegal to judge an individual teacher's performance based on the state test. Which makes sense, considering the state only requires testing every 4 years. Which teacher could they blame? So, the elementary teachers, whose students still like them and school, tell their students that it's good for the teachers if the students do well. That does motivate them. However, as they become middle school students, who don't like anyone including themselves on certain days, they figure the converse MUST be true, and if they do poorly, then it's bad for the teachers. So, some of the students purposely mess it up, because they don't like the teacher on that day. Then they wonder why their permanent record shows they are "Below Basic" in a subject that they really like! I spent many hours (yes, I'm exaggerating!) explaining to my 7th and 8th graders that if they do poorly, it only hurts them and the district. I still get paid, I still teach, and it is illegal to say whether I'm a "good" or "bad" teacher based on their scores. They seemed to decide their permanent records meant more to them than proving that I was a "bad" teacher. Good for them!
  3. Eagle Claw Featherlite 6' 6" 6 wt Did Terry just recommend a Satanic rod??? It has Claws, and 6 6 6 !!!! (Just kidding...Eagle Claw makes great rods! I still use one that my grandmother owned.) Gotta keep John outta trouble...) Yeah, good luck with that!
  4. Snow Fly, when you meet Mr. Ducky, then you'll understand why we pick on him! It's because if you look up "gullible" in the dictionary, you'll see a picture of him...and the description "Believes anything, no matter how outrageous!" As to the standing upwind...if he's eaten the hot dogs, or BBQ nachos, or just about anything, you stand down wind at your own risk! And if you stand behind him, or within about a 60^ radius, you run the risk of being caught on his line! Have you seen the post where he managed to "hand" me the SJW he was fishing with??? Love you, honey!
  5. That is a beauty! Actually, all of them are nice...I need to go fishing! Maybe next week... Trout biting man...isn't that rarer than trout teeth?
  6. Ummmm, jj...I just realized that I forgot my toe tags...Do you take points off my homework for that? Mine are Poor Man's Spey, but tied on size 12. (Their "nickname" is PMS! I'm giving all you males PMS! ) Maybe subconsciously I didn't want them identified...especially if they don't ever catch anyone else a fish...or if they look too funny...or just aren't up to standards...Ah, well...they worked for me!
  7. As one of the cheap ones, I say get what gear you can with the gift cards, get whatever else you "need" at BCO. In a week or so, you'll have a new set of "needs" and then you can go to whichever one has that for less! I have the Wally World combo, and it's all right...for now! I'm more interested in the fly tying than the fishing, mostly due to the weather lately! Ask me again in a few weeks. I'm as cheap as they come...but sometimes you get what you pay for. I KNOW that as soon as I get that $175 reel I've been checking out, I'll feel a major difference...until then, I'll keep hauling 'em in on my little one, and guess what??? They fight the same, taste the same (or release the same), and I have just as much fun!
  8. I think the "weasel" question gets to the heart of this...or the driving close to the edge...If you want to push the envelope, don't call some of us to bail you out. As far as scent goes...I'd think the licorice in the box would be illegal, but eating it while tying you MIGHT get away with. In either case, if you are willing to take the chance, best wishes. Personally, I don't like licorice, so I'm not going to try that one. I've spent a lot of time being called a goody-goody, but on the other hand, I've never been to jail! I prefer to spend my energy on more important things...for example, how do you use condoms to tie flies?????? And, Terry, fish hooks in your ears???? Don't stand behind Mr. Ducky when he casts!
  9. I had a student ask me if it was ok to pray before a major test. I told him to go for it! He said he was kidding. That led me to wonder why he was kidding. Because he didn't feel God would help him since he hadn't studied? Because he didn't feel God would help him on something as "minor" as a school test? Because he didn't believe in God? Because you aren't supposed to pray at school? God hears all prayers, no matter how silly they may seem. He knows you wouldn't bother Him if it wasn't important to you, no matter how small it may be in the big picture. I've had Sunday School teachers tell me that God does NOT help you get the good parking spaces at the mall, but He would if you asked for one! He is always happy to hear from us, just like we are always happy to hear from a friend or relative. I don't think any of us are advocating fishing to replace church, but sometimes, you can get more from a single ray of sunshine than an hour of structured service! I saw a rainbow today...
  10. Maybe it's because of that "limited budget" thing, but if I spend $500 on a tent, it better set itself up and start the campfire, too! BTW, my chair has a cup holder, so my tent doesn't need them, too!
  11. Well, the Mr. just called, and he's reeled in 3, all in the slot, and missed a few more. He really wants to just put his net in the water and haul in the big one hanging out at his feet! I think he's on his way home, though. Something about sprinkling and darkness...and he forgot his hat light!
  12. Anyone? Anyone? Beeson? (Closest name to Bueller!)
  13. We sure can. We can do this as many times as people will show up. I think we should all always keep some goodies in the car/truck for impromptu get togethers, too. You know, when you show up and there are 3 other OAFer's already there. Then, while they are eating, you go catch all the fish!
  14. Well, John got a wild hair, or cabin fever, or whatever you would like to call it, and he is heading down to Outlet 1 right now. He would love to have some company. It should be fun for anyone who goes...I figure he didn't fall down yesterday, he's about due to end up in the water! Anyway, he should be down there in about 30 minutes or so.
  15. If his poles were not labeled clearly with his name and full address, then it was illegal. It was DEFINITELY bad manners! As for that happening at the trout parks...well, opening day was chaotic, and a lot of nerves were stepped on! I understand many lines were cut, crossed, tangled, and fish lost...which stinks for the fish lost with hooks still in them! As we've seen on this forum, we all take a slightly different view of fishing. Some are strictly fly fisherman, others will fish any way for anything, and others just like to dunk worms and minnows for fun. There are some who fish for sport, and advocate only catch-and-release, and others who fish for food, and still others who fish for fun and sometimes keep 'em, sometimes don't. I would hope that all of us would see that we need to share the fish, the water, and respect for each other and nature. If not, well, remind me not to fish with that person!
  16. Since I'm not from there, I really can't, but I can tell you that around here, anyone who sells fly tying stuff usually will teach it. Check out local shops, and even if they don't have official classes, usually they will help if they aren't busy. Next time I'm up that way, I'll do a little checking of my own.
  17. What is that fly? It looks kind of like a bright yellow bead head wooly bugger, but not quite. I need some secrets for Roaring River! Other than to grab the fish before the Rapala!
  18. I don't get it...TNS??? Taneycomo Night Stripper??? The Nutty Slipper??? Terry's Nice, (but) Silly??? Am I getting close???
  19. They did find some blockage when they did the angio, so they did put in one stent. They couldn't use the medicated ones, because he still has to have his gall bladder out, and you can't have gall bladder surgery for one year after having the medicated one put it. The gall bladder surgery will have to wait, since they did put one in, but only a few weeks. My parents now have to change their eating habits. They had made some changes a few years back, but this time they have to go all the way-only whole grains, watch sodium CLOSELY, watch fats, etc. All the things we should all be doing, but don't! My mom is cleaning the pantry, and offered me what they have to throw out. My question-if it's bad for THEM, isn't it bad for US? This will postpone the next trip, since you can't travel for so long after surgery, but I'm sure as soon as that time limit is up, Dad will be headed back to Uganda! My sister's mother-in-law, [which also happens to be my dad's ex-wife (Dad is my step-dad, and his son is my brother-in-law. 13 years ago, my sister married Greg. A year later, our mom married Greg's dad. Greg is in need of prayers, since his dad is the one above, and his mother is the one this request is for.)], is in a coma right now. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer many months ago, and has been getting worse. She suffered a massive stroke earlier this week, as well as several smaller ones in the past 6 months. The children were told yesterday to come down to Arkansas. Right now, it seems like this is the end for her. If so, at least she won't be in more pain. Her family needs prayer to deal with the loss, or the continuation of her life, if that is what happens. I know that many of you read these, and those prayers are appreciated! Even those who don't pray, we know your thoughts are with the people mentioned, and that is nice, too. Thank you all!
  20. I received a phone call from Mr. Ducky at about 10:30 this morning. He has stayed out of the water (so far!), but rumor is some one else has had a slight mishap! (I won't tell here, because I'm sure one of them will enlighten us with this story!) Fishing had been tough, due to generation, but they were having fun, so it's all worth it!
  21. OK, in my defense, I was very sick last week...and the week before that... You do accept late work, right? I did notice that when you try to tie that many in one sitting, yes, they do get better, but how do you explain the one that looks really nice...but is missing it's wings????????? How hard is it...thread, tinsel, tie in wire, hackle, WINGS, feather...same thing, every time, and I have a beautiful fly WITH NO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!! Kept it, gonna use it anyway. Probably catch the Taneycomo man eating squid with it, too!
  22. If that's the case, Mr. Ducky should be the big winner...or, in the case of the big horn blowing, the big weiner! Conga line fishing...shuffle to the left, shuffle to the right...Shuffle off to Buffalo! Head dance instructor, Terry Beeson and "staff" (I crack myself up!)
  23. I made my way to the bank and sat down on the edge to lick the wounds to my pride and groin. Ummmmmmm...is that possible??? Or even legal??? I am pretty sure you meant metaphorically, but the word image that evokes is beyond my ability not to comment on! It's a great story, and yes, I can see Mr. Ducky doing the falling!
  24. Heck, we coulda had a party! The Ducky family was there, from about 1 until 3:30, in new waders! (I don't think the Women in Waders people will be calling...I think the fleece jacket, jeans, and rain jacket kind of distracted from their ideals...) I had one on a scud, a hit on a Roo bug, and finally brought one in on an olive pine squirrel. (The scud and roo were mine, the pine squirrel Leonard's.) Mr. Ducky got skunked, but had great fun in his new duds! We were in outlet 2. Lil Ducky just splashed around the edge in his lil rubber boots from Wal-Mart. He said he was shuffling to help us catch fish, since we refused to do it! Apparently, it doesn't help, or he was too far away from us! So, basically, we all need Leonard to catch fish! Way to go, oh great fly tying king Leonard! (I understand a request has been made for banana bread in May. Your wish is my command, your highness! At least, until I get really good at tying! )
  25. As usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short! Mine are on the way...tomorrow...I'm sorry! The government is giving us two extra days to get our taxes filed...I thought the same applied to the swap!
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