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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by MrsDucky

  1. Part possum, part child, and apparently part skunk! Neither him nor I caught anything today! Mr. Ducky caught 3 decent ones, though, so it was worth it! We didn't have any luck this morning, and it was snowing pretty good, so we came home, took a nap, and returned. All 3 were caught on Rapalas, as well as the 4 John and the Possum Child caught yesterday. I, on the other hand, got caught in the hand by the same *&^%$#$%&*& Rapala! Anyone going to Roaring River may feel free to play CSI and collect my DNA from the steps that come up from the walkway around zone 1. It was only 2 little boo-boos but man did they bleed! The man at the store said it was good practice for that first responder class he just passed! I'm glad to be helpful! Well, off to cook those trout!
  2. (Just because I usually try to avoid the bickering, this time I want to play devil's advocate...) Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that not only do "rednecks" have less respect for nature, life, etc., but people in general do not have respect for anything? There are tons of evidence of this, and all we do is say, "Well, that's too bad." When do we actually stop and say we aren't going to put up with it any more??? Whether it's dead birds, dead fish, or dead people, it starts somewhere. I think it's when the parent hears their 3 year old smart off to some one and instead of saying "That isn't nice" they laugh and say "isn't that cute?" Or when their two year old takes a drink from dad's/mom's beer, and they just laugh and give them more. I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows some one who has done this and ended up worse for it. Sure, a sip of beer won't "hurt" a little one, but how about when they are 15 and in rehab? When I hear my son say something mean, I try to correct him. I may not do it right there in front of everyone, but I do let him know that I didn't appreciate it, and neither did that person. Everyone is different, and I sure can't tell anyone how to raise their kids (mine won't clean his own room!) but I can tell you if my son had told a teacher that he "won't come to your stupid school!" and then stuck his tongue out, I wouldn't be the one apologizing to the teacher about it! We seem to live in a society where "everything is relative", and that's just not so. There are absolutes, and no, not just in the liquor aisle! Soap box is clear now...next?
  3. So, is it safe to assume that any more references to Timberwolves will be a basketball commentary??? Shufflin' has been outlawed, yes or no??? Christmas wish list: Randall needs a dictionary, with thesaurus, and a sense of humor JS needs a good Ambrose Bierce/Mark Twain short story collection Mallard needs a lecture on plagarism Terry needs be to work on obscure quotes (Dan who?) Dano needs to get out of the house I need to go FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love me! I have a new jester hat...no, wait...that's my OAF hat! (In case you missed it, this message is sent with a grain of salt, a spoonful of sugar, and a whole lot of silliness!)
  4. I have to say, I don't know ANY hunters who would shoot without being sure what they were shooting at first! To fire a weapon without caring what you hit, and leaving the carcass there shows a major lack of respect for the sport of hunting, let alone eagles, nature, etc. and so forth!
  5. As we are between churches right now, this is my first stop for prayer requests. My dad is on his way to the hospital now, in an ambulance. My sister just called, and said he has chest pain, radiating into his right arm. (Isn't that a good sign?) They will call me when they know more. He just returned from his 7th trip to Africa last Saturday. He is a good Christian man.
  6. I would love to be in on this! Can I still get in? I'll have to think about what pattern, though...
  7. Snow Fly, I don't think it said that when I first looked at it, either. At least, that's my story! Terry, Mr. Ducky is getting paranoid...He is now afraid of starting guns, ending guns, tornado sirens, warning horns, and now the GTMES! Soon he will be out of things he isn't afraid of, and his shorts will be most unpleasant to be around!
  8. I am double checking what information I have. I read it in something I got when I picked up my fishing license, and one of the other people I know who uses them mentioned it, too. I will let you know when I figure out where we heard it!
  9. Snow Fly-click on Dano's "Big Ol Squid" line. It takes you to a picture of a MONSTER squid! (It took me a minute to figure that one out, too!) Toothfish=sea bass ??? So, what are bass here in Taneycomo also known as? Smiley fish? Molar fish? Hmmmmmmmm...makes you wonder.... Troutchaser...if you have to ask, do you really want to know? Maybe that's what happens to all the lures/flies/bait that I lose...it's really being sucked in by the Taneycomo Squid, which only weighs in at about 250 lbs! And finally...how much longer until the season opens and the weather warms up? I think we all need to get outside, on the water, and quit making squid jokes!
  10. As with any test, there are things you can do to prepare. The number one rule in preparing for a test-practice in the same conditions you will be testing. If you will be testing in a quiet room, practice in a quiet room. If you practice with music, then you will feel like you have forgotten something when you don't have the music. People with test anxiety tend to freeze up because they are afraid of the outcome (what happens if I fail? will this make me look stupid?) when they have the knowledge, just not the confidence. As a teacher, I can speak to that part of this thread. I have no idea how hard this test is, but I can imagine they wouldn't make it easy! Phil, I have every confidence in you knowing your stuff! Jump high through that hoop!
  11. Who's up for hunting some doctors and pharmacists? I hear they just opened a season in Missouri for them...If they are swimming, can we fish for them? (Basically, some of you get a little too serious about some of this. Remember, we cannot tell by punctuation if some one is being serious, sarcastic, or just silly. Calm down, and let's go fishing for pharmacists!)
  12. Only one problem with the theory of the Fly Fishing Side of the Brain-it isn't limited to just the male of the species! Those of us females with that part have been overlooked in your research. I'll be glad to do some research of my own, as long as I get in on the ground floor fly shop money! It'll save me on fly tying materials! I also know some females with the Hunting Side, as well. Now as to the "purty girl watching side," fortunately, I can't help with any females with that one!
  13. There are many stories around the state of animals escaping. There was a few that escaped just outside of Springfield about 15 years ago, from a man that had exotic "pets." This is a debate that will go on for years, as long as people are willing to try to domesticate animals. Some will be successful, and that's great. Some will not be, and that will be bad for them and the animals. In the long run, I think the animals lose. Whether you believe in evolution from species to species or not, you see that within a species it happens. Each generation learns something new. When they do, they unlearn something they no longer need. Therefore, when they are forced back into their natural habitat, it is no longer theirs. Kind of like a lot of us a few weeks ago, being forced into a world without electricity.
  14. Welcome! We are from Aurora, and are looking to head over to Grand Lake this summer. Hope to see ya'll around!
  15. Welcome aboard! You'll find a lot in useful information, and people willing to help.
  16. Terry, if I were going to try to off the Mr., that would not be my first choice! I would wait until he caught his limit, and THEN have some one fire the "ending gun" at him! (In the event that Mr. Ducky meets his demise at the hand of a gunman, I will not be in any way involved! He asks before he spends the money at the fly shops, and I'm usually say "but we need one more color of marabou!")
  17. Ditto what Dano said. Hopefully next time!
  18. I'm on the phone with Mr. Ducky now. There's no one else there right now. He just caught a 19 1/2 inch brown, but there's no one to take a picture. Where are you people?!? He's at outlet 1, with the blue-green Ford Contour. He needs a photographer!
  19. Those are some nice ones! Maybe I should take March 1st off...
  20. Ha Ha on all ya'll! John's schedule got changed (again, for now, etc.) and we will be able to make it...barring illness, bad weather, and rotten acting child! So, on to the Fremont Corral!
  21. Each forum is run at the discretion of it's administrators. If the administrator wants to, he/she can change anything at anytime. They should be run for the purpose they are set up for, with minimum interference, but all of them have that disclaimer (including this one) that anything inappropriate may be changed or deleted at any time. It is up to each administrator to determine whether it is appropriate, inappropriate, or there is the "I just don't like it and I'm in charge!" editing, just like a magazine, or a radio/TV show, or even the things you hear around you everyday. You make your decisions based on other people's responses. If you feel they are inappropriate, you take action-you leave, you tell that person, you ignore their comments, etc. Administrators are human, and sometimes they take their responsibilities too far. I think Phil is human enough to realize we make mistakes, or need to blow off a little steam, without editing anything unless it is wildly inappropriate. But if he wanted to, he (and any other administrator) has the right to edit, talk to the person about their inappropriateness, or ban some one from the site. The people on this site, for the most part, are people who just enjoy fishing! We want to share our experiences, hints, tips, and yes, even silliness. The administrators on here allow us to do that. As many have said on other threads and in person, some fly fisherman have an elitist attitude, and I think that is what is coming out on the other forum. If you want to protect your best tip, then don't share it. There have been hints of that on here, but that was regarding the best hidden streams, which are that way for a reason. Sometimes, I wish Phil, Dano, and other administrators would edit some of the replies...especially the spelling! But I am so glad they don't. They allow us to argue, help, harass, misspell, and butcher the English language (while arguing about it once in awhile) to our hearts content. It's much easier to defend the First Amendment than the "Your rights end where my fist begins" attitude.
  22. I heard about that on the radio. The chicken farmers around here do pollute the area, but the trade off is the chicken. I understand there are issues, and we have to weigh the pros and cons, but right next to a trout park? I am just hoping good sense prevails. Agriculture has always played a major role in the MidWest, and we enjoy it's benefits...However, the smell alone will harm the people trying to fish, and I have no idea what kind of effect that will have on the fish themselves! Not to mention that chicken are not clean animals...lice, Bird Flu (I know, it's nothing to worry about, but it sounds scary!), and salmonella...which can definitely carry over to the fish! I think it can...Anyway, I'm a little concerned, but from what I heard, the decision is already made they just don't want to publicize yet. Maybe I misunderstood though. I hope so!
  23. I laughed...I cried...I realized that all those apply to me. Even though I'm no stranger to the crafts department, when the sales clerk asks if she can help you find something in particular, as soon as you say "for fly tying" her eyes glaze over, and her nose goes in the air. How dare you consider throwing that beautiful craft supply into the lake??? I started just after Christmas, and feel pretty good about most of mine. However, I just saw the FlyTyingForum's Final Selection, and now I'm back to crying!
  24. No way you guys can beat me on that one! My "Ugly Bug" fell apart on the first cast...that's UGLY!!!!!!!!!!! How long before I can tie like those???????? WOW!!
  25. OK, what is the recipe for your "Duracell worm"? I'm no trout, but that looks promising! Kind of like a piece of nightcrawler...I like it!
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